Too far.

Notes From A Stranger.
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           The next day you were on your way to school, you didn't know whether you were excited about making new friends, or running into Jongdae.

All of a sudden you heard your name being called.

Lay was running up behind you. "Hey, mind if I walk with you?"

"I don't mind at all" You smiled at him.

He smiled back at you. "How are you this morning?"

"Good actually, alot better than yesterday thats for sure."

He laughed. "I'm really sorry about Chen, he can be a pain sometimes."

"More like all the time" You roll your eyes.

You got to the school gates in no time, Lay ushered you towards a group.

"Hey guys, this is Park Aria." He gestured to you.

You smiled at them and bowed.

The tallest one grinned "I'm Kris"

"Xiumin" The shorter one says, he had a cute face.

A boy with doe eyes spoke next. "Luhan"

The last one to speak was quite intimidating. "Tao"

"It's nice to meet you!" You bowed at them

Lay laughed. "You already know Chen"

You turned your head and scowled at him. "No."

Jongdae frowned at you. "Feeling is more than mutual"

"Oh wow you and Chen don't get along?" Kris raised an eyebrow.

You scoffed. "No me and Jongdae do certainly not." He was clearly annoyed at you using his real name.

"Aria is the girl that Chen kicked the ball at yesterday.." He smiled sympathetically.

Luhan rolled his eyes. "That's so like you to annoy someone"

"You're new right?.. " Xiumin asked.

"Yesterday was my first day" You rubbed the back of your neck.

Kris gave you an apologetic smile. "Wow.. rough first day.."

Jongdae scoffed. "Shouldn't of gotten in the way of my ball"

"Maybe you should of used that brain of yours, I'm guessing that you don't use it often." You smirked at him.

Tao laughed. "I like her.."

              During class, Jongdae made it his mission to make your life a living hell.

He flicked loads of scrumpled up paper at you.

You turned to him and frown. "Carry on..see what happens"

He smirked, throwing more at you when the teacher wasn't looking.

You slowly pulled a pencil out of your bag, when you noticed Jongdae was concentrating on rolling up more paper, you flung it at his head.

"OW!" He half shouted, causing the teacher to stop and look at him.

She narrowed her eyes at him. "Mr.Kim do you have something you'd like to add?"

He shook his head, once the teacher was facing towards the board again he shot you a glare, you snorted at him.

At lunch you were about to walk towards the cafeteria, when you felt a grip on your wrist, you narrowed your eyes.

Jongdae was smirking at you, pulling you outside.

"Let me go!" You tried breaking out of his gasp.

He laughed. "No"

He pulled you towards the others.

"Why?" You asked him.

He snorted at you. "Because you owe me after hitting me in the god damn head."

Luhan raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"He kept throwing paper at me so I hit him in the head with a pencil" You smiled.

Tao snorted. "Nice one."

"Can you let go now?" You look down at his hand still around your wrist.

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Macire #1
Chapter 27: <3
Chapter 26: Oh yay! They're together! Jongdae makes me laugh so much.
Anyway, if they have started dating, does that mean that the fic is coming to an end? Or do you have more planned? Just curious!
byun_taeseong #3
seems interesting! ^^
nerry55 #4
Chapter 25: ERMAHGAWD!! that was SOOO CUTE!!! THE FLUFFF!!
Chapter 21: What a wonderful way to start my day! I woke up right after you posted Chapter 20, and right before you posted Chapter 21!
Chapter 21: still messing up, poor Chen, he always seems to get the short end of the stick, lol~
Chapter 19: im still imagining on how jongdae says it.. i mean, didnt he feel ashamed know. lol. looking forward for the next chap!^^
Chapter 17: fck i knew it was jongdae not junmin or anyone else! ahhh whyyy
Chapter 10: omg i really i really like this chap and the prev one. and hey im a new reader anyway!