

I stared out the window with my face cupped by my right hand, bored so much while my classmates talk happily. Some boys are playing cards while others are boasting about how big their biceps have become. Pft! As if they would always be walking in tees without sleeves. These creatures really!

It's free time, by the way, because the teachers are having an emergency meeting. Who are they fooling anyway? If I didn't know I would be rejoicing too. Well here's the real thing, they are not having a meeting, they are busy lounging to take a break from the evaluation visit yesterday. They were frantic! Running here and there to make sure all of the standards, and maybe beyond standards, are met before the accreditors came. How did I know they're not having a meeting? Easy. I went to the comfort room earlier after they declared their "emergency meeting" and I happen to pass by the faculty room. Tahdah! They were busy indeed, lounging and eating that is. 

Aish! Girls are squeling for their favorite idols again. What's with EXO that they like anyways. These homosapiens are really idiots sometimes that I want to crush them and pull out every veins in their system with their hea--


I was halted from my thoughts when I saw someone falling outside the window.

"Kris! Did you see that?" I asked my classmate in front of me while pointing outside.

"See what? I didn't see anything stupid." he answered dryly. Geesh! Why is he even angry?

Anyway, I swear I saw someone falling! I know I heard that shout too. 

"Hey Ms. President! I'm going out a bit." I asked permission without waiting for a confirmation, she's busy talking anyway.

I dashed outside the classroom, running the stairs, and out into the school's GreenHouse. It was my best hunch on where that person would be lying now.

Oh wait, did I tell you I love to see these humans experience something extraordinary to make them realize that they are all fools who believed in this world as the reality? Well, the truth is, I believe that there are other beings living out there aside from us. And digging up stories and facts about them are my passion, or life. So when I saw this falling person from above, I was lured to thinking that he might be from the skies. Crazy, I know.

My heart raced every second that I neared the greenhouse. I reached it with in minutes from our classroom. Fast. But not so. Considering our room is located on the third floor it took my breath heavily. I hesitantly opened the screened door and stepped inside looking. Then it striked me hard that he, assuming he is a he, could be dead! Imagine the fall! The greenhouse isn't a friendly foamed floor to fall into. I would be one of the suspects if the police would investigate his death! Crap! What did I get myself into? Stupid!


My dilemma was interrupted with that groan. Wait! That person is alive! I finally can meet someone falling from the skies! I knew it fell in here. But where is that thing? I mean, person. The sound came from my left side, I think he fell on the flowers. Lucky! I better hurry before he dies so I can talk to him fast. Really. 

I arrived at the flowers section and saw instantly the human that fell. Next step is to get closer and ask for his last words. Kekeke~ Well, maybe his last words assuming he would die after my questions. I'm kind of excited you know! I can't help it.

So anyway, there he is. I found him lying on his side facing the other way that I couldn't see his face. I knelt and tried to make him face me. And judging from his back structure I confirmed that he is a he. This creature might look hideous and scary but I need to ask him. It came as a shock as I turned him. Wow. This guy is light. Light as cottons, or feather if you want to put it that way.

It somehow scared me so I closed my eyes before his face would show. I prepared for the scariest face that I will see in the whole universe. Okay, I'm ready now. Here goes nothing. Please dont give me the bloody face, or the biggest nose, or the horns, the --

"Where am I?" the creature talked!

My jaw dropped dramatically when I saw his features. Is this an alien? Or a god that lost his battles in the heavens and fell on this earth. I couldn't believe my eyes. He has a very soft expression on his face, lips that are sweetly curved, a nose that towers with beauty, and eyes that says I'm-an-angel. And I think I just met one real angel.

"You fell for me. I mean... fallen for you. No! I mean you fell from above." What the hell was I saying?? I mentally face-palmed myslef. I managed to point to the holed roof while not taking my eyes off from him. 

"I need to get back...please help me." he said as he was trying to stand. 

"Go back to where?" I finally caught myslef from the stare and held out my hand to make him stand. And he took it. Then I felt my whole body tingle in all directions. What is this creature? "You can't walk just yet. You're hurt." I tried to convince him while searching for wounds in his body. It hit me that I don't see any signs of blood or scrapes. Absolutely clean. Why?

"I'm not. I just need to get back..." and he came crashing over me. I think he fainted.

Geesh! He sure has a light weight. And beautiful. Not scary. And watching him sleep is angelic. Is he asleep? Dead?! Oh my God!! 

"Wait! Hey! You can't die!" I shouted at him, shaking his upper body hard to wake him. He can't die on me, yet. "I still have lots of questions to ask! Hey! Mister!"

Aigooo~ I was distracted with his beauty and soft voice. Stupid me. "Now what stupid? What are you going to do with this guy who died in your arms?" I purposely said that aloud so I could make my self think logically this time.

I guess this is no heavenly being since he's dead already. Where is he going back to anyway? I think I should just report this to the Principal. They won't reprimand me for being outside the classroom, right? Yes they will stupid!  So that's it. I will just leave him here and let them find out for themselves. 

I pushed him aside and started to stand when I heard him utter words in his collapsed figure.

"Please fight for my..." he didn't finish again and lost totally.

What the ---!


a/n: First chap. Yehet! I kinda revised a little here. Can you guys guess who's who? ^o^v

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