Split Between Three....?

Split Between Three....?

6 months earlier


''Ahh''!! I scream out in joy as I walk out from my college ready to start life anew. I can't believe I graduated Dental school.....In Japan. I had already had a few interviews for a job doing Dental assisting,but one of my friends recommended me to a person who excels in Dental hygiene and could help me get an interview. I could use all the help I need to get my way up the ladder to become a Real Dentist. Besides,it'll look good on a resume. The only problem is that its in Korea. I mean don't get me wrong I have no problem with flying over to Korea,especially considering that they have K-Pop and it seems like forever since I've listened to it. The main problem is that I only have a part-time job flipping patties at Burger King which only pays minimum rage,which I could really use right now. Since my college lives in the dead center of Hiroshima,I lived along the border and its not that expensive since Hiroshima is all country;Rural Japan I guess you could say. Its that I need to make the most out of the money I have right now. Well,now that I think about it I don't really need to spend that much money because I split the rent with some of my roommates. So,I guess....I could go to Korea for the interview, If I only get third class and don't eat or drink the complimentary water and peanuts. But,I ran into another problem...I don't know Korean. That would be a Big problem. It'd be like I'm ''Lost In Translation'' Get it and in the movie she knew Japanese. Like me. I mean I know basic Korean,but,even that is limited. I guess I could call my twin sister and ask her if she can translate for me,since she's fluent in Korean and teaches English at a High School. She always complains that people hit on her. And maybe I don't even have to know Korean,maybe some people there know English or Japanese;Which I'm fluent in by the way. *He He He He* Its settled,I'm going to Korea.

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please update sooooooooooooooon~!! ^______________^
u should hurry up and update i cant wait to read wats next
hey if you don't mind is ami full Japanese what is she