I coincidently did

My love story

I went to lay at my couch. I closed my eyes for a little bit and I imagined Kris just in front of the place and I thought of it.! I must've dropped my bracelet at the place where Kris and I met. The place felt very special and important to me for some reason but there's one thing. How am I suppose to get the bracelet back. I live far away from Jeju Island and I only go there once in a year.  Also my parents won't let me go there alone.

I suddenly open my eyes and notice that I just knocked out in the couch because the couch was comfortable and so warm. As soon as I got up, I went right up to the cell phone and dialed my parents phone number because they were out going somewhere. They picked up and I told them that I lost my bracelet at Jeju island and I have to go back to get it. They gave me a straight up answer and said "NO!" I knew at that point that I would never get to see the bracelet ever again. But I coincidently did. 

One day while I was walking home from school. I saw a jewelry store that was new and went in there to see what was in it. I was browsing all the stuff until I stopped. Why does this bracelet look so familiar to me. I asked the cashier who have the bracelet and the cashier said it was from a fancy young fellow who lives all the way in Jeju island . Of course it was expensive so why would I buy it. But why would this bracelet keep telling me to buy it and it felt like a very special thing to me. I made a plan in my head and decided to save up money to buy that bracelet. I told that cashier to save the bracelet and give my name under it. So from now on I'm going to start saving up money and stop wasting money.


Hey my fellow subscribers. I hope you like it and I kept my promise. This is a short one but it's also a good one. So I might write the other chapter next week and Happy Memorial Day to everyone

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