Each Other's Vindicta

Each Other's Vindicta

♫Kris Allen - Heartless♫


    “You are staring at an empty page for thirty minutes already, Soo-Mi-ssi. Your first day is today, you should be getting ready!” Chen sounded like an excited bridesmaid funny wiggling his hands.
    “What did he say actually? Why did you get out there so fast?” Chen continued really fast. The woman sighed deeply, closing her eyes.
    “Chen, you’re getting on my nerves if you didn’t notice it already.” Soo Mi rubbed her temples still processing all the new and unbelievable information.
    “But, Boss, this is just amazing! I really admire you!” Soo Mi looked really annoyed and was ready to shut her ears close.
    “Chen, you better be gone in ten seconds and start to prepare the audio system.”
    “I understand, Soo Mi-ssi.” Chen laughed awkwardly and made a few silent steps away. This devil. Soo Mi fought with herself on the inside, not really knowing how to handle all this mess.  Is the playing with me? The woman stood up and went straight to the coffee machine. Did he recognize me? She searched for a coin, deciding what kind of coffee she wants. Why was I so nervous? The machine splattered a bit of espresso around before peeping. I’ve got to find something out today.  Talking to herself was absolutely normal these days. Who Am I kidding, the last months.
    “Chen, get a wireless and transparent microphone for my year till evening. I count on you.” Soo Mi said without looking to the boy’s direction.
    “Almost nine years passed, hyung.” Luhan cringed after hearing this sentence from his best friend of five years. Luhan didn’t catch up when this phone call became a walk down the memory line.
    “I know, I know.  After nine years she did not a single step on talking to me again. I couldn’t let that go on any longer.” Luhan’s got terrible migraine since morning and it’s not easy to make up a decent plan right now.
   “If you weren’t a coward the past years, you would’ve talked to her by yourself already.”  Luhan couldn’t deny that simple but true fact. He looked after her all these years without her noticing him. By himself or telling his people to do so, he still cared not matter what.
    “I know.”
    “What did you even tell her this morning?  She came back looking like a ghost!”  Luhan shut his eyes, massaging his temple.
   “I asked if we’ve seen each other before. But she remained surprisingly cold and expressionless. Did I do something wrong?”
   “Apart from being a total idiot?”
   “HEY!” Luhan raised his voice a little but knew that “idiot” was at least the most harmless nickname.
   “You are constantly repeating this, hyung. I am sick of it. I am her friend and it is really painful to see her trying to catch and take revenge on someone who walks behind her. She is so focused to go and look only forward, she totally forgot to look around.”  All of the words said by the man on the other line were nothing but truth.
   “She won’t easily survive today’s evening if you rush everything. If you do hurt her, I won’t be sorry for my actions.”
   “I understood you, Chen. If anything goes wrong, take care of her.” Luhan took a deep breath, tightly squeezing his phone.
   “Better than you did.” Chen hung up right after his words, leaving Luhan alone with his thoughts. He recognizes that he shouldn’t have been this selfish and let Soo Mi absorb all the pain by herself. He hated himself for being a coward now and nine years ago. He should have just said “no”.



   “You look really good, princess.” Luhan tried to hide his sad smile by hugging Soo Mi tightly.
   “Thank you. You really look gorgeous, too.” Soo Mi smiled brightly again, ignoring the obvious gloomy atmosphere.
   “Let’s go.” Luhan didn’t even take her hand in his, just quietly opening the door to his car. When they already half way there, they were not even talking.
   “What’s wrong?” Soo Mi couldn’t take this atmosphere any longer.
   “Would you hate me if I told you my secret?” Luhan suddenly became serious, turning the car around. Soo Mi gasped, squeezing her dress.
   “I can’t hate you, Luhan. I love you.” She could’ve sworn that she saw tears forming in his eyes. But to Soo Mi’s own surprise, she didn’t feel scared. She knew something was coming but she denied it till the very end. Even if they had problems, they could solve it by simply talking. Soo Mi didn’t know that this time was totally different.
   “I am sorry.” He whispered, turning into an dark alley again.
   “What f-“ Soo Mi didn’t finish her sentence because Luhan covered with a cloth that had a weird scent. After a few moments she felt her head spin and her eyes slowly closing.
   “Lu-han…” She whispered before losing her consciousness.
*End Flashback*


   “Chen, do you hear me? I am right by his apartment door. He still didn’t come home.” Soo Mi crossed her arms on her chest, leaning against a wall.
   “I do. He got a bit drunk and might be a little touchy today. If he does something weird, just go on with the flow, you might get something interesting out of him.”
   “Got it.” Maybe I could try to get answers from him, too. I desperately need them. Soo Mi sighed again, looking at her wrist watch. 11:15 PM. For an important person he doesn’t really care about getting drunk and riding a car. She scoffed, closing her eyes. Painful memories appeared again, causing Soo Mi to get a bit teary.
   “No, not now.” She whispered suddenly hearing footsteps at her left. She straightened right away, bowing 90 degrees.
   “Good evening, I am ready to get on my duties.” She smiled. Soo Mi noticed that Luhan looks nothing like this morning: his eyes were red and puffy, his hair was messy and lips were dry. He stopped on his tracks all of a sudden, looking Soo Mi straight in the eyes.
   “You are beautiful, Park Minyeol.” And began to laugh, mixing it with sobs.
   “You know, I once loved a beautiful girl before. And I was really happy. She loved me back.” What’s with all the revelations? Soo Mi asked herself but continued to listen to that obviously drunk guy.
   “But I betrayed her, Minyeol, you know. I was a coward.” Luhan leaned his forehead on the cold wall, still sobbing. If I don’t stop him, he will cry right here. Soo Mi rolled her eyes, wanting to speak up but Luhan harshly continued.
   “You know, you kind of remind me of her.” Luhan narrowed his eyes, coming closer. Don’t tell me that… Soo Mi finally acknowledged about whom he was talking about the last five minutes and didn’t want to remember, stepping back.
   “She was as beautiful as you, she had the same long hair, pointy nose and assuring smile.” Luhan pointed out every word, coming closer. He didn’t look as drunk as before. Soo Mi thought her heart will stop any second.
   “I never told her how much I loved her. It might sound really cheesy but…” Soo Mi hit a wall with her back, nowhere to go. Luhan leaned over her, whispering in her ear.
   “I never loved someone as much. Never.” Shivers went down her spine multiple times. She doesn’t know what kind of powers made her to turn off the microphone in her ear. The only thing she was sure about is how much she actually missed his touch.
   “I will never forget how beautifully she looked in that flower dress of hers…” He started kissing Soo Mi’s neck, slowly going down.
   “I will never forget how she still smiled even though everything went wrong…” Luhan wrapped his arms around Soo Mi waist, continuing to kiss her collarbones.
   “I will never forget how much she suffered the past nine years.” Luhan suddenly stopped, taking Soo Mi by her hand and taking her to his apartment, fastly typing in the code. Soo Mi was in some kind of trance, her eyes almost closed.  For the very first time in her life since that day she was absolutely happy even though she completely understands that she lost that battle. Had she even the chance to win from the very beginning?
After he closed the door, Soo Mi was initiative and began to kiss him immediately, burying her hands into his messy hair. Luhan took her by her thighs, lifting her up…
Heavy breathing and quiet moans were heating up the cold atmosphere in and old apartment room. Their clothes were chaotically lying on the ground, the warmth of their bodies slowly spread over the bed. His lips barely touched her soft neck, slowly going down in kisses. As a woman, she enjoyed this kind of treatment. Maybe even more than she should.
   “You are so sweet.“ he couldn’t control his senses anymore. She kept silent, her eyes closed. His hands were studying her every curve.
   “Would you hate me if I told you my little secret?”  – He suddenly started a conversation, still planting kisses on her flat stomach. She remained quiet. When everything was about to get serious, he heard a familiar “click”. The awareness of what actually happens made him lift his head up only to see a gunpoint.
   “Please tell,  Luhan-ssi, if I am not mistaken.”
She was surprised to see only a playful smirk as his immediate answer.
   “I didn’t expect that…” Luhan scoffed sadly, getting off Soo Mi and lifting his hands up.
   “I also didn’t expect you betraying me, but you already knew that, right?” Soo Mi’s hand were shaking and she frowned deeply. But she still was holding up the gun and ready to shoot any second.




   “Tell her.”
   “You promised you’ll let her go after I bring her here. You just needed proof of my loyalty.” Soo Mi heard unfamiliar voices of people talking loudly.
   “Tell her. That’s my last wish.”
   “I can’t do that to her.” Soo Mi’s head was aching badly, she was slowly waking up and noticing that her hands were tied.
   “TELL HER!” That loud scream made her flinch.
   “Luhan…” Her shaky voice was not overheard and the next second she felt pain on her cheek. She was strongly slapped.
   “Shut up.” Another unknown voice scared Soo Mi, she unintentionally began to cry.
   “Don’t touch her!” Luhan was the one screaming now but Soo Mi was still too scared to look up. What is happening?
   “If you don’t goddamn tell her the truth, I will kill her slowly and then you will suffer till the rest of your life. You don’t want to suffer, don’t you?” Soo Mi couldn’t process the information at all. What truth? Where is my Luhan? She was still quietly sobbing.
   “Lift her head up!” That man ordered again and Soo Mi felt a sharp pain in her neck. The light of a bright lamp was practically blinding her.
   “Soo Mi, Soo Mi.” Luhan was quietly calling her, cupping her face into his hands.
   “As painful as it might sound, you need to hear me out.” She never saw Luhan this serious and pale before. And that scared her the most.
   “I never loved you. You need to understand that. I used you just to get revenge on your father’s company. And they helped me.” Luhan nodded to the people around him.
   “Forget about the year. We were never really in love. It was just you that never wanted to see the truth. It was easier than I thought.” Luhan let go of her face, being totally emotionless.
   “Good bye, Soo Mi.” He then turned around and began to walk away, loudly banging the door behind him.
If a heart could be torn apart into thousand little pieces, then this is what is happening to Soo Mi right now. Absolute shock. No heartbeats, no pain, no shaking. It was something totally worse. It was the sound of a young life being broken apart. Forever.


*End Flashback*


   “You knew I wasn’t “Minyeol”, right?” Soo Mi laughed out loud in panic.
   “I knew.” Luhan continued to answer casually as if it wasn’t the meeting in our decade.
   “You were an absolutely heartless son of a , Luhan.” He remained still, his hands still up.
   “I loved you more than my own life.” Luhan’s gaze suddenly softened but he decided to hear her out. Soo Mi’s tears began to flow down her cheeks.
   “The most painful weren’t even your words. I knew they could be fake. I knew they were fake, Luhan.” Soo Mi began to step closer with every word, how he did before.
   “But the fact that you just walked away, loudly banging that damn door, left me speechless. That ruined everything. Everything.” Her every word stung deeply into his brain. Soo Mi still pointed that gun right at Luhan’s forehead.
   “You were a bastard that I’ve trusted. And seeing you live happily ever after made be more miserable than I already was. If that could even happen.”  Luhan hit a wall behind his back, after a second feeling cold metal of a gunpoint on his forehead.
   “I wanted revenge. How you once wanted it from me, right? That’s how it was. I wanted to see you in pain.” She pressed the gun harder on his forehead.
   “But the thing is…And I’ve realized it just now, I still loved you.” Soo Mi took a deep breath, shocking Luhan with these words. His mouth hung a bit open.
   “I still loved that face, touch, body, soul of yours. I loved your everything.”  Soo Mi pulled the gun away, throwing it to the opposite corner of the room.
   “And now I am saying good bye, Luhan. I’ll never regret loving you.” Soo Mi abruptly turned around, quickly putting her dress on and taking all her stuff.
  “Forget about what happened. Good bye, Luhan.” And she left him speechless, loudly banging the door.



Nine years ago, a love story didn’t have a happy end. Nor does it have a happy end now. That’s just how lives go on. Their story was pure pain and an example of how hard the life sometimes can be. But for them, and also for us, they will be remembered as a man and a woman that were each other’s revenge. Nothing more and nothing less…


That's the end guys, sadly. I wanted to make it longer but I didn't have the time to, sadly ;(( Thank you hanging on and good luck to everybody on the contest <3 I would love it yif you would share your thoughts. Thank you again =) 

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flutterwind #1
Chapter 3: Woah! This is sooo good!
rudelysweetk21 #2
Chapter 3: Awww well she still loves him after all that..I felt like lu might had a chance if he went to her sooner..while reading I thought the ceo criminal was luhan..its him right?? Since you didn't wrote back anything after soomi being his bodyguard? I
Felt like the story was kind of unfinished?? Is it..haha I guess you can always resume when you have time :)
amallu #3
i reallllly like it *_* :'(