The EAU: This is Sparta

The EAU: Elite Assassination Unit

Yuri's POV

"Get up trainees, today is a new day and if you're late to classes or warm up you will be facing consequences from me. Now get up."


I groggily woke up as I heard an unfamiliar voice calmly speak from the door way that connected our room to the outside hallway. I slowly got out of bed and carefully remade it as I finally got up to stand by the foot of my bed at attention.


I slowly blinked my eyes and tried to get them to readjust to the flourecent lighting that was beating harsly down on us. I briefly glanced at the figure at the door before copying the rest of my room mates and staring straing ahead.


Isn't that Teacher Taeyeon? What is she doing here? Where's Jessica?


"Good" Taeyeon said as she slowly pushed herself away from the door way and out of her leaning poistion. "Today you will be officialy starting your strategics lessons. Some of you have been given impromptu and unofficial lessons before depending on how long you have been here. I am here right now to tell you that those lessons are jokes compared to what you are going to be learning now. So good luck." She said while walking up and down the aisle that was in between the beds, and ending her speech with a calm knowing smirk.


"Ok, let's get started." She said before clapping her hands and running out of the room at a moderate jog.


Slowly one by one, each of us got into a single file line behind Taeyeon as we ran down the hallway. I looked around and noticed that Teacher Choi's and Jessica's students where also  running up and down the hallways while Teacher Im's students where lined up in 2 rows doing push ups and sit ups.


We continued to run down the hall and up several flights of stairs, going up 2 flights and then going down another just to go back up another 2. After 45 minutes of moderate jogging up and down stairs, we had reached the 6th level and I was panting for air and sweating through my tank top. I looked up ahead and gaped in amazement when I realized that Taecher Kim was completly fine, and was even smirking and shaking her head.


After another 10 minutes of running up and down the stairs we had reached the 8th floor and had lost sight of teacher Kim and three quarters of the unit, who had dropped out at the beggining of the 7th floor. I gasped for air as I finally came to a stand still and dropped onto the stairs. I leaned my head down onto the cold hard pavement as I heard several people continue on ahead of me.


I remembered staring at the gray pavement of the stairs before finally sucumbing to the cold relief filled depths of unconciousness.



"Hey, hey kid. Are you alright?"


I slowly raised my head up and groaned as I felt my body scream from all the aches and pains of having laid on the stairs for so long, and having endured all that running. "Hu-huh?" I got out as I blinked slowly in an attempt to focus my eyes.


"Aigoo, that Kim Taeyeon. That danshin is really something." The unknown women mumbled "Here. Let me help you up." she said as she gently lifted me up and wraped my arm around her shoulder. "Which room are you in?"


"4" I managed to get passed my burnt out throat "Who are you?" I mumbled against her shoulder as my head lolled from side to side


"Hmm, you'll find out soon enough." She said with a pleasant enough tone.


We continued down the rest of the stairs in silence as she lead me back to my room. "Training ended 2 hours ago so you might get some heat from Jessica, but luckily it's dinner time right now so you won't have to deal with that for awhile. Just stay put for now and rehydrate yourslef" I slowly nodded my head as she opened the door and lead me into the room.


"Which bed is yours?"


"The single." I mumbled as I half heartedly lifted my hand in an attempt to point at my bed. "So you must have been the first across the threshold huh? Good for you." She said as she gently patted my back.


I nodded my head as she slowly helped me sit down onto my bed. "Wait here, I'll go get you some water" I nodded again as I watched her leave with tired eyes.


I leaned my head against the wall and closed my eyes as I took in deep steadying breaths.


"Hey. Wake up. You need to drink some water before your dehydration becomes a serious problem." I heard someone say as I felt my body shake with movement. I slowly opened my eyes and smiled gratefully albeit a bit weakly at the person in front of me. " Thanks" I murmured as I took slow sips of water from the water bottle that she had handed me.


"I'll be taking my leave now. Nice to meet you Kwon."


"Wait, how do you  know my name? Will I ever see you again?"


"Time will only tell. But you probably will considering how most people do during their first couple of weeks of training. But after that, you hopefully won't see me again." She said as she walked towards the door. However before she left, she seemed to remember something as she turned back towards me and threw a loaf of bread at me. "Dinner." she said simply as she walked out of the door and closed it shut behind her.


I sighed as I continued to take slow sips of water and began working on my bread. I finally recapped the bottle and put it next to my pillow when I finally finished the bottle and bread. I slowly leaned back into my mattress while letting out a couple of groans here and there. When I finally settled into a comfortable position I couldn't help but start to mull over the days events.


How was that even remotely tied to strategizing? Wasn't that just basically running with a sick twist? ...I just hope that the other teachers won't be as hardcore.


I sighed and rolled onto my side with my back resting against the wall. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. But before I could sucumb to the sweet blisfullness of unawareness I couldn't help but find myself wondering if Jessica would be disappointed in me.



I woke with a sudden start when I heard the door open and close loudly.


I quickly sat up in bed, but groaned when I felt the skin underneath my bandaged ribs stretch painfully. I squinted as the lights suddenly flashed on, and quickly scrambled into a standing position when I realized who had come through the door.


"Well, look who finally decided to show up." She said with a bored expression on her face. "And here I thought you had died." She drawled out as she took lazy steps towards me.


I gulped and adverted my gaze when she finally came to a stop infront of me. "I'm.. I'm sorry," I stuttered out as I felt myself flush with nervousness and embarassment. "I fainted while on the stairs while training with Teacher Kim." I mumbled out my explanation.


Why do I even care about what she thnks? She's just a cold hearted government employee who even admitted to enjoying making people suffer.


"So I heard," she scoffed out as she made a move to move past me and sit on my bed.


I followed he with my gaze and watched her curiously as she made herself comfortable on my bed.


"What are you doing?" I asked cautiously as I saw her drape one of her arms over her eyes.


"Going to sleep," She mumbled out as she continued to lay with her arm over her eyes.


"Where am I suppose to sleep then?" I asked angrily as I stared at her as a sudden wave of anxiety wash over me


Where did that confidence come from? I wondered bewilderedly


"Figure it out," she said with an edge to her voice, as if challenging me to disobey her. "And you better do it soon." she grumbled out, "The rest of the trainees are comming back soon and I assume that they'll want to know why I'm sleeping on your bed. Seeing as how they probably won't want to risk my wrath, they'll turn they're attention to you, that is of course, if you're not already asleep by the time they get back."


With that said, she made a shooing motion with her hands and I grumbled as I turned around in order to find a spot to sleep in.


With a sense of resignation, I soon realized that the only option for me, was to sleep on the floor. I groaned internally as I realized that I would be extremley sore tomorrow morning. Reaching for the backpack that was basically a chunk of lead with straps that Jessica had passed out on the first day, I layed it down on the floor next to the bed that had once been mine, and slowly layed down on top of it, tyring to find the most comfortable position possible.


After tossing and turning for a couple of minutes, I was finally able to drift off to sleep as I felt the cold of the floor and air seep into my bones.


Jessica's POV


"Jessica!" I heard Sunny's voice call to me, and I turned to her and was greeted with a smile.


"I found Kwon laying on the stair steps, and brought her back to the dorm, just thought I should let you know, seeing as how you marked her as one of your favorites." I sighed in relief as I nodded my grattitued to her.


"Thanks Sunny, now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go have a talk with Taeyeon," I said as I walked away from Sunny, leaving with a simple wave over my shoulder.


"Hey Taeng," I said as I approached her and sat down next to her. " So I heard you made Kwon faint today." I said with a hint of something in my voice.


"Yeah," She shrugged nonchalantly.


I nodded satisfied. "Good, even if she's currently my favorite right now, I'm honestly quite happy with the fact that she was able to get a taste of what training will be like." I said as Taeyeon nodded apprecietavely.


"But you know..." she drawled out lazily, "I'm honestly quite impressed. She was actually the last one in the unit to drop out, I never pegged her to be the running kind." She said with a shrug


I nodded feeling pleased, " So what'd you do to your "decoys"?" I asked while adding finger quotes as I said decoys.


Taeyeon smirked as she kicked her feet up onto the coffee table that was in front of the couch that we were inhabiting. "I ran up the tower with them and waited to see who would be the last person standing," she said with amusement shining in her eyes. "They all dropped by the 40th floor," She said, shaking her head in diapproval. "How are they suppose to be 5th year government agents?" She mumbled disapprovingly.


"Has anyone ever finished all 90 floors with you? Besides us?" I asked curiously.


"I'll eat my binoculars,, when some one finally does," She scoffed out and we shared a grin.


"I'm going to head back now," I said as I made a move to head out of the team's personal break room.


"See yeah later," She said as she waved lazily at me with that dorky grin still on her face. 


I waved back and walked back towards the sleeping quarters as I noted that it had been an hour since Sunny had told me that Yuri was back in the room.


I  stopped in front of the door, and opened it before closing it loudly, waking Kwon in the process.


"Well, look who finally decided to show up." I said with a bored expression on her face. "And here I thought you had died." I drawled out as I walked towards her lazily, watching her facial expressions carefully.


I smirked slightly when I saw her stumble to a standing position in front of me.


 "I'm.. I'm sorry,"  she stuttered out as I felt my smirk starting to transition into a smile. I quickly stopped before she could notice the change in my facial expression. "I fainted while on the stairs while training with Teacher Kim."  she mumbled out as an explanation.


"So I heard," I scoffed out as I made a move to sit and lay on her bed, all the while feeling honestly impressed, knowing that she had been the last person standing amont the unit.


"What are you doing?"  she asked cautiously as I draped one of my arms over my eyes.


"Going to sleep," I mumbled out as I continued to lay with my arm over my eyes.


"Where am I suppose to sleep then?" she asked angrily as I lifted an eyebrow at the her tone and sudden confidence.




"Figure it out," I said with an edge to my voice, challengin and waiting for her to make a comeback. It never came


Slightly disappointed  I motioned towads the door and said"And you better do it soon the rest of the trainees are comming back soon and I assume that they'll want to know why I'm sleeping on your bed. Seeing as how they probably won't want to risk my wrath, they'll turn they're attention to you, that is of course, if you're not already asleep by the time they get back."


I heard her grumble and smirked slightly as I waited for her next move. I lifted my eyebrows in surprise as I heard her lug the block of lead that was used for training onto the floor.


Well that's interesting


I waited until I was sure she was asleep before slipping out of the bed and going out for a run under the night sky.

Special thanks to PancakesAndCookies

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I just found your story and I would say it's really nice...I hope you continue writing because I'll definitely wait for your updates. :)
Soooo.... Update? Please?
Chapter 3: Nice, I don't think Jessica's favoritism toward Yuri will play in her favour, especially with her group. It's going to be interesting to see if her comrades will start to ostricize her. Thanks for the update and honestly as long as you keep the quality of your chapters, I don't mind having to wait ^^
suflitodequeso #4
Chapter 2: your story is so great fjjfnvj updating plis :cc
sone_marg14 #5
Chapter 2: firstime reading this and i like it..

i hope you continue updating this story...
Chapter 1: It's pretty interesting, I especially like how Yuri isn't already a feareless/brave hero but just an average/scared girl. Keep it up! ^^
1123 streak #7
Chapter 1: Ouch that must hurt a lot hope it will heal soon...
1123 streak #8
Cant wait for this ff XD DOA
PilotIsMyJob #9
Can't wait!!