Sehun - Seven Minutes in Heaven

A Collection of EXO

Sehun crossed his legs, watching as he was surrounded by too many girls. Recently, he had just graduated from Seoul Performing Arts High School and the whole graduated class decided to throw a party. Sure, he was busy with EXO, but wouldn't it be a bit arrogant to just ditch a party like this? He didn't want to disappoint the school, making them think he changed because he was now famous. Nah, he was still the same Sehun, except this time, much hotter.

He glanced up from his spot, catching a glimpse of the class president collecting used cups from the ground and throwing them away. Typical of her. Solbi was the most responsible girl he ever met, and he always wondered how she had so many friends. Sure, she was nice, but she always had this demanding attitude that made it seem hard to approach her. She always wanted to do things the right way, always the responsible one while he was over there, making faces at the teacher and joking about the lecture. 

The first time he met her, there was an accident in the classroom from playing indoor baseball, and Sehun had fallen over and sprained his wrist. He could have easily walked to the nurse's office, but she cleared the room in an instant and without a second to spare, she was already heading down the hall with her hand gripped against his other wrist. He blushed at that time to her sudden contact, finding it unusual for a girl to easily hold on to a guy's hand. He guessed that when it came to someone in need, she wasn't going to hesitate because of her personal feelings.

She helped him while everyone else panicked. The nurse wasn't there, and she was the one to patch him up; her face merely inches from him as she focused on wrapping the bandage around his wrist. "Make sure to change this wrap and tighten in everyday," she had said at the time, looking at him sternly. "If it hurts again in twenty four hours, be sure to go to the doctor's and get that checked." She released her hand from his, smiling, what seemed to be the first time he had witnessed it, as she tucked a strand of her dark, auburn hair back. Her skin tone was slightly tanned, and her eyes were large, filled with innocence. "Don't you have training? We wouldn't want you to be injured." She had stood up, walking out of the nurse's room and left Sehun all day to think of her.

That was a long time ago, though. Probably a few months back. Ever since that incident, he had never spoken to her. He wasn't sure if he had avoided her, or she had done that to him, but the two never seemed to run into each other, though they were in the same class. He watched as she was carrying more than she could handle, and he stood up unconsciously, taking a hold of a few cups from her hands.

"Ah, Sehunie," she called, smiling in relief that he had eased her burden of those cups. "I'm surprised that you're here. What about your training?"

"Oh, manager hyung said it was alright for me to take a break and have this one last time with the class." She nodded as she stared down at the cups.

"People are pretty lazy, don't you think?" She strolled to the trash can as she threw them away, patting her hands and staring over at the clock.

As the two were standing next to each other, awkwardly silent without anyone mustering up the courage to break it, one of their classmates had called to them to gather everyone in a huge circle. Sehun was separated from Solbi, and he oddly felt disappointed that he couldn't spend at least a few minutes with her.

"So, we're going to play a game," one of the girls said as she started to count the people in the circle. "Alright, we have an even amount of boys and girls." Sehun looked Solbi with a confused expression and she merely shrugged in reply. "We're going to play spin the bottle with a twist. The two lucky pairs have to go into that closet and make out for seven minutes." The girl twirled the bottle around before placing it down to the center. "So, who would do the honors?"

One of the girls volunteered herself, and she reached for the bottle and spinning it. It was obvious that she had wanted Sehun, as did most of the girls in that circle, and she stared at him as waited for the results, only to lead to disappointment when it landed on another guy. Solbi was the only one to notice the relief sigh that escaped his lips, and she lightly snickered to herself.

He watched her laugh, which made a smile curl on his lips, not noticing that someone was shoving the bottle to him. "You go, Mr. Idol."

"Ah, no thanks. I prefer not," he mumbled, handing it back only to receive a glare from the girl. "Alright, alright." He admitted to defeat, coming to the conclusion that girls were definitely the scariest creatures on the planet.

He could feel his fingers shake as he twirled the bottle around, and his eyes landed on one person he wanted to get out of all these people: Solbi. By her expression, he could tell that she was picked, and her eyes widened in surprise. "I don't want -"

"Just go already, class pres!" One of the boys yelled as the group whooped and howled at the two. A girl had gave Solbi a soft push along with Sehun, trapping the two inside the closet for seven minutes.

When I said to spend more time with her, I didn't mean this, he thought to himself, looking down at the girl who was pressed closely against him. The closet was small enough to cram the two together, Solbi's chest against Sehun's and their faces merely a breath away. "This is really strange," he whispered to her.

"This is my first time," she confessed.

"Playing this game?"

"Kissing." Her voice faded off as the two could tell that the group were spying on their conversation.

"Make out, already!!" Someone had yelled, causing a blush to grow on Solbi's cheek, which she was thankful for the dark closet so Sehun couldn't see.

"Just, close your eyes," Sehun suggested as he placed his hand on her neck, cupping the back of her head and lifting it up. He pressed his lips against her, and he was surprised to find hers to be soft and warm. He opened it, sliding his tongue in to explore and wrestle her own. He could feel the soft moan from her lips, and his other hand was placed on her lower back, pulling her closer. She wrapped her arms around his neck, her fingers getting tangled in his hair as the two were closer than possible, kissing until they couldn't feel anything. The two didn't even realize that the door had opened until they heard one of the girl's scream, probably because her dreams of kissing Sehun were crushed.

"S-sorry," Solbi quickly apologized, running out of the closet and away from Sehun, which caught him by surprise. He quickly caught up to her, grabbing a hold of her wrist and spinning her around.

"Where are you going?" He asked as he tried to catch his breath. You would think that after so much training he should be fit, but running wasn't his forte.

"I-I don't know," she stammered as she averted eye contact with him.

"Hey, where are you going for your university?"

"Seoul. I'm staying here," she answered, confused that he would catch her just to ask that. "Wae...?"

"Solbiyah, I like you," he blurted, watching the blood rise to her cheeks from the confession. He smirked as she was speechless, and it made him want to more. "Did you hear me? I like you." He leaned close, his forehead resting against hers. "And I want you to stay close by since I want to date you."

She pulled away, touching her cheeks as she couldn't contain it from blushing. Her heart pounded aggressively as she nodded her head, and she managed to say, "I like you, too."

He wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed her close. "Now, let's continue where we were before we were interrupted."





Another update! This time it's Sehun!! (:


Any suggestions, just comment! I'd be glad to write it up!

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wonwooeu #1
Chapter 6: U r amazing! ! But why r the updates so sad??? Not one of them were happy to me except for Kris! !! Please update! !! Poor xiumin and chanyeol. ..:(
Chapter 4: its a sad story..thank you authornim for making this stories!:)
Chapter 4: sorry if seeing my username constantly gets annoying lol, I just really like giving feedback to the few especially good stories I'm subscribed to ^_^ the baek story brought me to tears, sure it was short but it was effective. Please write a sad story for Xiumin whenever you get the chance, doesn't have to be the next one hehe.
Chapter 3: oh. my. jeebus. Thank you so much that was perfect ;__; I was internally screaming the whole time especially at the part where he holds her hand up to his cheek oh my that is perfect I will never forget this story. Many, many thanks. I'll definitely keep reading your updates :3
Chapter 2: Can I request a story with Kris as the focus :3 Your stories are so well-written and make me squeal like a little girl huehue