they haven't heard the best of IU

Unexpected Love

— # still on IU's POV 

I entered the kitchen and still laughing. I just can't help it. Heechul-oppa then entered the kitchen and said..

"YAH IU AH. THAT'S NOT FUNNY! LISTEN TO APP..." he stopped talking while I stopped laughing when we saw everyone gave us a look. a very creepy look

"WHY?!" Heechul-oppa then said with the same tone he said to me



"Appa.. don't shout. it's very loud. you never know you might woke the neighbour up"

"or the ghosts.." continued Kangin-oppa who was sitting on the table next to Kyu

I shivered a bit and mummbled "I hope not.."  but changed the subject

"you guys back already?"

"yepp, Eunhyuk right there can't wait to see........" I saw Eunhyuk-oppa suddenly hit Shindong-oppa. "HOME" he continued

I just giggled

"IU-ah, entertain us. we're very bored and very tired" complained Sungmin-oppa

"I want to but I don't know how" 

"um... sing?"

"aigoo what if she can't sing?" said Yesung-oppa who just got in from outside

(A/N: there's a door to get outside from the kitchen by the way)

"ah.." replied Sungmin-oppa

everyone just got silenced. I laughed but at the same time that hurts OK. fine if they think I don't know how to sing then

"I'm here because I want to achieve my dream. why don't you guys sit comfortably outside and I'll take my dream first"

I ran my heart out to my room and brought my guitar. I hid it on my back

I walk normally downstairs and saw everyone, every person just looked at me like they were amazed. what again

I saw Donghae-oppa brought a chair from the kitchen and put it infront of everyone. they took a place to see me with my dream

"a guitar?" exclaimed Teukkie-oppa who was looking at my back

"Ddee I want to be a guitar.... please rate me" I said and sat at the chair

at first I sang a very old song that I made when I was 7 years old, a chimpy chimp

(A/N: totally created  by me xP)

chimpy chimp with a chimp and a chimp

chimp and added with a chimpy


and continued. I sang with a voice that imitates a robot. they all looked stunned and looked down

"how was it oppa? I made it. do you think I will get picked?" I asked 

they looked bad and all of them looked down

I then sang a medley... and

Miahne I don't know how to put videos kekeke



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what will happened when they hear a very talented IU?

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xiaohope #1
Chapter 32: Please update soon dont stop here
Dhanaletta #2
Chapter 32: Nooooo...... PLEASEEEEE....DON'T STOP..!!!!
Its rare to find EunU story..... And i love your story so so so so much....
Pleaseeee.... Don't stop this story, author-nim
Please continue......
Pretty pleeaasseee.....
Chapter 32: DON'T STOP! PLEASEE! I reread this story when im bored! :) is is soo cute! Please dont stop. Just make another fanfic with exo but please dont stop this! :)
Annellise25 #4
Chapter 32: pls continue!!!! :)) jebal.. don't stop it.. if u want u can even add in EXO to put more twists in the story!!! just pls don't stop the story.. :)
Chapter 31: Update pleaseee >:))
IU_U-ana1993 #6
Chapter 31: update puhlease!! :"(
ecikurcaci #7
uaaaah... short part...
next to chap 4
ewitsmaryy #8
update more!!!!!!!!!! i'm hungry for fanfics><