Closure maybe?

I Belong To You


Acidalia: No, she doesn’t get scolding by the head doctor. Keep on reading to know what happen okay? You will find answer about ChangMin in this chappie too!

MongZong: Does this chappie satisfy you? Please let me know!!



Okay, I talk to you later.” Mrs. Jung placed down her phone on the desk and stared at the beautiful Seoul City scene from her office. She smiled when she knows that the doctor will follow exactly what she told earlier.

Prof Lee stared at the picture of Hye Ran and him on his work desk. Hye Ran is actually his student when he was part time lecturer before. The reason Hye Ran work in this hospital is because of his offer. She is pretty talented and a very nice girl too. There’s no way is he going to let her go.

He holds the picture frame that she gave him last 2 years as his 59th birthday present and frowned. He himself doesn’t like the words that are going to spill from his mouth tomorrow.



Mr. Jung smiled when he heard the voice.

Yes future in-law. How can I help you?” Mr. Jung stops from signing the document and focus on his buddy.

“I just got a call from Hye Ran head doctor.”Mr. Park clears his throat. He is not complaining, but as her father, they should discuss it with him first before calling the hospital.

“Yes, what’s wrong with Hye Ran?”He actually has a bad feeling for this conversation.

“I just want to know, why you asked the doctor to fired Hye Ran?”Mr. Jung widened his eyes. He never does that to anyone, especially Hye Ran who has taken a really good care of him. “Wait, you said me? Where did you hear that news?”

“Well, the head doctor said due to some cases. Hye Ran never once has done any serious case at the hospital. I think, maybe the order coming from you.”

Mr. Jung loosens his tie. “Look, I did go to the hospital today, but only to pick YunHo.  I don’t even meet any doctor.” He then saw his wife enters his room. “You know what, let me find out who did this and I will call you later.” They both hung up and Mrs. Jung went forward to fix the tie.

“Yobo…” Mrs. Jung sits on the chair in front of her husband. “What did you do to Hye Ran?”

Mrs. Jung opens the documents like Mr. Jung didn’t say a word before. “I need you to sign th-”

“I said, what you have done to her?!” Mr. Jung grabs the document and throws it on the floor. “You better answer me.”

Mrs. Jung scoffed and crossed her arms. “The hospital called me and sends their apology because of their staff. So I said, I only accept their apology if they fired that useless kid!”

 He stands up and put his hand on his forehead. “Why you hate that poor girl so much? She didn’t do anything to you. Moreover, YunHo already said that he will be getting married to Shin Hye. What else do you want?”

Mrs. Jung stands up too, “I will hate her until she disappears in front of YunHo and me! She just an orphanage that are luckily got accepted by the Park family!” She bends down and pick up the document and throws it lightly on her husband work desk.

“I need this ASAP..”

Mr. Jung sighed and flopped down on his leather seat.


“Let go of me.” Hye Ran said and tries to yank her hand away. However, YunHo hold it tight enough to prevent her from slips away. He totally forgot about her staying with ChangMin when he came here. He just wants to meet his best friend actually. ChangMin grabs the car key that he just put it down and walked to YunHo.

“I’m going out first; call me after you both done.” He puts his hand on YunHo shoulder, “Talk nicely.” YunHo nodded his head a bit and Hye Ran step down from the stairs. “Senior, please don’t leave me with him. Take me with you.” She used her other hand to hold ChangMin hand.

“No Hye Ran. You can’t avoid this matter. Just discuss it with him. Find the solution together. Running away from it is not going to solve anything.” He yanked away his hand and walked to the door. “Don’t ruin my house araso.” He smiled before closing the door.

Hye Ran feels YunHo grip is getting loosen and take the chance to yank her hand away. She runs to her room and quickly locked it.


“Hye Ran ah.. Open up.” YunHo knocked on the door. Hye Ran don’t know what to do. She walked from left to right and right to left while biting her thumbnail.

“Go away senior. I don’t have anything to talk to you.” She wants to call YooChun and stuck her hand in her pocket but to her surprised, her both pockets are empty. “Aish! I must be left it in the car!”

“We have a lot to talk about. Please open this door first.” YunHo knocked on the door again. Hye Ran doesn’t know what to do anymore. She takes a sit on the floor and leaned against the door. “I don’t want to meet you right now. I get it, we are over.”

YunHo closed his eyes. He feels like he wants to cry right now. Never once that he thought that one day because of Love. Hearing the weak voice of her proved that they still love each other despite what happen. He too, takes a sit on the floor and leaned against the same door Hye Ran leaned. “We are not over.”

He slowly said but Hye Ran catches that. “It’s over. You and unnie will be getting married. I’m sorry, this is my fault. If I don’t followed senior Shim to GwangJu on that day, I will never remember about us and continue it. None of us will know what happen to me. Just go back senior. There’s no way we are continuing this forbidden relationship.” She wipes away the tears that are threatened to falls.

“Don’t say that. I’m happy when you finally remember about me. Is my fault actually, if I can speak up to my mom that I want to marry you instead of Shin Hye, this will-”

“No!” Hye Ran cuts him off. “Even you speak up to senior mom, things will still not change. Because unnie is in love with you. She loves you since high school.”

YunHo brushes off his hair and silent himself. Things should be on halt for this time because he is not ready to say the final goodbye yet. Not yet.

Please leave senior.. Having you here makes my heart goes crazy and I can’t even think properly… there’s no ‘us’ anymore. No matter what, we can never be together anymore.


Please don’t push me away Hye Ran. You and ChangMin my only strength for me to faces these difficulties. If you push me away, I will be weak in no time. I’m sorry but I have to be selfish this time. Stay by my side. Even if it’s killing you.

The silence filled the big house. He doesn’t even know what to do at that time. Going back? No,  YunHo doesn’t want to leave yet, he wants to spend more time with her even in this condition. He needs it so he can recharge himself for facing his mom and Shin Hye for the rest of the week.


ChangMin spends his time by going to his office and check some few documents. He noticed few flying attendants there are actually smiling at him and some wink their eyes. He responds by smiling warmly to everyone. That is not the first time he’s been hitting off.  Back in the uni years, he got quite a lot love letter or unknown number that always sending him text. It’s not that he doesn’t like them, a few girls caught his attention actually, however, the feeling is not strong enough to push away Hye Ran and Shin Hye images, yes- Park Shin Hye.

After meeting her after many years of not seeing her, Shin Hye has been leaving a deep impression on him. He finds that Shin Hye is actually pretty nice not to mention beautiful too. That childish side of her really makes him have a different opinion on her because all this time he always saw the mature side of her.

Outsiders who see how he has treated Hye Ran will thought that they are in special relationship. However, he can assured them that the only feelings that he got for her is the brotherly feeling. ChangMin can confirm it after they kissed on the other day. There is no spark when they kissed. Surely that they both enjoy the kiss but there’s no feeling in it. No expression at all. He can clearly see it in Hye Ran eyes too. Maybe that can be counted as the closure for his crush all this time.


ChangMin stops in front of his house after spending almost 4 hours in his office and saw that YunHo car already gone. He pulled over and opens the door. Once he closed the door, he immediately saw Hye Ran is at the kitchen.

“Are you okay?”

He asked her. Hye Ran turns around and he saw that puffy eyes of her. “What happen?”

Hye Ran smiles, “I’m okay. I’m actually cooking myself ramen. You want some?”

ChangMin didn’t respond, he actually try to digest what is happening right now, her eyes are puffy but she can still cooking ramen like she just got back from shopping. He saw many packets of ramen and excused himself and calls YunHo number.

“Yah! What happen?” He didn’t even wait for him to said hello.

YunHo frowns, “We didn’t talk much.” He just came out from the bathroom when ChangMin called him. He secures the towel on his waist and search for his pajamas.

Changmin sighed, “I thought I gave you both the time to fix the problem. I thought you both will be out spending time together instead, I saw she is cooking 3 packs of ramen right now.”

He let out a weak smile; he didn’t know that that petite girl eats a lot. Just when he wants to say something, he heard ChangMin voice, “Yahh!!! Be careful!!! I don’t want to pay for your hospital bills!!”

He make the phone closer to his ear, “Yah.. Yah.. What happen?”

“Hye Ran ah!!!” He heard ChangMin screams some more, YunHo couldn’t say still. He walks left and right trying to listen more what happen in that house. After almost 3 minutes of waiting, ChangMin speaks back, “YunHo ah, I got to go, talk to you later, the ramen soup spill on her hands.”

He hangs up before YunHo can say anything. YunHo search for his jeans and shirt, ready to go to ChangMin house but suddenly, he remembers that Hye Ran actually doesn’t ready to meet him again. He flopped down on the bed and sighed for countless times for that day, he grabs his phone and text to her, “Please be careful..”


ChangMin put some cream which Hye Ran gave him just now on her hand. “Luckily you know what to do.” Hye Ran let out a weak smile. “How can you not be careful when handling hot stuff?” He blows some air on her hand. “I wasn’t paying attention at that time.” She let out a small chuckle when she saw ChangMin is actually glaring at her. “Well, you better be careful too senior.” He looks at her questioningly, “what do you mean?”

“I will be dropping you too since you are hot stuff too!” Hye Ran winked her eyes and ChangMin laughed out loud. “Hahahahahahaha!!!” He ruffles her hair, “Is that your way to say thank you?”

She smiles warmly and look at her hand, “Now what should we eat for dinner?”

“How about pizza?” ChangMin suggests.

She snaps her fingers and runs upstairs, grabs her phone and run downstairs back. “I got the phone number for the pizza restaurant.” She switches on her phone and before she can access to her phone book, a message receive.

Please be careful…

She mumbles and touches the options button, she is going to touch the delete button when ChangMin stops her, “You really want to do that?”

Hye Ran slowly shook her head side to side, “That’s what I thought too.” He grabs her phone and search for the pizza restaurant number.


“Yes. I know, but give me few days more.”Shin Hye stops to listens the other person talks. “Okay okay. I will be back after 2 days. Bye!” She threw her phone on the bed and flopped beside it. She then remembers that she hasn’t buy the engagement ring although she already engaged to YunHo. Last time she wants to ask him, but since he seems so distracted, she brushes it off.


“Come in.”

YooChun enters the room while smiling warmly. “Are you busy?” Shin Hye shook her head. “What do you have there?”

YooChun threw a few packets of nuts and other snacks on the bed. “I got some can beer too.” They both laughed. “If Hye Ran is here, she must be replacing it with orange juice since she is afraid that we will be so drunk later.” Shin Hye said and YooChun weakly smiled.

“Oppa, where did Hye Ran stay?”

“At ChangMin house.”

She nodded her head. She wants to know why, but knowing Hye Ran, she doesn’t actually tell the real reason why she does something, so she just obediently nodded her head.

“Already decide when you want to have your wedding?” YooChun threw a few nuts into his mouth. Shin Hye shook her head, “I still haven’t discuss with YunHo oppa. Let him rest first, besides, we still in the middle of November, still got a long way to go.”

“Your plan is to get married on early January remember?” He takes her hand and sees no ring on it. “YunHo didn’t buy you ring?”

Shin Hye pulled back her hand, “not yet. He seems distracted today. Maybe tomorrow I will ask him.” She takes a sip of the can beer. “Ahhh~~~” She make a cute sound and YooChun joins her. “Oppa, I want to make Hye Ran and YunHo oppa meet. And I have to make it fast since I will be staying here 2 days more. With winter fashion week is coming, I have so much work to do!”

“Why so fast? I barely spend my time with you. With Hye Ran stayed at ChangMin, and you are there, home is so boring now.” He pouts. Shin Hye stared at YooChun, her sensitive brother, she thought. People usually don’t believe they are siblings since they look not so similar. YooChun looks like her father and she is looks like her mother. The only thing that similar is their cheek. Their round cheek. YooChun is not like other typical oppa, he is more hugger and skin-ship type. He does not good with words, so he shows it through his action. Throughout the years that they grew up together, YooChun never missed to give her birthday present, no matter how far he stayed.

And maybe that’s the reason he never tells her that he actually like Hye Ran.

Yes, she knows it all along. That’s why she never once complained that YooChun spends more time with Hye Ran than her because she knows how much pain YooChun have to take to not be able to confess his love towards Hye Ran.

She holds YooChun hand, “Oppa, what about you? Have you not found anyone?”

He clears his throat. This is the first time people his family asks him about his love life. He got few girls that are showing interest on him when he is in Uni, but he ignores them as his intention there is to study, not to find his other half. “I don’t know. Why? You got some friends to introduce?”

Shin Hye laughed, “Oppa, you know me, the only girl friends I got is Hye Ran and Ah-Ra.” It’s true. Since kindergarten, she never has any friends other than Hye Ran. Most of the female students call her with many names that are not so good to hear. She feels so lucky when Ah-Ra agreed to become her worker and upgraded to her close friend. The real reason is all of them are jealous of her. She’s beautiful, have lots of money, always maintain good grades. Then, during high school, she can easily become friends with YunHo and ChangMin. Two seniors that are attract so many attentions including the newly transferred young female teachers.

YooChun nodded his head, “True. I might ask umma to find one for me.” He then laughed, “tell you what, if I still didn’t married at the age of 35, I will ask umma and you to find me a wife.”

Shin Hye widened her eyes, “Seriously? You willing to risk your future just like that?”

YooChun nodded his head, “If you make it through, I can too.” He is serious this time. It’s time for him to let go of Hye Ran after he watch how she suffered because of her loves towards him. There’s no way he will be able to wins her heart. Her love towards YunHo is so deep until YooChun can actually see it in her eyes.

“I’m in different case. YunHo oppa and I already know each other before. And I just got lucky that he returns the same feeling for me.” She smiled happily at the thought she just had. YooChun also smiled when he saw her smiling like a little girl just got her candy. He decided that he will not interfere with YunHo, Hye Ran and Shin Hye matters. It’s just too complicated. He just needs to be the shoulder to lean on to whoever will be hurt later.


Morning comes and Hye Ran already wears her blue doctor uniform, tying her hair perfectly, grabs her purse and go downstairs where surprisingly ChangMin already prepares breakfast for both of them. “Good morning senior. Why you wake so early?” She takes a seat beside him.

“Good morning.” He spread some butter on the toast, “I want to send you to work. there’s no way I will be letting you to use my car.” She smacks his arms, making the toast fell on the plate. “I was thinking to take bus okay.” She did actually since she feels like she owns ChangMin too much.

“No way. I don’t want to be punch by your dearest oppa. There’s no way I will let you to take bus. Let me spoil you okay.” Hye Ran nodded her head. How come she always gets the brotherly love but not parent’s love?

I miss you umma and appa. Why you have to leave me so early?

Hye Ran steps into the hospital and she immediately saw many eyes on her. She checked her clothes and finds no weird things on her.

Why do they look at me like that?

Just when she wants to enters the elevator, she feels someone grabs her arms. “Dr. Park!!” Hye Ran immediately hugs her like she didn’t saw her for many days. “Ye Eun ah!!!”

Few nurses start whispering to each other and not to mention some of them are glaring at them both. Hye Ran looked at them all and turns to Ye Eun, “What’s wrong? It’s still because YunHo case?”

Ye Eun nodded her head. They enter the elevator together and Hye Ran pressed the 8th floor button. “What are you doing there?” Ye Eun ask while pressing the 6th button.

“Prof Lee wants to meet me. With all the glaring, I think it’s because YunHo case.” She sighed. This is not a great way to have a good morning she thought.  

“If you need any help, please call me.” Ye Eun caressed her shoulders. The elevator stops at the 6th floor and Ye Eun hugs her before she left the elevator. “Good luck.”

Hye Ran nodded her head and take a deep breath when the elevator close the door.


“Come in…”

Hye Ran twists the door knob and enters the room. She closed it back and quickly bows, “Good morning Prof Lee.”

Prof Lee fixed his spectacles and asked Hye Ran to sit down. Hye Ran followed his order.

“Do you have anything to tell me?” Prof Lee asks when Hye Ran keep on looking down, not having the guts to look at the old man eyes. “Don’t worry, I will not be judging you or whatsoever. I just need to hear it from you.”

Hye Ran is still looking down while playing with her hands. “Is your hands is more interesting than looking at me?” Prof Lee continues.

“I..” She began, still not looking up. “It’s my fault. I should never start a relationship with him. I accept any punishment that you give me.”

Prof Lee smiled, “You never change you know. Since in your days in my class until now, you just accept whatever people told you to do. I maybe your part time lecturer, but I do know how you behave in Uni.” He stands up and takes a seat beside her. “That is a good quality, I agreed. However, we can’t apply it on all circumstances. Some circumstances just need you to stand up and voice out your opinion.”

Hye Ran starts to sob, she feels so much love from this old man that even not blood related with her. She wipes the tears that already formed in her eyes. “I got a call from Mrs. Jung.”

She looked up. The name makes her shivers actually. “She wants me to fire you.” Hye Ran nodded her head, accepting the order. This is the end, she thought. There will be no more giving hope to the children, no more patients greet her every day when she wants to check them up.

 “Why are you nodding your head? I’m not finished yet.” She looks at him curiously, “What else?”

“I want to ask you, do you love this job?”

She nodded her head, “Of course. With all my heart.” Prof Lee then let out a very happy smile, “That’s what I thought.” He stands up and reaches few papers on the cabinet. “Read this.”

Hye Ran quickly reads the paper and widened her eyes. “But she asked you to fire me.”

Prof Lee shakes his index finger side to side, making a no sign. “This is my hospital, I’m in charge. I don’t need to fire a very talented doctor just because she overly protective her son!”

Hye Ran let out a small laugh. She can see the hopes again. Actually, Ye Eun already came to met him early this morning and tell him everything she knows, from A to Z.

“so, you accept it or not?”

Hye Ran can see the hopes again, there’s no way she is quitting this job. She couldn’t say no. This might be the new step that she should take in order to have a better life. “Of course.”

Prof Lee claps his hands cutely, and then he suddenly frowning, “however, you need to report to there after a month and in the meantime, you can’t come to the hospital.”

Her shoulders deflated, doesn’t that is still counted like she has been fired? “Now don’t make a face like that young lady.”

He walks to her and puts his hands on both of her shoulder, “Just take this as your vacation and after one month, work your off!”

She nodded her head and hugs Prof Lee. “Thank you Prof, thank you!!”

“Let me go Hye Ran, otherwise I will need to quickly find a son and married you so that you can become my daughter!”

 She walked out from the room with all sorts of feeling. Will she be able to let go her family? Her unnie and oppa? Senior Shim? Senior Jung?



Author’s note: I will be replying your comments here since I prefer this way. Hehehe.. so, whoever guess it correctly about Hye Ran meeting with the head doctor is a genius! Or should I say I’m the bad writer here coz you can guess it perfectly! However, you didn’t expect the later part right? Or you did? Okay, I’m shucks! Please let me know how this chappie turns out? Good or bad? Drop some comments will ya? *wink wink* or you can critic me, but please use encouragement words.. Thank you for reading it! *bows 90 degree*

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i feel quite sad as this story near to end already... haizz..


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Chapter 6: Whoaa your story is daebak! i'm at chapter 6 now, and i have to go to bed because it's already late=__= can't wait for tomorrow to continue reading. btw im glad i check out your story! its interesting~ update soon for the sequel kekekeke =^__^=
nizzyool #2
Chapter 30: .....
wait.... you really gave they four a tragic ending! *sobs* well, not literally tragic, but still...
However, I like how you portray Hyeran. She's not just your ordinary heroine. She has a sad background, sad love life, but she didn't give in and she tried her best. I like how you described she chose the realistic way -the way most people in real life choose- rather than the idealistic romantic way. It's sad, and , but it's life. It's not always happily ever after for everyone (and I have to learn that every author has the right to not choose happily ever after and still has a great story).

Anyway, thank you for all these times -for keep updating and didn't give up till the end. For giving Yunho and Hyeran some fluff moments I love so much :)

lastly, thank you for sharing this fic. I wish to see you again some other time ^^
Chapter 29: OMGOSH!!! how I miss this story so much!!! Is Yunho running after HyeRan!!! please!!! KYAHHHH!!! UPDATE SOON PLEASE!!
nizzyool #4
Chapter 29: whattt next chapter is the last alr?!? :'''/////
this is so intense that I just cant bear it :/ I know the four of them will make it though (I believe you wouldnt give them tragic ending after all theyve gone through^^)
anticipating the last chapter! :)
Omgosh!! No hye ran don't leave him!! Yunho really loves you!! Changmin and shin hye are happy together along with yoochun and yeon hee and why can't you hye ran?! Omgosh please update soon..I'm so curious about what hye ran and yunho is going to do!! Update soon
Aww why? I don't want yunho and hye ran to separate..they deserve each other..this story is so sad yet touching now that yoochun is with yeonhee and now it's all up to changmin and shin hye to give a chance to yunho and hye ran..update soon
@MongZong : hey you!! don't be sad. they both are the hero and heroin of this story. i'm sure they will have a happy ending. i guess.. haha :)

@LietLean: hi! *waved* awww.. thanks, keep reading will ya. don't forget to comment ok!
Waaaaaah! Im a new reader~ and i have to say this story has got me hooked to it since the start^^ daebak~! <3 i rly want yunho and hye ran couple :D update soon
Please update soon..I really want yunho and hye ran to love each other like a happy couple..I feel so sad for them..please make them together ;(
sher1994 #10
Please update soon......