My dream is..

Unexpected Love

# Lee Ji Eun's POV 

I woke up as soon I heard my mom scream


sheesh can't I just get my beauty sleep properly without everyone screaming and stuff? I wish! I'm already 20 years old don't have to call out like that. I am Lee Ji Eun, my family, my friends and my dog calls me IU. LOL yes my dog barks IUwoof IUwoof.

I got out of my bedroom and walk downstairs, I accidentally hit the wall

"UGH stupid wall!" I groaned while I rub my forehead.

"the wall's not stupid, you are!"

I looked behind and saw my brother smirking. I ran into him and smacked the hell out of him. we hit each other. 

I heard my mom screamed

"LEE JI EUN, LEE PARK MIR! don't make me go there!"

and we suddenly stopped and ran to mom as we pretended like nothing happened.

I faced my mom and my mom gave me the like-I-don't-know-what-happened-face.

"mom nothing happened!" as I put my hands on my brother's shoulder.

he's my younger brother which happens to be 19 years old but his face looks like he's in his 20's. he's more girlish and I'm more tom-boyish. I have to admit it. I am used to having a guys friends more than girls. I find guys more honest and don't backstab a lot.

"IU. your dad and I planned something you might like...."

is she going to let me stay to an apartment all by myself? Yes I thought. I just realised I said "yes" out loud more like YES not yes yes.

my brother said "no IU, you're not going to live in an apartment all by yourself"

did he just read my mind?!

"whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..." as soon as I can continue the next word my mom hit us and said

"come to your dad's office now"

we didn't move from our chair as I tried to reach my cereal

my mom continued "NOW!"

so we walked to where my mom told us. "geeez" I said. "Dad got back already?!!"

"come in my children"

my dad said as soon as we reached the door. my dad owns a shopping center, 2 schools in Seoul and a    restaurant. he's a business man which always travels around the world. I don't really like talking about my dad in that way. I got annoyed by those wannabes who trying to be my friend because I'm rich seriously. 

"Hi Dad!"

I hugged him as he hugged me back

"you're back early?" my brother said.

"luckily yes, I got to go back since something came up to my mind and your mom's"

my brother and I finished our college and my parents always bragged us for staying at home not doing anything. my mom came and smiled to my dad as he nodded.

"Mir, what's your dream?"

Mir thought for a second and said "to help you!"

it's always been his dream to help dad

. Dad smiled and said "you get to stay here and go to University and take what courses I took".

"IU" he continued

"Dde?" I said as I bit my lips

"what's yours?" I stopped bitting my lips and look down.

I felt my mom held my shoulders with both of his arms and said "since you're in your diapers, you always want to be a singer"

I looked at my mom and at my dad. my dad continued "you want to be a singer?"

it's true I always wanna be successful singer which will be known by everyone then I nodded and looked nervous well I never told this dream of mine since I never took my dream seriously.

 "okay then" then we took our leave and go back to our bedrooms.

time passed by and my phone rang and saw my mom messaged me saying

"    From : Omma <3

        To : IU

IU-ah go here. I can't shout your dad's here. feels awkward since we haven't meet in long time ^^

aigoo my daughter go here have your dinner. you didn't get your breakfast steady!"

I scoff. I ate chocolate for energy as I chuckled and went to the dinner room.

I sat down infront of my brother.

my mom said "we're sending you away"

my heart suddenly felt touched at the same time sad. why would they want me leave? as much I want I really was just kidding about living alone. I looked at my mom who was smiling.

"WHERE?!" my dad continued "....... Seoul. you're going to live with Uncle Yeon"


I was really happy as soon as I heard Uncle Yeon's name. he's like my nanny when my parents are away. oh I forgot to tell you my mom's a business woman, she owns 3 5-star hotel and a famous spa. she always get her free time. I always wonder why. 

my parents laugh. I looked at my brother who was drowned by chicken said

"you're really that happy yahh IU-ah?! you don't have to shout!"

I giggled. I was so happy. then it hit me I asked

"but why?"

"you said you wanted to be a singer right?" my dad answered.

I hugged my parents tightly and didn't care about dinner. I looked at them as they started their prayers for dinner.

"you'll be leaving this monday. I don't want my daughter to be lazy bringing her only eats breakfast whilst lunch and having lunch whilst dinner"

I smiled shyly. I never been this happy! 


*** It's saturday morning ***

for the first time I woke up really early! since I'm leaving on monday morning. I shopped with my mom for a new shirts and shorts but my mom brags me saying

"buy dress!"

so I bought one. surprisingly I saw my mom brought a trolley full of dresses and the next trolley full of shorts, Tees and some undergarments. the other person brought box full of makeups. I HATE MAKEUPS as I looked at it. seriously I hate it!

"Yah ma. you're over reacting" I said as my mom told her helper to wait in the cashier. 



I packed my things and ready to go. it's already monday. I can't believe it. my mom teared up a bit as soon as I hugged her. my dad smiled and said

"good luck with your things my little princess. I called your Uncle already. you can call him later to tell you what you wear. we'll visit you when we're free. okay my princess?"

I nodded and said thanks while hugging him. I made a secret handshake with my brother. it's so lame but since I'm leaving we've done it.

"it's been a while" my parents said while looking at each other. as soon as the handshake's done I saw my brother cried and I hugged him

. I teared up and a bit. I said while sobbing

*you'll do well. visit me sometime! you never know you'll meet a superstar" we smiled. 

I gave my family a wave and enter. I call my Uncle and Sorry Sorry were playing. I know that song. it stucked on my head since it was a song that's playing on my college everyday. although I'm a singer I don't really go for the newest Kpop Idols. I go for the old one. I grinned as I remembered the song.



it doesn't sound like Uncle's voice at all. I heard someone argued about shouldn't answering phones just like that but I dismissed that thought.

"ah hello?"

"UNCLE! you're going to pick me up right?!"

"aaaaahhh IUang! yes I will!" he's always like that. he's the only one who called me with an ang at the back. and even called me little princess like what my dad called me. I got annoyed sometimes.

"uncle, I have many luggages! you don't expect me to bring it do you? hee hee"

"aigoooo IU-ang I will bring back ups no worries" I gave him information about what I wore and stuff.

"uncle-ah I should really switch off my phone now. see you later!"  



# Yeon's POV

I heard IU hang up just like that.

"Aigoo that kid!" I said.

Heechul heard me as he teased me saying "wey hyung? got dumped?" he laughed at his joke.

I pretended to hit him. Lee Teuk on the other hand was standing next to Heechul feeling tired so he stick his tounge out.

I know they're really curious who I was talking to. Shindong was walking passed me I called

"Lee Teuk, Heechul and Shindong. since you're here I need you guys to back me up something. I'm going to pick my Little Princess"

"Ok!" as they gave me their ok gesture on their hand.





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xiaohope #1
Chapter 32: Please update soon dont stop here
Dhanaletta #2
Chapter 32: Nooooo...... PLEASEEEEE....DON'T STOP..!!!!
Its rare to find EunU story..... And i love your story so so so so much....
Pleaseeee.... Don't stop this story, author-nim
Please continue......
Pretty pleeaasseee.....
Chapter 32: DON'T STOP! PLEASEE! I reread this story when im bored! :) is is soo cute! Please dont stop. Just make another fanfic with exo but please dont stop this! :)
Annellise25 #4
Chapter 32: pls continue!!!! :)) jebal.. don't stop it.. if u want u can even add in EXO to put more twists in the story!!! just pls don't stop the story.. :)
Chapter 31: Update pleaseee >:))
IU_U-ana1993 #6
Chapter 31: update puhlease!! :"(
ecikurcaci #7
uaaaah... short part...
next to chap 4
ewitsmaryy #8
update more!!!!!!!!!! i'm hungry for fanfics><