No False Hope

Split Between Three....?


I woke up more tired than I was when I went to bed. I cried myself to sleep last night thinking about everything;including the last txt message I got before I went to bed. As I start to take the covers off me and get off the couch,I have a hard time remembering where I'm at and how I got here. I think maybe I might've drunk myself to sleep,no, I don't drink and I can't get drunk. I then look around,but my thoughts are captivated by the sweet smell of coffee. As I look up at the coffee pot I spot,Sungmin finishing up brewing the coffee. He takes a sip of his coffee and sits down at the counter still in his pink and white night outfit. I smile at him,and try my best to walk over to get a cup of coffee because my eyes are bloodshot from all the crying I did last night. I feel myself getting tired just thinking about it. I eventually get over to the counter and grab a coffee cup to pour myself some coffee. He smiles at me. I try not to glance over at his sparkling face,which would lead me to smile to myself when I really shouldn't because I have other more important things on my mind. ''Good Morning!!'' He says cheerfully hopefully trying to get my attention.


''Hi.'' I dully say. Apparently he notices this so he asks me a different question,this time with a different approach.''Are you OK?'' I take another sip of coffee. He walks over to me and motions for me to sit on the couch,I do so. He can tell something is wrong so he kneels down in front of me and starts talking low as almost in a whisper but its loud enough to be heard by me,since I can feel his breath. With a worried look,he starts to ask me:''Did something bad happen to you,did anybody do anything to you?'' ''Are you hurt?'' Hurt. Thats the understatement of the year. Imagine someone throwing 5 tons of brick at you while your chained against a concrete wall,and then you can tell me what hurt his. Not wanting to give into the streams of water that were about to come down my face I blink twice. Also,since I don't want to hurt myself as well as him,I just sigh and start to speak once I found my voice hidden deep within me.

''Nothing happened to me.'' He looks shocked. I know he wants to know more,so I let him,but not before the waterworks start up.''Its my mom... She has Cancer.'' I said with all the courage left in me. Sungmin then starts to pick himself up and pull up onto the couch right beside me so he can tug me closer by wrapping his arm around my shoulder. He starts rubbing my back to soothe me but it only makes things worse. Sungmin is so nice. I seem to recognize more and more traits that resemble that of a brother. He whispers that everything is going to be okay. I eventually start screaming while I'm crying so I accidentally wake someone up. He comes in the room and says:


''Sungminnie,why are you up so early and what is all that noise? Did you have a bad dream again.....'' He trails off once he sees the scene that is taking place in front of him. I tell myself not to look back so he won't see me like this. And this time I don't give into myself. I hear him really slowly walking down the stairs when he says these next few words.''Ami. Are you okay?'' The concern evident in his voice since the first day I met him. I shake my head rather slowly which makes him rush over to my side and copy Sungmin's actions. He screams for Super Junior to come out;They begrudgingly get up and walk out their rooms,their faces turn from those of irritation,to shock,and sadness,all in a matter of about half a sec. They run over to my side and ask me all the same questions that Leeteuk and Sungmin had written.


As they all start to feel pity for me and sympathy,and empathy I start to get a little uncomfortable. Its kinda funny how the only person I can halfway relate to on this subject is ignoring it completely and just went to go get a cup of coffee. Funny. I knock that thought to the side of my head. As I listen to everyone's sob stories I subtly hear someone say:''So, who do you want to comfort you?'' Without looking I knew it was Heechul. I could hear the snarkiness in his voice. Ha Ha. I turn around and start to laugh at Heechul which he knew so he started laughing too. No one else got the hint and at that moment all of them really thought I was crazy for laughing at a time I should be mourning. While still laughing I take Leeteuk and Sungmin's arm off of my shoulder. As I walk to get up Eunhyuk follows me which I nicely tell him not to do by way of hand movements, I take a Big sigh and tell them that I have something to say. ''We all know why I was depressed this morning,right?'' They blankly stare at me as if they don't know where this is going. I then nod my head to instruct them to do so,so they can understand what I'm about to say. ''Sure,my mom having Cancer is the down side,but lets look at the positives of this.'' I say with the most of the strength I have left. They stare at me again,this time with disbelief,I was about to break the silence when someone speaks up and says:'' What positives are there in this type of situation?'' I look at who said that and its Donghae!! Now he decides to speak up? Well, I can't blame him,he's right. I then turn back to face everyone else and tears start to fall again as I speak.''Well, Lets just think,at least she's not at risk of dying,I mean she just got diagnosed. She would never leave her family like that in a state of worry.'' I try to say, to make it seem like I'm so sure of myself,when I'm really not. Eunhyuk sees through this and comes over to comfort me and this time I don't say no. He brings me into a big hug while I say in between sobs.''I'm so scared,I'm so scared.''


Time elapses so I say that I'm gonna go back to my own apartment.(My sister came and gave me the copy of the keys) While I open my apartment door I see a surprise in front of my eyes. I almost scream but nothing comes out. I then catch my breath and say:''Hee?''


A/N" WOW!1 Its been way too long for an upodate!! Almost a month!! And the sad part is that this story is already complete. I was jsut being to lazy to update it!! i will give you guys about 2-3 chappies today!!

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please update sooooooooooooooon~!! ^______________^
u should hurry up and update i cant wait to read wats next
hey if you don't mind is ami full Japanese what is she