Baekhyun - To The Love of My Life

A Collection of EXO

"Baekhyunah, do you remember how we met?" Hyorin sat down, leaning back on her hands with a smile on her lips. "I remember it so vividly that it felt like yesterday. Baekhyunah, I wonder what you thought of me.

I remember the two of us training together. Those days were rough, weren't it? I remember you and I would skip out some training days to go to the beach, and when we got back, we got scolded by our managers and members. We were pretty crazy back then.

Besides that, how did we meet? I was walking out of the room and you spilled coffee all over me. Not ice coffee, no. It was scalding hot," Hyorin laughed before going on. "It was pretty painful and to top it off, you merely snickered! But, you cleaned me up well and asked for a date as compensation.

That kind of sounded douchey of you to use a 'date' as a way to pay someone back, but I don't regret accepting it. You and I went out that night, and ever since, there wasn't a single day that was spent apart from each other.

You always paid, and I felt so bad. I offered, but you turned me down. Why would you do that? I could have saved you money!

Then after a couple of months, right before we were going to debut, you asked me to be your girlfriend. You took me out to your apartment, making sure that all your EXO members were gone by then. You set up the whole place, flower petals scattered around and candles lit in the shape of a heart. You held my hand and pulled me close, asking me to be yours forever.

Of course, I accepted. Why wouldn't I? The place was absolutely gorgeous, and it took my breath away. You stole my heart from that day on, and you still haven't given it back.

I remember our first fight. EXO had to go overseas and I had other schedules around the world as well, and we barely had time for each other. One night, we were finally in Korea together, and I had asked you to stay over. You complained, saying you were too tired. I told you that we barely saw each other, how could you be so tired? You groaned, saying this whole thing was stupid, stressing you out and making you have to feel responsible for a relationship.

To be honest, that really stuck to me for a long time. I had always wondered why you bothered to put up with a relationship you found so stressful and so burdensome. We never talked for days since then, and I gave you the cold shoulder because I was so frustrated with you and your attitude. You tried to apologize, but I wouldn't hear it. You tried to get my attention again, but I ignored you.

It was then that we split apart. I know, it was our first fight, and it made such an impact on us. We broke it off, well it was implied since we never really talked. 

Then, you found yourself another girl, as if I never existed. It really hurt, Baekhyunah. Why did you leave so quickly, without even saying anything? Sure, I avoided you, but I wanted you to try. I wanted to see if you felt that our relationship was worth fighting for, if it was worth all the stress you felt. I was wrong. You never did feel the same way as I did, not as much at least.

You and your girlfriend were together for quite a long time, probably a few months longer than ours. You were really close to spending eternity together, and I hated that you never looked back to see that I was the one suffering. I let you go, thinking that you would be happier this way.

One night, you came to my apartment. The girls were out, so I had the whole place to myself. You were standing out, and the rain had such a perfect timing, didn't it? It was pouring, and your tears were disguised behind the rain. I couldn't tell whether you were crying at first, but the way your eyes had looked at me was the first sign that led me to think you had been sobbing.

I took you in and listened to how your girlfriend had been cheating on you for the past three months. I was surprised that it took you that long to realize that she had been fooling around.

I didn't know what to do but listen. I couldn't hug you because I didn't know if that was okay. I didn't know what to say because all I could think of was that you were finally with me. But your mind was elsewhere. You were focused on that girl, the girl who ripped you into pieces and stomped on you.

A few months later, we grew closer again, spending every night together. I thought this was the only way I could cheer you up. I'm not the smartest, the prettiest, or the funniest, but I was strong enough to push my feelings aside for now and focus on your happiness. That's how much I loved you, Baekhyunah.

One night when we were eating, you had apologized to me. At first I was confused, thinking to myself, what are you talking about? I kind of ignorned it at first, seeing if you were going to elaborate more on it, but you didn't.

A few weeks after that, you went overseas to China for a concert, and you left behind this note. I'll read it to you:


How are you? I haven't gotten the chance to really talk to you.

We were always so busy, weren't we? You with your members and me with EXO. We spent a lot of nights together, recently, haven't we?

Hyorinah, mianhe.

I have always regretted not trying to get you back. I let you go so easily, and it only made the two of us suffer. You were always watching, weren't you?

Without me knowing, I had found someone else. I fell in love recklessly, and I had completely forgotten the fact that you had a place in my heart.

I regretted that the most, forgetting you. How could I? You were the one I always loved, and it took me so long to realize it. I made you wait so long, which is why I'm sorry.

I don't expect you to forgive me, and I don't expect you to return my love, but I mean it this time. Deep down, I always did love you, I was just blinded to even notice.

So when I come back, I'm going to ask you a very special question. It involves spending eternity together. You can say no, but I mean it. From the bottom of my heart, I always loved you. And I still do. I love you more than anything. Just wait a little longer, and I promise I'll be there as soon as I can.



I read this letter about a hundred times now. It still gets to me, and I can't help but tear up. You really did love me, didn't you? You were going to ask me to marry you, weren't you? I would have said yes, you know?"

Hyorin touched her cheek, feeling the tear escape her eyes as it trailed down her finger. She reached over, her hand sliding down Baekhyun's name carved along with the words RIP.

"You were too excited when you drove home that night, and you didn't even realize that you ran a red light. If you had just been patient, Baekhyun, this wouldn't have happened. That truck never would have hit you, and you would have never disappeared."

She wiped her eyes, the tears never ceased to fall as she was running short on her breath. "It's been three years now, and I still come here everyday, hoping that this is all a dream and I'd wake up inside your arms. But I'm living a nightmare, Baekhyun. You'll never come back, and now I have to wait even longer."

Hyorin searched through her pocket, pulling out the a case and staring down at it. "This was the ring. I never opened it. I was too scared to see what it looked like. I wanted you to open it. I wanted you to be the one to show it to me, not the police giving me what was left in your pocket."

She placed the container down to the ground, smiling sadly before standing up. "I have to go now, but I'll come back again tomorrow. Baekhyunah, I love you."

She walked away, turning back every now and then in the hopes of seeing him. He always admired playing tricks, and she would wish that this would be one of his pranks. But every time she looked back to see it empty, she would know that it was not a joke. All of this was real, and the one man she loved was never coming back.





Finished! So sad... ):

I had been meaning to write this one for so long!! :D


Comment for suggestions or prompts for me to write! <3

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wonwooeu #1
Chapter 6: U r amazing! ! But why r the updates so sad??? Not one of them were happy to me except for Kris! !! Please update! !! Poor xiumin and chanyeol. ..:(
Chapter 4: its a sad story..thank you authornim for making this stories!:)
Chapter 4: sorry if seeing my username constantly gets annoying lol, I just really like giving feedback to the few especially good stories I'm subscribed to ^_^ the baek story brought me to tears, sure it was short but it was effective. Please write a sad story for Xiumin whenever you get the chance, doesn't have to be the next one hehe.
Chapter 3: oh. my. jeebus. Thank you so much that was perfect ;__; I was internally screaming the whole time especially at the part where he holds her hand up to his cheek oh my that is perfect I will never forget this story. Many, many thanks. I'll definitely keep reading your updates :3
Chapter 2: Can I request a story with Kris as the focus :3 Your stories are so well-written and make me squeal like a little girl huehue