Reality Check (Part 2)

Split Between Three....?

Reality Check II


We walk into her apartment building exhausted not because of the long drive but because of the tense atmosphere in the car. Me not wanting to talk about anything and Rebecca once in a while glancing over at me in the car with a worried look. I walk over to try to hit the sack but not before she grabs my wrist and tells me something that shocks me:''STOP ACTING,THE WAY YOU ARE. ITS NOT APPEALING,YOU NEED TO FIX THIS''!!!! She said with so much anger I jumped back in fright. I tried to keep my ground:''Its none of your business. Just let me go to bed''. I said while forcefully taking my hand from her wrist. ''IT IS MY BUSINESS,AS LONG AS YOUR LIVING UNDER MY ROOF FOR THESE CIRCUMSTANCES YOU WILL DO WHAT I SAY. NOW YOU CAN NOT TELL ME,BUT I GURANTEE, YOU PROBABLY WON'T HAVE A PLACE TO SLEEP TONIGHT. YOU HAVE ONLY TWO OPTIONS''!!! She calms down and her voice starts to get lower as she walks towards me and says:''I'm sorry,I just don't like to see you get hurt''. I almost break down,when I tell her everything. She tells me it'll all work out in the end and that you should just give it a try. I go to take a shower and when I'm finished I walk out to hear Rebecca talking on the phone to someone in a whisper. I only caught a few words:''I don't know. I'll give you my answer later,OK? Bye.'' She sounded almost sad. I walk forward to her bed and say:''Are you alright''? I knew that she could help me in my tough time in some weird way and so I knew I could help her out in this regard.''Was that Siwon''? I say almost cheekily. She nods.''What was he saying''? ''Don't know''. She replies in a voice that makes it obvious that its something important to her. ''He said that he wants to know my answer''. ''Well,what did you say''? Even though I already know the answer. ''I told him that I'd think about it and that I'll give him my answer later.'' ''Does he know?''




''Does he respect that?''




I tell her that she should check and see if he's being honest with her about everything he says. ''Guys tend to keep secrets.'' I say as if I've had enough experience with guys to even know. I told her that I would check up on him when she wasn't able to. She gives me his cell phone number and his house number. She was hesitant but she knew it would help her in the long run. I look at the clock and it says 3:40pm. ''I'll call him later.''


5 hours later


''OK. I'm going to call Siwon now. Are you okay with that?''

She nods hesitantly. I dial his one answers.

I hang up and ask her if he told her where he was at at the moment. She says no,but,she could hear people in the background.

I dial again even more suspicious than before....he should pick up if he sees Rebecca's number. Ring,Ring,Ring,Ri-. He picks up on the fourth ring. I say hello in Korean. ''Hello'' The person answers in English as if hearing me speak Korean was enough for them to know I was a foreigner. He then starts to talk again and I drop the phone realizing who it was. I then turn back around to Rebecca and ask her again if he has ever kept a secret from her;she shakes her head no. I ask her if he ever said I Love You to her and that if he really did love her he would never lie to her and that he would never keep the biggest secret ever away from her because he might be afraid of losing her or in this case never having a chance at her. She starts to get suspicious,as to seeing that I'm asking a lot of personal questions surrounding her love life. She stands up and shouts at me and asks me what I'm getting at. I turn around slowly and pick up the phone with Eunhyuk's screaming voice still echoing in the phone. I look up at her and say:''He's a part of Super Junior.''


A/N: I couldn't think of anything dramatic to put for him. If I put he was gay my sister really would've kiiled me so I just put that. I mean, don't we want everyone to have a happy ending...I hate stories like that .....Spoiler Alert...Sorry to say this but about 90% of the people or more in my story have a happy ending. I guess things in your brain turn out better than in real life.. I know ppl like variety when it comes to pics that u use in fanfics but this came up when I looked up Siwon signature. I have no idea why. But when I did, this picture came up and I didn't feel like looking for anymore. Sorry for my lazy . But I am going to use this for another chapter way later on in the book. Warning..I have really bad mood swings in this story.I was going to use the picture of Siwon shirtless with just a jacket on modeling. But my sister surely would have killed me again...its kinda a lose lose situation...Enjoy. Sorry for rambling..Peace!! :) Forgive me again for my terrible writing...

Scratch Everythin..I found a different pic to use....

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please update sooooooooooooooon~!! ^______________^
u should hurry up and update i cant wait to read wats next
hey if you don't mind is ami full Japanese what is she