Reality Check

Split Between Three....?

Reality Check


I'm at the front door of my apartment,still smiling. As I look for my keys I remember what Eunhyuk said earlier about me staying with them after I lied straight to his face. ''Yes. But just until she gets her house keys''. I slowly walk back the second time today embarrassed. I'm about to knock on the door when Sungmin opens it. I ask him:''How did you know''? ''I just had a hunch and BTW Eunhyuk told us while you were here earlier today''. ''Thanks'' I walk in looking around to see where everyone is at. The lights are off but the dim light from the kitchen is shining so I can see the outline of him. As I walk forward to the bathroom I trip on the steps and fall backward. I close my eyes and start thinking to myself that this is the end,That I might just smash my head and never see light again. Then I feel something s around my waist. I open my eyes slowly and Sungmin's face is a good 2 inches from mine. His eyes get big as if he's never been this close to a girl before. I look at his features stunned at the clearness of his skin. Then I subconsciously reach my hand up and feel the left side of his face with my hand which causes him to close his eyes because my actions cause us to move closer. And so if he opens his eyes his lips will be right in front of mine. I stun myself by saying this next part. I slowly whisper in his ear so that if he does open his eyes we wont be too close to each other that he might faint. ''Open your eyes''. I'm full of surprises today. I smile and turn back around to see him slowly opening his eyes. He then starts to move closer to me which causes me in turn to move away. He smiles and assures me that its okay. I nod slowly and shyly. He instructs me to close my eyes. At times I wonder if Sungmin has been drinking because I just met him. I still do as I'm told and lean closer. I'm so absorbed into whats going on that I don't even notice Leeteuk and Eunhyuk coming down the hallway almost whispering. When they walk towards us I hear Eunhyuk gasp and I open my eyes wide enough to see them both stopped in their tracks. I push Sungmin off of me and start to slowly walk towards them. They cautiously put their hands out towards me. I feel sad after what happens next;Eunhyuk leaves the room looking like he can't stand to be in the same room as me. I could've swore I heard him crying later on. And Leeteuk just says quietly:''I came out here to see what happened because I heard some noise. But,It seems as if I'm interrupting something''. I try to say something that would make it seem as if nothing was going to happen. I finally say after a spur of words: ''I'm sorry,nothing was going on. I would never...'' His face gets angry,which shocks me as well as Sungmin. He Angrily Yells at me:''GET OUT OF MY FACE!! YOU CAN SLEEP ANYWHERE BUT HERE TONIGHT. THAT'S MY BEST FRIEND! WHY WOULD YOU GO ONTO HIM LIKE THAT''!! I try to explain but he just screams some more.''LEAVE NOW''!!!! That one really hit me hard. I turn away slowly and start to walk away. I close the door and call my sister,but before I do I heard him and Sungmin talking:


''You didn't have to do that! It wasn't her fault''.


''I don't care what you say Sungmin. Its a Done deal,now go to bed''.

His voice got more stern.


''No''! Everyone gasped, even me. Leeteuk asked him:''What did you just say''?


Sungmin paused as if he didn't know if he should answer it or not considering that he is already in trouble. He hesitated for a moment and answered with a more clear tone.




''Fine then,do whatever you want,Just don't make it involve me''!!


While I walked away I heard Sungmin and Leeteuk both give a big sigh. It seems contagious because soon I was sighing all the way to my apartment. I called my sister and asked if she could come pick me up. She knew that I sounded urgent so she came in a good 10 minutes. I walked downstairs not caring about the erts or Asian Thugs but about what just occurred no more than 20 minutes ago. I told her I was gonna chill with her for a couple days until this blows over. She asked if I wanted to talk about it. I said no quietly and just stared out my window with a longing look in my face.

Reality Check


I'm at the front door of my apartment,still smiling. As I look for my keys I remember what Eunhyuk said earlier about me staying with them after I lied straight to his face. ''Yes. But just until she gets her house keys''. I slowly walk back the second time today embarrassed. I'm about to knock on the door when Sungmin opens it. I ask him:''How did you know''? ''I just had a hunch and BTW Eunhyuk told us while you were here earlier today''. ''Thanks'' I walk in looking around to see where everyone is at. The lights are off but the dim light from the kitchen is shining so I can see the outline of him. As I walk forward to the bathroom I trip on the steps and fall backward. I close my eyes and start thinking to myself that this is the end,That I might just smash my head and never see light again. Then I feel something s around my waist. I open my eyes slowly and Sungmin's face is a good 2 inches from mine. His eyes get big as if he's never been this close to a girl before. I look at his features stunned at the clearness of his skin. Then I subconsciously reach my hand up and feel the left side of his face with my hand which causes him to close his eyes because my actions cause us to move closer. And so if he opens his eyes his lips will be right in front of mine. I stun myself by saying this next part. I slowly whisper in his ear so that if he does open his eyes we wont be too close to each other that he might faint. ''Open your eyes''. I'm full of surprises today. I smile and turn back around to see him slowly opening his eyes. He then starts to move closer to me which causes me in turn to move away. He smiles and assures me that its okay. I nod slowly and shyly. He instructs me to close my eyes. At times I wonder if Sungmin has been drinking because I just met him. I still do as I'm told and lean closer. I'm so absorbed into whats going on that I don't even notice Leeteuk and Eunhyuk coming down the hallway almost whispering. When they walk towards us I hear Eunhyuk gasp and I open my eyes wide enough to see them both stopped in their tracks. I push Sungmin off of me and start to slowly walk towards them. They cautiously put their hands out towards me. I feel sad after what happens next;Eunhyuk leaves the room looking like he can't stand to be in the same room as me. I could've swore I heard him crying later on. And Leeteuk just says quietly:''I came out here to see what happened because I heard some noise. But,It seems as if I'm interrupting something''. I try to say something that would make it seem as if nothing was going to happen. I finally say after a spur of words: ''I'm sorry,nothing was going on. I would never...'' His face gets angry,which shocks me as well as Sungmin. He Angrily Yells at me:''GET OUT OF MY FACE!! YOU CAN SLEEP ANYWHERE BUT HERE TONIGHT. THAT'S MY BEST FRIEND! WHY WOULD YOU GO ONTO HIM LIKE THAT''!! I try to explain but he just screams some more.''LEAVE NOW''!!!! That one really hit me hard. I turn away slowly and start to walk away. I close the door and call my sister,but before I do I heard him and Sungmin talking:


''You didn't have to do that! It wasn't her fault''.


''I don't care what you say Sungmin. Its a Done deal,now go to bed''.

His voice got more stern.


''No''! Everyone gasped, even me. Leeteuk asked him:''What did you just say''?


Sungmin paused as if he didn't know if he should answer it or not considering that he is already in trouble. He hesitated for a moment and answered with a more clear tone.




''Fine then,do whatever you want,Just don't make it involve me''!!


While I walked away I heard Sungmin and Leeteuk both give a big sigh. It seems contagious because soon I was sighing all the way to my apartment. I called my sister and asked if she could come pick me up. She knew that I sounded urgent so she came in a good 10 minutes. I walked downstairs not caring about the erts or Asian Thugs but about what just occurred no more than 20 minutes ago. I told her I was gonna chill with her for a couple days until this blows over. She asked if I wanted to talk about it. I said no quietly and just stared out my window with a longing look in my face.


A/N: Please don't think that this story is moving too fast. Its not. I have over 140 pages dedicated to this story,anything can happen. Please still read...and I probably know that some of u are like :What is up with Leeteuk?" Why is he acting like this? How dare he blow up at Sungmin!! Actually the last one was me.... It will explain EVERYTHING. Not in the next chapter and not even in the one after that...but it gets officially meet my sisters attitude in the next chapter. ^__^

P.S. The image for this chapter is weird. I tried looking up Leeteuk angry on photobucket. But instead of something scary and intimidating..I found this. Sorry it came off as more cute than angry. Just picture Leeteuk saying what I wrote. I can picture it oh so well. I reckon that he probably is scary when he's mad. And Bravo for Sungmin standing up to Him...Thats one of the reasons why I love him. :-*


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please update sooooooooooooooon~!! ^______________^
u should hurry up and update i cant wait to read wats next
hey if you don't mind is ami full Japanese what is she