
Oh No, AGAIN!?


I just kept walking not knowing where i was going until i bumped into Gikwang! Whew am I glad I bumped into him and not Hyuna! I looked at him and smiled and he smiled back at me, his smile is so charming! 

"Hey ~~~~ what are you doing out this late?" he asked me.

"Hello, Gikwang! I just had to get out of my house that's all my mom's friends were over and I'm going to be bored if i stayed! What about you why are you out this late?" I eyed him curiously.

"Oh this is where i live it's just I didn't want to be inside i needed space." I looked up at his house and it was HUGE!

"This is your house!?" i asked in awe.

I heard him laugh, he must be laughing at my facial espression, "Yeah this is where i live it's no big deal."

"No big deal!? Look at this place it's HUGE!" i motioned my hand at his house.

He laughed, "Do you want to come in for a little bit or are you busy?" I wanted to check out his house but i was emberassed I wasn't ready for this kind of stuff.

"I'm actually just about to head home, maybe i'll go in next time my mom must be worried about me." i said dissapointedly.

"Oh it's ok! Well i should go in too there's school tomorrow. Don't go skipping your other classes now!" he poked at me teasing me.

I smiled at him, "Don't worry i won't. I'll see you tomorrow good night Gikwang!" i winked at him and walked away. When i got to the house i knocked on the door and there stood a very worried looking mom.

"Where were you!? I was so worried something bad happened!" she said with concern.

"Don't worry mom I'm fine nothing bad happened." well, almost until L.Joe came to the rescue.

"What's in the bag?" she eyed the bag curiously with hunger in her eyes.

I hugged the bag as if it meant the world to me, "Food and MY food!" i emphasized on MY!

"Give me some and you'll be the best daughter in the world!" She started chasing me around and i ran around just so she couldn't get anywhere close to my food that i PAID for.

I ran to my room just in time and locked the door on her face, she started pounding on the door that it must have woken up the neighbors since it was really LOUD! I just sat there my laptop and turned up the music so loud it drowned the pounding on the door in the background. I just sat there enjoying every single bite of my food until i got a HUGE stomach ache. Ahhh I'm so full! I unlocked my door holding on to my stomach and there i found my mom sitting by the steps staring at me laughing, "That's what you get for not sharing with your own mother!" I just ignored her and walked past her and went downstairs to grab something to drink. By the time i walked back up my mom was already in her room. I went to the bathroom did my business, brushed my teeth and walked back to my room. I closed the door softly, turned out the lights and got under my blanket. 

I just laid there thinking about L.Joe... AGAIN! I seem to be thinking about this guy too much these days. I looked at my clock and it was already 11 pm. I need to get sleep!!!!! My mind suddenly went on a subject i did NOT want to go, i slowly started thinking about L.Joe and I if there will ever be an L.Joe and I. With that i started dozing off to sleep...........................


AN: sorry if this was boring I'm watching something and it's hard to think and watch at the same time haha... I hope you still liked it (:

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Katrina90 #1
Chapter 18: OMG!!!! PLS UPDATE PLSSS
no probs Unnie!! Keep updating!! FIGHTING!! :D
@SakuraOak120 i was thinking fury but i thought it was wrong im going to change it though thanks for noticing XD
furry???? im just gonna say its fury...:D Go fighting Unnie!! :D
thz unnie 4 using my name!! :D i'm so honoured!! ur not the first one though.... oh well! thx 4 updating UNNIE!!! UR MY FRIEND NOW!!!! :D
mysteriousaura209 #6
Teen Top!!! she saw teen top!!!
awww is good update soon
@SakuraOak120 thank you so much and i will try to update today as much as i can haha && I am thanks for the very kind comment (:
plz update soon!! this is really good unnie....i think its unnie anyway?? :D