
The Monster

Sehun decided to skip dinner tonight and just go straight to his room. When he got home, his heart and body felt very heavy, along with the weight that the backpack over his back. Not wanting to face his mother and her hundred questions, the young college student hurried up to his room, trying to make as little noise as possible, succeeding. 

Upon reaching his room, young Sehun, bruised blue and black, threw his backpack to his wooden wardrobe as hard as he could, releasing all the negative energy. Sehun threw his lanky body onto the bed and stared up at the ceiling, trying to make images out of the stars that were flying before his eyes.


One day I will become all powerful. I will rule over you all and you will all bow before me. And even if you do, I shall execute you all and make you suffer in Hell with Satan!!!!!

Sehun was a highly intelligent and creative student. He excelled in most of his subjects and was a good writer and imaginative artist. Of course, one can neve have it all. Sehun was impaired socially. His high intelligence level made it difficult for him to get along or be on the same wavelength as his peers, resulting in heavy bouts of bullying. Sehun was not only taunted but tormented physically as well. His mother had tried reasoning with school officials and begging them to do something about this situation but so far nothing had been done. Sehun continued to come home tired, weary, and beaten in all aspects, physically and emotionally.

The imaginative child that he was ever since, Sehun retreated to an imaginary world which he managed to create in his novels and made visual through his artwork.  He often created works that were grim and brutal in nature, just to get his inner turmoil out, let off some steam. His mother once discovered violent works while cleaning his room back when he was younger, which greatly alarmed her for she did not want her son to be the next Columbine kid. Luckily, Sehun was still in his right mind and did not bring to life any of the works that he had created. 

He, however, had a different way of doing things. 

Sehun was always different, as we all are. Though his comprehension and communication skills were superior, something was missing or quite off about him and most peers would say so though they just could not point it out. 

Sehun had his own safe place, a place where he could hide. 

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Chapter 3: omg!! sehun's imagination is so awesome!!!!
Chapter 3: Wow. Sehun must have a lot of trouble facing these thoughts of his if he's in college. These must hinder him and his studies a lot. :/ Creepy. xD Keep up the good work, author-nim!
Chapter 3: Sehun has wild imaginations hehehe :) thumbs up author-nim! :)