Prologue: Tests

The EAU: Elite Assassination Unit

Italicized = thoughts

Yuri's POV


I was kneeling down on the ceiling of a tall building as I stared down at the mass of people clad in black swat gear trying to push back an even larger mass of rioting people.


I narrowed my eyes before closing them and breathing deep, slow, steady breathes. I reopened my eyes and felt my vision clear at once. I narrowed my eyes once again and scanned the rioting crowd down below.


"Got him." I mumbled into the microphone that was hooked up to my ear piece.


"Good. Listen closely now. To your right you should see a building with a hole blown through one side. You should able to enter the building through that hole if you jump off the far side of this building. Once you enter the other building head for level 12 and set up from there. The elevators have been destroyed so you will have to use the stair, meaning that you will have to scale 5 flights of stairs before reaching level 12."


"Roger." I said while nodding crisply


I quickly gathered all of my gear and ran stealthily across the ceiling to the other side of the building.


I started to pick up speed as the edge of the ceiling grew closer and closer.


I took a deep breath in and pushed off of the ceiling.


I quickly did a forward roll as soon as I hit the other building's floor to lessen the impact.


I wasted no time as I bolted through the deserted building and headed for the stairs.


I ascended the stairs as I took stock of my current situation.


The citizens of the nation are trying to rebel. The government's swat team has taken steps to ensure that the riot doesn't get out of hand. And my  job is to kill off the leader of the riotters. All in a day's work right?


I chuckled softly.


But I immideately stopped as I climbed up the last flight of stairs while panting slightly.


I took in a deep steadying breath before positioning my back on the wall beside the staircase door.


I held my breathe in and opened the door slowly as I peeked inside.


Great just my luck


I sighed heavily as I saw 5 men dressed in civilian clothing armed with several sharpened pieces of metal , walking around several tied up government officials.


I kept the door open as I reached down towards my belt and pulled out a smoke grenade.


I took off the cap and threw the tiny capusle inside. 


Immediately several gray tendrils of smoke started to engulf the room obscuring all vision.


I grinned triumphantly as I lowered the infer red goggles that had been positioned on top 


I quickly scanned the room and walked over to the nearest person who was fumbling around.


I quickly jabbed several of his vital areas and slowly lowered him as his body went limp.


I quickly did the same process with the other 4 men.


"Let's get you out of here." I mumbled as I kneeled infront of the government officials and the smoke screen slowly started to disappear.


"HMMMMMM!" One of the government officials tried to yell through gag.


"What?" I mumbled before everything suddenly went black and I fell to the floor limply.



"Mom, Dad I home." I yelled as I entered the house.


I sighed and headed upstairs towards my room as I realized that my parents were still out.


I dropped my backpack down beside my desk as I entered my bedroom.


I let out a sigh as I walked over to my bed and dropped my body down onto the mattress.


I stared up at the ceiling blankly as I slowly let the day's events sink in.


So that's what the test is than, huh?


I closed my eyes and breathed out a slow, heavy breath.


Flash Back 


I walked into homeroom and immediately knew something was wrong when I noticed that I was the only one inside.


I looked up at the clock and frowned when I noticed that it was already 7:55


Where is everyone?


I walked farther into the room and stoped when I was standing infront of the teacher's desk.


I clenched my fist and felt my heart pound faster as I read what was scrawled on the white board in plain black words.


"Kwon Yuri. It is your turn to take the test." I muttered under my breath as I read the words aloud.


I immideiatley knew what was going on and exactly where I was suppose to be. 


I quickly dropped my bag onto my desk and exited the classroom heading towards the school's office.


I took a deep breath and entered.


I looked around the office and frowned as I put a name to each of the students I saw that I knew.


Kwon Ji young, Kwon Boa, Kwon Sang woo....


I shook my head bitterly as I took a seat next to Ji young.


So It's the Kwons today?


We all waited in silence as one by one we were called in to take the test.


"Kwon Jiyoung."


I felt myself stiffen as the boy next to me nervously got up from his seat and headed towards the door that was on the other side of the room.


I waited another interval of 30 minutes before the name that I was dreading to hear, was finally called.


"Kwon Yuri."


I stiffly got up and started to walk towards the testing door on the opposite side of the room as I felt everyone's eyes bore holes into the back of my head.


I grabbed the doorknob in my grasp and closed my eyes while breathing in deeply before opening the door.


I opened my eyes as I nervously walked into the white room while closing the door behind me.


The girl infront of me wordlessly pointed at the chair in the center of the room before turnning back to the computer  that was on the table next to the  chair.


I walked over to the chair and sat down, perplexed.


Isn't she to young to be administering the test? She looks as if she's my age.


"The testing is about to begin. The rules and concept are simple. You will be given a helmet that will be hooked up to this computer. As soon as I put the helmet on you and hook it up, you will enter a virtual world that will enact real world circumstances. Although it is unlikely that you will remember that you are in a virtual world instead of the real world, you should react to these events as if they were real if you do remember. I will know of all of your thoughts, actions and feelings throughout your expirence in the virtual world. Understood?" The girl infront of me spoke crisply as she stared coldly at me.


I nodded nervously


She turned back to the table next to the chair and bent down.


I curiously watched as she slid a white box out from the knee space of the table and took off the lid.


Inside was a white helmet with a black pull down visor.


She carefully pulled the helmet out of it''s casing and hooked it up to the computer's monitor.


She turned back towards me with the helmet in hand before looking me square in the eyes.


I continued to stare into her icy eyes, although every fiber in my being was screaming at me to look away.


"Good luck." She finally said effectively breaking our staring game and the silence that had come with it.


I didn't have any time to process her words before I felt her slip the helmet on me.


I continuosly blinked my eyes behind the black visor as the white room and the girl started to slowly fade and blur away.


With one last groggy blink the room and the girl with the cold eyes completly disappeared from sight.


End of Flash Back

I sighed  and stretched my limbs slowly as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.


I smiled a content smile and felt my body relax as I looked over at my calander hanging on the wall.


It's been two weeks. They would have normally come by now. Maybe I'm safe. Yeah, safe.


I got up from my bed and headed down to the kitchen in my pajamas.


I walked over to the fridge and found a note stuck onto the fridge.


"Out to buy food for the party later." I mumbled trying to supress my growing smile as I read the note aloud.


I finally gave up and smiled fully as I grabbed a box of cereal out of the cupboard above the stove.


I'm safe. I'm not going to lose everything that's important to me. Nothing's going to change.


I reached out for a bowl but stopped when there was a knock on the door.


I walked over to the front door with the bowl and box of cereal still in hand.


I looked through the peep hole and felt my heart beat quicken as my chest constricted.


"This can't be happening" I mumbled "No, this is just a joke. A sick joke." I continued mumbling to myself while grasping my chest as my back hit the wall beside the door. "No... no... please" I finished in a whisper as I now sat on the floor with my head in my knees and my hands over my head.


There was another knock.


A gruff conversation. A deep voice tumbling over a higher one. Than there was silence.


I stood up shakily and breathed in a deep breath as I gripped the door knob, knowing that even if I didn't want to open the door I had to.


I pulled the door open and was met with the faces of 2 government officials. The male official clearly agitated and irritated while the other one, the female, was cold and stoic. 


I stood frozen in the door way as I looked at the familiar face, while she stared back at me.


She than turned around and headed to the black car that was parked on the sidewalk, and opened the front passenger seat.


The man quickly took me by my forearm and lead me over to the car. He opened the back door and ushered me inside.


I was to parlyzed with fear to resist, his job must have been easier that he had expected because I could swear that I caught him smiling smugly to himself as he closed the backdoor and walked over to the driver's seat.


It wasn't until the car was driving past government buildings that I started to shake off my fear.


I glanced out of the window and felt my blood stir as I realized that we were know inside of the capital. The heart of the government.


As soon as I realized that we were know in the capital, the car came to a stop. I looked back out the window and realized that we were now parked infront of a large, tall building.


What's  going to happen know


Was my last thought before the male official dragged me out of the car and into the building. While the familiar face trailed behind us staring boredly ahead.

A/N: Hello readers. So this was a slow start, but I promise that things will pick up soon. I didn't expect for someone to have already upvoted but someone did so a special thanks to soshiyoongie for upvoting. Thanks! What do you guys think of the story so far? Did it meet your expectations? I broke my finger yesterday so I might not be able to update soon. I hope you guys understand. Comments are motivation, subscribers are welcomed, and upvotes are awesome. 


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I just found your story and I would say it's really nice...I hope you continue writing because I'll definitely wait for your updates. :)
Soooo.... Update? Please?
Chapter 3: Nice, I don't think Jessica's favoritism toward Yuri will play in her favour, especially with her group. It's going to be interesting to see if her comrades will start to ostricize her. Thanks for the update and honestly as long as you keep the quality of your chapters, I don't mind having to wait ^^
suflitodequeso #4
Chapter 2: your story is so great fjjfnvj updating plis :cc
sone_marg14 #5
Chapter 2: firstime reading this and i like it..

i hope you continue updating this story...
Chapter 1: It's pretty interesting, I especially like how Yuri isn't already a feareless/brave hero but just an average/scared girl. Keep it up! ^^
1123 streak #7
Chapter 1: Ouch that must hurt a lot hope it will heal soon...
1123 streak #8
Cant wait for this ff XD DOA
PilotIsMyJob #9
Can't wait!!