
Still You
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Hyuna's POV


"I'm sorry that daddy's late. Jongin samchon was driving really slow."

What Kris said made her world feel as if it stopped revolving. His appearance was enough to give her heart attack. But that blow was harder. He just told the kids that he was their dad. How did he find out? Was the only question lingering on her mind. She was sure, none of the boys would tell Kris. But how?

She was too engrossed searching for possible answers in her mind that she didn't even notice that the trio were already tangled up in a hug. And seeing Kris shed tears brought her back to the past. The last time she saw him cry was the night before he left her and turned his back on her. It also reminded her of the promises he told her. All those broken promises.

"But we already met daddy. How come you didn't know I'm your son?" She heard Hyunjin ask, making her frown. He met him already? Turning to her side, she looked at Sehun who only mouthed 'later' at her. The boys seems like they need to do a hell lot of explaining.

And when she looked back at her children and their reunited father, Kris was looking at her as if he was asking her to help him. Seeing he was already distressed about the simple question, she decided that it's best to step in. Clearing , she approached them and took Hyunmi in her arms.

"You told mommy and samchons that you will get dressed when daddy arrives right? You and oppa will be up on the stage soon. So you two need to prepare first, okay?" She reminded her daughter, tapping the tip of her nose, which made the girl giggle. The sulking Wu Hyunmi was already gone and back is their bubbly Mimi.

"Are you staying until the show ends, daddy?" Her daughter asked, obviously refusing the idea of being away from their newly met father.

"Of course. I will watch you and your oppa. Don't worry. Daddy will be here." It amazed her how Kris was so affectionate to their kids despite only knowing them for a short period of time. Before then, she knew how Kris was a bit less friendly to children.

And once Krystal took Hyunjin from Kris, she busied herself with dressing up her daughter. Nanny Jung, being the reliable nanny she was, also helped her. The whole time she was changing Mimi, she noticed how her little girl would always turn to look at Kris and check if he was still there. Even Baekhyun, who was seated just beside them, noticed Mimi.

"Mimi-ah. Daddy won't go anywhere. He's going to watch you. Don't worry." Baekhyun said, taking Mimi's attention. She chuckled seeing how Hyunmi cutely wrinkled her nose at one of her playful uncles.

"Well, our princess is already transformed. You are now the Swan Lake Princess, huh?" And sticking to his playfulness, Baekhyun carried Hyunmi and danced her around, making the latter burst out into giggles.

"Samchon~ That's not how a princess and a prince dance." Her daughter half whined and half giggled, as she was trying to wiggle her way out of Baekhyun's arms. She was just watching the two, smiling as well. Kris was not her priority as of then. They would just deal with each other after the show. What's more important for her was to see her daughter and son smiling and enjoying.

"Yes Baekhyun-ah. Besides, you're not even qualified to be a prince." Butting in was Chanyeol, taking Hyunmi from the shorter male's arms and taking her in his own. The two guys had always been the playful ones and her kids enjoy being with them a lot.

"Yah. I am Mimi's prince. Right, Mimi-ah?" Baekhyun asked her daughter, even batting his eyelashes as to make her agree with him.

"Ani~ Oppa is my prince. And daddy's my king!" Hyunmi happily chirped, turning to her dad who was just watching them quietly from the corner. It was funny how the tall guy looked as if he was lost inside the room, but once their daughter turned to him, it was obvious how his face lit up.

"Agassi? Hyunmi and Hyunjin needs to be backstage now." One of the teachers, appeared by the door and told them that the twins were already needed to get to the backstage. As the last performers, theirs would be the highlight of the show.

"Come on Mimi-ah. Teacher Im is already calling for you." She called, reaching out her hand to her daughter to which she gladly took. Turning to her son, he was already being assisted by Kyungsoo to follow the teacher out of the room.

"Bye daddy! See you later!" Her daughter didn't even bother waving at her, but instead her attention was only on Kris. The scene actually made Joonmyeon laugh, whom she didn't even noticed standing right behind her.

"Let your daughter be. She's just excited about having her dad here. So as your son." He even gave her shoulder a pat. She knew what he was thinking and it was actually absurd.

"Oppa. If you think I'm jealous because of the attention they're giving him. I'm not." Seeing her kids smile so brightly was enough reason for her to be not jealous. She knew that they would be having the very same reaction, it was something she had expected. After all, it took her kids six years before they got to meet their father.

"Then, I assume you're already okay with him being in the twins' life?" Joonmyeon asked, eyeing her carefully, watching out for her reaction. Now that Kris knows about the twins, there would be no reason for her to avoid him anymore. And it also means she and Kris would have to deal with seeing each other all the time, like adults.

"He's their dad." She simply said.

"We'll reserve seats for you and Kris. You guys need to talk." She was puzzled when Joonmyeon told her those, leaving the dressing room. As she whirled around, she was already face to face with Kris, who was looking at her with a serious face. It was just the both of them left inside.

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layjongyang #1
Chapter 39: That's adorable. The alternate ending is a better ending for me. I read it in one sitting too, it got me really addictive. To see what's in the next chapter.
Chapter 21: Wah, they’re so cute!!! Such an enjoyable read!
1301 streak #3
Chapter 39: Finally, I finished reading this. For the endings, I felt like the alternate ending seems better since it kind of left off with Hyuna remembering they needed to get the twins from Junmyeon's place. The original ending seems okay but it felt weird how it's almost like the twins don't exist yet in that ending, it's like an alternate universe where Kris never left Hyuna.
The epilogue is precious especially with Hyuna's gift to Kris and his reaction to it, including the twins also.
1301 streak #4
Chapter 32: I knew someone would stop the two from getting married.
1301 streak #5
Chapter 31: The twins will be extremely happy to learn Hyuna and Kris are going to get married. But something tells me that something or someone might stop the two from getting married.
1301 streak #6
Chapter 28: I'm kind of dreading Hyuna meeting Kris's parents with their kids unless Hyuna already met them when they dated.
Depending on if Kris's parents aren't going to take the kids away or try to get him to marry some girl but he needs to keep the kids with him.
1301 streak #7
Chapter 25: I love the note that Tao left for Kris and Hyuna to find, it's cute how the kids "kidnap" them so their parents can have alone time.
1301 streak #8
Chapter 21: The kids are just adorable trying their best to get Hyuna and Kris back together.
Kris should be patient with Hyuna and she will open up to him once she's comfortable.
1301 streak #9
Chapter 15: Looks like Hyuna might as well tell Kris about the kids since Hyunmi threatened to not perform if Kris is not there to see her.
I love how Hyuna refers to Kris as "tall bastard".
1301 streak #10
Chapter 10: I think this might be the chapter I left off on before because I remember the flower and chocolate part.
The kids are just adorable especially Hyunmi with the chocolate eating.
I'm actually curious about Kris's reaction when he finally learns who the kids are and I hope he's not going to think bad things about Hyuna for hiding the kids from him.