
Oh No, AGAIN!?


My mind suddenly went on a subject i did NOT want to go to, I slowly started thinking about L.Joe and I if there will ever be an L.Joe and I. With that I started dozing off to sleep. For the first time since i got to Korea i had a dreamless sleep! It felt nice that i did this way i didn't have to be fraustrated on figuring out who this mystery guy is. BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Startled i feel off the bed, "OUCHH," aughh stupid alarm clock! I walked to the garbage where i threw the alarm clock and hit the snooze button so hard i must have broke it. If i did break it good! I slowly walked back to my bed and pulled the blanket over my head. Right when i was about to shut my eyes that annoying voice screamed in my ear!

"Honey wake up! There's school today! GET UP! GET UP! GETTT UPPPP!!!!" AISHH can't i get any peace and quiet in here!? Without any arguments i got up from bed and walked to the bathroom and did my business and got ready for school. I wore my school uniform and walked downstairs grabbed breakfast for to go and rushed out the house. I must have looked like a zombie! I was so tired! When i finally got to school i opened the doors and felt a lot of eyes staring at me, i didn't care i was way to tired! i walked to my class and when i got in the first person i noticed was L.Joe. He was just sitting there with his friends laughing about who knows what! I didn't care if he was there or not i walked to my seat sat down and laid my head on the desk and slowly i closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I don't know how long i've been sleeping but i felt a hot breath on my ear and a whisper, "Fire." 

I quickly stood up and yelled, "FIREEEE!!!!" Everyone in class looked at me and started laughing.

"I was just taking attendance and I'm guessing you are here miss ~~~~ and I'm pretty sure there is NO fire!" i slowly sank down in my seat and hid my face. Throught out the whole class i had my head down taking notes i didn't want anyone to look at me. I almost died of emberassment! Finally the bell rang and i was the second one out. I still had my head down walking slowly and i accidently bumped into someone.

"Watch where you're going ~~~~! You seem to be doing this bumping thing on purpose it gets annoying! Oh and nice face." I heard the person snicker. I looked up and the person was gone. That person must have been a ninja! I giggled to myself. And what did that person mean by nice face? I pushed the thought aside as i saw Gikwang by his locker.

"Hi, Gikwang!" i said happily.

He burst into laughter i didn't know why but something must have been funny, "Nice make up!" he winked at me. Make up what make up? I'm not wearing any what the heck! I looked at him confused.

"What are you talking about this face is el natural!" i defended.

"Here take a look for yourself!" He snickered and handed me a mirror. I looked at my reflection and now i knew why people were laughing!

I know who did this, "L.JOEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!" 


AN: I'm sorry for this late update I had to restart twice! First, i accidently clicked the back button and it didn't save my story! The second time was my laptop died on me and that also didn't save my story! aaahhhh i'm sorry it took long but here you go enjoy :D

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Katrina90 #1
Chapter 18: OMG!!!! PLS UPDATE PLSSS
no probs Unnie!! Keep updating!! FIGHTING!! :D
@SakuraOak120 i was thinking fury but i thought it was wrong im going to change it though thanks for noticing XD
furry???? im just gonna say its fury...:D Go fighting Unnie!! :D
thz unnie 4 using my name!! :D i'm so honoured!! ur not the first one though.... oh well! thx 4 updating UNNIE!!! UR MY FRIEND NOW!!!! :D
mysteriousaura209 #6
Teen Top!!! she saw teen top!!!
awww is good update soon
@SakuraOak120 thank you so much and i will try to update today as much as i can haha && I am thanks for the very kind comment (:
plz update soon!! this is really good unnie....i think its unnie anyway?? :D