Chapter 23: When Soju Takes Control [Beach Part 4]

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Chapter 23


BGM:  AKMU – Give Love






“We’re gonna sleep here?” Seolbi asked, surprisingly.  Suho stop preparing the mattress.  He rubbed his nape awkwardly approaching the little girl coming closer to the girl.  The living room now changed into mattress land.


“Sorry, Seolbi-yah.  The rooms available aren’t enough for us.  We decided to move all of matters here.  Hope you don’t mind-”  Suho explained cut by the little girl squeals.  She ran, dropping her body above the soft, comfortable mattress.


“Whoaaa~~~~~ We such doing MT!!  Hoo~ I never had any chance to go camping.  My Oppa interdicted me too much!! Jing-ah!! Come here~” Seolbi waved.  The little kid laughed before went to Seolbi’s side, giggling like there’re any funny things.


“Suho-oppa! I take this spot And beside me is belong to Jing!!” Seolbi raised her hand highly, booking the space beside the wall.


“Seolbi-yah.. We’re not done preparing..” Kris complained, putting down the rolled-mattress.


“Meh, my body glued with this mattress already, mianhae, Kris-Oppa..”


“Aigoo..” Kris shook his head with his hands placed on his waist while the two kids continue giggling delightfully.


“Let her be, hyung.” Suho chuckled.


“Yeah, nice to have another kids.” The older boy sighed




“I’m off if it’s gawi-bawi-bo game like the last time!! Being Luhen slave is enough for me and I didn’t want to be one of yours!!” Seolbi roared, pointing out.  After Seolbi brought Jing to sleep, Kai met her to get some talks.  Tao, Baekhyun and Chen were there too.


“It’s not obsolete game like that..  We’ll play ‘the honest bottle’!!” Tao announced.


“Hon-honest.. What?”


“The honest bottle.  We spin the bottle and when the bottle stop and pointing at one of us, the person who spin the bottle can ask him two questions and the chosen person should’ve to give us the truth answer.  Before answer the question, the chosen person should’ve to drink soju.” Tao explained.


“Soju? You’re underage, right?”


“Actually not, except for Kai and Sehun.  They drank but not drunk because they had high tolerance at alcohol.”


“I still underage, and I’ll no drink alcohol! It’s not good for health!”


“Aiiyy.. It’s not fun without soju.  Besides, we can get more than expected if that liquid meddle in.” Kai whispered the last statement.


“How?” Seolbi also whispered, curiously.


“People be more honest if they drunk, right?” Chen added.


“Yeah, and it’s your time Seolbi-yah to try something new.” Baekhyun whispered lowly.  Afraid if Chanyeol or the older ones heard them.  


Right now, Tao, Kai, Chen and Baekhyun polluted the innocent mind of Seolbi to join their bottle game.  They often play that game when they went on holiday.  But this time different since there’s a new member in their group.  And it’s a girl. 


Furthermore, they did research to get information about her.  Kai told Baekhyun, Chen and Tao about his conversation with Jimin and V before.  They agreed to make Seolbi drunk (maybe a little drunk) to interrogate her.  It’s should’ve to do since they already knew, this girl won’t open if they ask when she has her consciousness.  Intentionally didn’t entail the ‘sane-line’ (Suho, Kris, Xiumin) because they’ll totally reject this plan.  Lay and Kyungsoo as the neutral ones, never bolstered if it’s bad thing and always cooperated if it’s good one (The mischievous-line thought that their plan wasn’t nice at all but they still eager to do it).  The ‘I don’t care’ ones included Chanyeol, Luhan and Sehun.  They NEVER agreed with their every plan.  So they supposed to influence the girl’s mind and made her to joint their game by herself.


“Come on.. It’ll be fun!! The alcohol percentage is low anyway..  You’ll not get drunk..” Tao persuaded whilst Chen nodding in conviction.


“You should’ve to try it, Seolbi-yah.  You’re not a little girl anymore.” Baekhyun added.


“You’ll not regret.  It’s your great chance.  The game is safe..” Kai flavored.


Seolbi gazed over the four troll suspiciously.  They were locking their eyes at her, entwine their finger in hope Seolbi would say ‘Yes’ for the offer.  Seolbi pursed her lips as watching smolder determine glint beneath their eyes.  She ever played spinning-bottle along with Jimin, V and the others but they didn’t entangle things like alcohol (Her brother swore, he’ll kill them if they poisoned Seolbi with bad things).  But she can’t deny that she wants to try at least once, thing that this boys exalted very much.


“Are you sure it’s fine?” The troll group beamed in joy as heard the girl put her interest at the game.


“Of course, besides there’s Chanyeol-hyung and Suho-hyung.  No need to worry..” Kai exclaimed.




“Let’s clear all of this, Seolbi-yah.  Say, YES or NO.” Baekhyun interceded, elucidating Seolbi’s confused mind.


“Um.. Okay, but I only drink once.  No more!! I just wanna full fill my curiosity.”  The four childish boys cheered out whilst high-fifed each other happily.


“Look, we only help you out from your save-side.” Seolbi rolled her eyes by Tao lame reason.






“You!! Come with me!!” Luhan suddenly called me out when I walk passed him by.  He wriggled his index finger, signaling me to come after him.


“Again?” I hissed through my teeth.


Grumpily, I walked behind my master.  I can’t read what he thinks since we came there after our looong journey.  He became stricter madly-witch.  He ordered me this and that, even a simple things, he called my name.  This boy yelled at me just for getting him remote TV which laid RIGHT in front of his face!  Ggrrrrr… and the most embarrassed me is when he ordered me to feed him in front of all EXO members!!!  Purposely, I shoved the food hardly causing he choked.  Haha.. Serve you right, Luhen.  And now, I wondered what the absurd order he wants me to do.


I followed him till he stops in the living room.  He sat on a vacant sofa while eyes observing me, standing motionless before him.  Small smirk played on his annoyed face.


“Give me some pleasant massage.” I gawked by his order.


“What? You ever massage me before and it’s good though, so I want you to massage me again.  Is it a problem?” Luhan smirked.  This jerk…


“Do you forget? I carried you all the way from that segregated beach? Do you know how heavy you are? I think my back going fractured!”   I remained silent by Luhan’s complain.  Slowly, my lower lips jolted up.


“Am I that heavy?” I asked innocently.  Luhan gave ‘are-you-kidding-me’ look.


“Fine!! I’m fat!! Give me your arm!” I succumbed, half-heartedly plop down beside him.  The jerk smiled in victory whilst presenting his left arm to me.  I had just realized.  I almost never win against him.


“Woah.. I think you should’ve to open massaging business! Your massage is good.” Luhan commented as I work my hands, squeezing and adding more pressure on his shoulder.


“Shut up!” I hissed just get another laugh from Luhen.


Fiveteen minutes later when I still into

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10/21/2014 - Chapter 34 updated!! BLS ^^


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Miss22 #1
Chapter 35: I am grateful that you did what i asked...thanks very much...I AM SO EXCITED TO SEE WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT!!!!!!
QM1201N #2
Chapter 35: nice story...update soon.. :D
Tiakitty #3
Chapter 35: ahhhhh!!!!!finally come back ***
avisdawn #4
Chapter 35: Woooohooo!!!!! Welcome back! And thanks fir the update!

Bitter SeolbieXd haha......
PiKai_chu #5
Chapter 34: wahahahahahh LOL!!! this is so funny !! and,wahh i hate that Squid. she's really annoying.. annoying brat.. duhh *_*
avisdawn #6
Chapter 34: Love i mean, haha.. D*mn auto correct -_-
avisdawn #7
Chapter 34: Waaaaaaaaaaaaah! I reaaly love your updates author-nim!!!!!
It's okay if you haven't updated this past few weeks, it's better late than never, right! XD

I live the innocent comeback of SEolbie XD hahaha!
Miss22 #8
Chapter 1: can you make another day out.....maybe at the Funfair and I also want to see more of the boys childish side!!!!
Miss22 #9
one more thing...can you put a lot more EXO in the story???? I would appriciate it!!!
Miss22 #10
Chapter 33: There were many funny scene in this stories but the 3 that i liked was ....1.Luhan =Your dull...Thats why....2.Seolbi =the scene when sehun asked her to sleep with him =Should i kick him out or blow him death....3.Sehun =she should display my picture instead....I really hope this isn't the end of the story because i really want to read how seolbi would wake Luhan up and maybe a day out at the funfair(LOL)!!!!!BTW you are AWESOME!!!!