The Past lives in the Present

Each Other's Vindicta

Ron Pope – A Drop In The Ocean


     “Any news? “  A woman in her twenties slammed the door to an office open. She literally raced to her computer turning it on and casting glances to the people around her. To her team to be correct.
     “Nope, still not. The fingerprints can’t be identified.” said a boy her age. She deeply sighed, rubbing her left eye. Han Soo Mi, the head police officer at the Gangnam Police Station. She was very hard-working and oddly tied to a practically dead end case. Being the head officer for two years now, she was craving to catch a business company’s CEO, who was a leader of a gang that everybody knew existed but nobody could reach.
     “Boss, maybe you should take a day off, we will handle some small paper work.” Soo Mi sighed again making herself comfortable by sitting down on a chair near the monitor and ignoring the fake concern. Soo Mi was a 26 years old successful woman that everyone loved and respected. But she, on the other hand, never trusted anybody since that day. She used to laugh and smile a lot but this gang is all her energy out day by day. Soo Mi swore many years ago that she will find that certain someone and take revenge because of every little thing that made her miserable and broken.
        Nine years ago everything seemed so bright and colorful when going to high school. Girlfriends, parties, detentions, night-outs, first love. The basic kit that every person had when going to school. Soo Mi had everything but totally lost her luck and herself first falling in love. Don’t misunderstand; it wasn’t unrequited love, on the contrary. The whole school cherished them, “match made in heaven” they said. Remembering that times Soo Mi just nervously laughs out loud ready to cry. Who would have thought that that innocent love could turn into something so awful and regretting.
      “Soo Mi-ssi, you must sign this.” Soothing voice of a male worker distracted her from painful memories. She nodded taking the papers from Chen, her assistant, who worked with her almost from the day she took that case. He was a few years younger but definitely smarter in everything regarding computer science. He was a pure genius.
      “Here…” she quietly said, turning back to the monitor. Soo Mi wasn’t in the mood and strength to even talk properly because she pulled an all-nighter again watching the video materials from secret cameras. She was so close to finding the person who forcefully pulled her down straight to hell. She was furious whenever she found out that they had nothing. Not a single hint. Soo Mi was getting tired of all this but she would never give up. Because she promised.
      Luhan. That name still stings her heart painfully when she hears it. She was completely lost and naive in this fake thing called relationship. He told her he was a transfer student from China, he was complimenting her every morning and kissing gently like nobody else. That young girl fell madly for that handsome prince named Luhan even though all her senses screamed that nobody could be this perfect. All his courtesy and attention seemed almost like fairy tales that Soo Mi loved to believe in, completely forgetting that they don’t exist in real life.
       Scientists once said that you feel the real pain only in the first fifteen minutes of the infelicitous moment in your life. Everything after is considered autosuggestion. But why did nobody tell that young creature that she should move on? Would that change something? I highly doubt it. What pain, even the worst one, would last for almost nine years?


       “Would you go out on a date with me?” The boy smiled shyly, handling a bouquet of her favorite flowers, peonies, to Soo Mi. Everything started so simple yet really romantic.
       “Why so sudden?” She asked back, barely breathing. On the outside she seemed so emotionless and cold because she was completely taken aback by his proposal. But a little princess on the inside screamed in joy.
       “I really like you. I’ve never felt so different before.” Luhan continued to smile, locking gazes with Soo Mi and blushing. What Luhan didn’t know at that time is that she fell for him completely and absurdly from the first second seeing his face.
       “Sure, I will go with you.” She finally smiled back taking the flowers and slightly smelling them. Beautiful scent. Soo Mi carefully took his hand in her own and whispered a softly “Thank you”. She thanked him for saving her from what she thought was an unrequited love.
 Since then the tragic love story started. Everything was more than perfect at the beginning – sweet kisses, long talks, cozy atmosphere, text messages till 4am… Visiting her parents, first Christmas together – everything left a scar behind. Nobody told her that her story won’t have a happy end.
        *End Flashback*


        “Soo Mi-ssi! Soo Mi-ssi!” She finally heard someone calling her, coming back to reality.
        “What? What is it?” Soo Mi felt someone nudging her shoulder.
        “We have found the perfect chance to finally uncover and catch him!” Chen happily but fast clapped his hands in anticipation. The woman needed a few seconds to actually get the long-awaited message.
         “What did you say?” She blinked a few times, eyes filled with forming tears. Chen’s expression suddenly changed from happy to a deep frown but he still continued.
         “Luhan is searching for a head bodyguard. He fired his last one because of unknown reasons. That is the perfect chance to spy him and get him straight to jail.” Soo Mi’s heart started to pound faster with every passing second. Her senses told her again that it couldn’t be that easy after nine painful years, yet she still decides to take action ignoring her premonitions. Again.


So I will expand this story a bit but I promise it won't be too long ^O^ It's not the best and I know it but why not at least try? :DD Thank you for reading..If someone does lol <3 

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flutterwind #1
Chapter 3: Woah! This is sooo good!
rudelysweetk21 #2
Chapter 3: Awww well she still loves him after all that..I felt like lu might had a chance if he went to her sooner..while reading I thought the ceo criminal was luhan..its him right?? Since you didn't wrote back anything after soomi being his bodyguard? I
Felt like the story was kind of unfinished?? Is it..haha I guess you can always resume when you have time :)
amallu #3
i reallllly like it *_* :'(