Underneath the Bed

The Monster

Sehun just stared at the ceiling and watched the "stars" align before his eyes. Lifting one arm slowly, he tried to reach for one and then figured that they were just figments of his imagination. 

Pretty soon, Sehun found his eyes transfixed. Looking up. He was just looking up. As he was staring up, he felt a cool gush of wind from behind him. It was a gentle  breeze at first but it gradually built up and increased in strength, speed, and its temperature dropped. The back of Sehun's body felt colder and colder, resulting in a pain that he could equate to frost bite. Sehun tried to look back but found his head fixated to the front. He could feel that he was about to land or so he predicted and as he expected to land on a hard surface but was quite surprised to feel that he landed on the opposite. A softer one.

What the ?

Sehun felt the surface. It was soft, almost cushion like. It was a breath of relief that followed. However, relief wouldn't last for long as the surface started to him in. Sehun felt himself sinking so he yelled out and called for help though subconsciously he knew that he was the only one in this "place."

"HELP! SOMEBODY! HELP ME!" he yelled over and over. Just as the soft cushion area was about to him in, a long, bony hand reached out and grabbed him, yanked him upward, getting him on safe ground. As he looked up to see whose bony hand it belonged to. He saw Yoona. Frail and fragile Yoona. He remembered Yoona and what they were and how he felt about her. 

"You're on your own." Yoona whispered in the cool wind. Sehun tried to chase her but Yoona just vanished into thin air but he never ceased running. Only fragments of her spirit remained in his hands.  Yoona then reappeared from a distance. Sehun saw her and continued to run, dashing towards her. However, he stopped when he noticed that her skin started to break-literally break! Yoona's skin was made of glass and it slowly fell bit by bit to the ground until Yoona was no more. 

"I must find her." Sehun said. He coursed through the darkness, he noticed red and green  vines growing on the surfaces, the walls of the dark area. The red and green vines turned into monstrous trees, big, bad wooden trees. It seemed rather comical in nature but Sehun quite knew it had a meaning to it, or at least it must have. The red trees bullied Sehun, hitting him repeatedly and striking him from behind. One red tree in particular picked him up and tossed him to another tree. The other red tree tossed him upwards and as he was in the air, he saw that it started to grow feet. Root feet! The tree raised one of its root feet and kicked him higher into the air. Sehun flew higher and was swatted by another red tree, thrown now amongst the green trees. The green trees did not do anything. They all just stared at Sehun, with their seemingly angry and frowning faces made from the marks of their barks. Everything fell silent until a cackle came out of the biggest tree'smouth, followed by loud cackles from other trees. Their laughs were so deafening that Sehun broke down to the ground and covered his ears to shut them out. The laughter just got worse!

All of a sudden, a ripping sound came from behind him. He whipped around, hands still on his ears, and saw a man clad in a balaclava and black shirt and pants. The man in a balaclava was wielding a chainsaw that ripped very loudly. Using the chainsaw, he cut down all the trees, watching them "bleed out" their respective colors. The trees all fell but none of them seemed to be hurting either him or Sehun.  When all the trees were gone. Sehun stood up from his ducking position and walked over to the man. 

"Thank you. Thank you so much." he said, pouring out his gratitude. He tried to shake the man's hand but found that he could not touch it. This puzzled him greatly and anticipation grew as he saw his savior taking off his balaclava. 

"Holy ..." was all he could mutter upon seeing who he really turned out to be.

It was Sehun. Another Sehun. Clad in all black. But how?

I must be dreaming. This cannot be real. Two of me? 

"Come on, I must show you the way home." said the other Sehun. He took Sehun's hand and guided him on his way to the exit of the realm. Sehun could already see the light which would guide them on their way out  but Other Sehun 

"Where are you taking me?" asked Sehun. Other Sehun just kept mum and led his twin on. 


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Chapter 3: omg!! sehun's imagination is so awesome!!!!
Chapter 3: Wow. Sehun must have a lot of trouble facing these thoughts of his if he's in college. These must hinder him and his studies a lot. :/ Creepy. xD Keep up the good work, author-nim!
Chapter 3: Sehun has wild imaginations hehehe :) thumbs up author-nim! :)