The EAU: Orientation Pt.2

The EAU: Elite Assassination Unit

Yuri's POV

"Hey kid... Hey! Wake up, you're gonna be late to training at this rate."


I woke with a groggy start, and found myself looking at the flat white ceiling of the sparring room.


"What?" I asked dumbly while gasping for air as I felt a jagged pain in my right side.


"You're gonna be late to training, now get up. You've been out for 2 hours now. That should have been long enough for you to recover, now get up."


I groaned as I slowly tried to lift myself up. I sat with my eyes closed, attempting to regain my breath as I reached for my side with my hand. I reopend my eyes as I felt a second layer of something rougher under my tanktop.


"It's a bandage. I'm not completely unsympathetic you know. I somewhat patched you up after you fainted." Jessica said with that sligh smirk that always seemed to be on her face.


"Thanks,  but I wouldn't have needed any medical treatment if it weren't for you."


"Oh, is that so. I see the newbie's got some guts huh?" Jessica said with a raised eyebrow. "Listen sweetheart, it was either you get roughed  up by me, or you face all of those trainees at once. And trust me, they wouldn't have left you alone after you had fainted, and neither would they have fixed you up. Now do yourself a favor and learn to keep your attitude in favor. Now hurry up follow me." she said before getting up and walking out of the room.


"Sorry" I mumbled as I followed her out of the room and back into the T.D room.


"Stay here." She mumbled, leaving me in the center of the room, before walking to the front of the room where a small circular stage was. "Trainees." She said in with a booming tone, her voice echoing all throughout the room.


I watched in amazement as all movement in the room came to a stand still as everyone in the room stopped what they were doing to face Jessica, stading with military alertness.


"As many of you know, I am to be your training supervisor. All of you with the exception of a few, have been here for the most a month, and at the least a couple of hours. But that is not to say that my expectations for you will be different, physical, emotional or metnal. All of you have beared witness to my fists, so if you don't wish to meet them again, you will address me as Ma'am and follow my orders. And you will follow them no questions asked. Is that clear?"


I looked around me as the trainees remained silent, their mouths closed shut.


"I repeat. IS THAT CLEAR?" Jessica yelled.


"Yes Ma'am." We all shouted.


 "Good. Now eventhough I am to be your training supervisor you will now be split into groups with several of my companions overseeing you on a day to day basis. They will also become your secondary teachers, who will help you hone your skills in several different areas of expertise. Only a few of you will be chosen to live the life of luxury after your training is done. Now whether you get to stay here or go onto border patrol or labor camp is up to you. With that said let me introduce my companions to you."


After she was done talking, 2 women walked into the room via the door that was next to the stage while another one wheeled into  the room on a wheel chair. We all watched as the 2 women walked up the stairs and onto the platform while the 3rd women wheeled up next to the stage and stayed there. 


"These women are Kim Taeyeon, Choi Sooyoung, Im Yoona. You will adress them all as teacher Kim, Choi or Im. Kim Taeyeon, is the strategist and observationalist, Choi Sooyoung is the firing arms expert , and Im Yoona is the hacker and technology speacilist, and lastly I am the hand to hand and weapons expert. Do not think that we volunteered or wanted the job as your teacher. We simply lost a bet, and our team was chosen to suffer through the routine of getting you trainees into shape. Now, do not misunderstand me. Throughout this training experience, we will not be the only ones to suffer due to your endless whinning and stupidity, you will also suffer. Now with that said we will now spit you into groups. Recruits who have been here for 4 weeks or more will be with Taeyeon, 3 weeks with Sooyoung, 2 weeks with Yoona, and a week or less will be with me. You all will now find your assigned supervisor."


I groaned as I realized that I had been put into Jessica's group. I made my way through the mess of people, towards the group of people that were surrounding Jessica.


With a nod she lead us through a door away from the T.D room, and through a series of hallways.


"Hello, dear burdens. For the next couple of moths we will all be sharing a room together. Or more specifically you 9 will be sharing a room while I will be in residind in a room that will be connected to yours. There are several ground rules that I will set. You may not engage in physical sparring outside of the sparring room, you will not talk badly about either myself or my companinons behind my back, if you have a problem with us bring it up with us, you will attend all of your classes on time and you will be back here before 11 o'clock unless you are under supervison by msyelf or my companions, and lastly, you will not get in my way nor will you try to hide that fact that you have brocken one of these rules, because if you do you will be automatically sent to hell. Now with that said, welcome to your room  my dear burdens." She said in a quriky tone that bordered sarcasm and not caring before stopping infront of a door that had the number 4 on it.


"Oh and by the way, eventhough I may not care about any of you, please do realize that I do indeed pick favorites out of all of you based on my ability to like you, and do realize that favorties often get special treatment from myself and the other teachers. So good luck to all of you, and do realize that I do indeed find pleasure in making you all suffer, just not in equal amounts." She said off handedly as she turned and opened the door, before walking in with complete confidence.


"Dang" One of the trainees mumbled under his breath.


"Dang indeed." I mumbled as I stepped into the room as the rest of the recrutis followed. Only to be greeted with the smirking face of Jessica who was sitting on one of the beds.


"Good job." She said with a smirk on her face before walking to the door that was next to the bed. "Oh and by the way, why don't you take this bed here Yuri." She said before motioning to the bed that she had previously been sitting on.


I nodded my head "Yes Ma'am" I said before gulping down my saliva as I felt the eyes of the other 8 all on me.


She nodded her head before walking into her room and closing the door.


"It looks she's taking some intrest into you." Someone grumbled behind my back as everyone walked to the bunk beds that were lined up in a row.


I sighed and shook my head as I made my way to the only bed in the room that didn't have another one above it.


Is that such a good thing? Probably not


I sighed before ruffling my head and lying down to go to sleep.

A/N: Hi guys... um I realized that I probably shouldn't make promises on when I'm going to update because in all honesty I really don't know anymore. Life's been tricky these last couple of months and I've been facing things that I knew about before but never really had the courage to face. And in honesty it's been kind of rough, but that gave me motivation and reason to write this. I figured I needed a break from reality and I just wanted to get my thoughts and ideas accross to someone. Anyways I kind of want to say to you guys that, if ever you have a problem it's probably best just to talk to someone and figure it out. Anyways Comments are motivation, Subscribers are welcomed, and Upvotes are awesome!

Till next time



Special thanks to you awesome people iHeartToad, soshinamyuLeeJuno, johannaleizljcty0729AlexRage, SONEROYALFAMILYALLY,alegnax, and KLee1427

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I just found your story and I would say it's really nice...I hope you continue writing because I'll definitely wait for your updates. :)
Soooo.... Update? Please?
Chapter 3: Nice, I don't think Jessica's favoritism toward Yuri will play in her favour, especially with her group. It's going to be interesting to see if her comrades will start to ostricize her. Thanks for the update and honestly as long as you keep the quality of your chapters, I don't mind having to wait ^^
suflitodequeso #4
Chapter 2: your story is so great fjjfnvj updating plis :cc
sone_marg14 #5
Chapter 2: firstime reading this and i like it..

i hope you continue updating this story...
Chapter 1: It's pretty interesting, I especially like how Yuri isn't already a feareless/brave hero but just an average/scared girl. Keep it up! ^^
1123 streak #7
Chapter 1: Ouch that must hurt a lot hope it will heal soon...
1123 streak #8
Cant wait for this ff XD DOA
PilotIsMyJob #9
Can't wait!!