Explanations, explanations.

Let's go back in time now, shall we?

A day passed since the unwanted declaration of a so called singing competition.

Ji-young was making her way to the lockers. She didn’t get enough sleep at all. As if the Round dark circles below her eyes along with her hair that was a bit disheveled with an extra bonus of walking like she came from a zombie apocalypse wasn’t obvious enough.

She wanted a nice comfortable, relaxing sleep dammit.

But no, the universe hates her because singing competition and school happened.

“Ji-young!” She suddenly could hear footsteps running towards her direction so she turned to see that it was Min-ji running to her.

Ji-young groaned, slamming her locker shut. “And what do you want at this un-godly hour?” Seven in the morning and Min-ji is screaming to oblivion, what a great way to start a great (not) day.

Min-ji had on the other hand, had other ideas. "You so won't believe this!" She chirped, jumping up and down. "I finally don't need to just pick up the tennis balls around the court! I finally get to practice! That's totally rare for a first year!”

If Ji-young were her normal self right now, not worrying about what song she was going to sing in a few days, then yes, she would have screamed along with her to oblivion at seven in the morning.

But Ji-young was not her normal self right now, so. No jumping in happiness. “That’s great.” She tried sounding enthusiastic before frowning. “On the other hand, I have a singing competition to make.”

Min-ji raised an eyebrow after she calmed down from her hyper-something. “What did you do this time?” She pointed an accusing look at Ji-young like she plotted the murder of a goat (Yes, a goat).

“Why do you make it seem as if it’s my fault?” Ji-young whined, giving a small ‘hmph’.

“Because, dear-honey, they don’t usually test the first years with a singing competition. And knowing you since long ago, you’re one to make trouble.”

Ji-young rolled her eyes, “Thanks for not sugar-coating your words. Well I’m sorry for wanting to join the music club- which technically, you forced me to join-. Geez, me and Kyuhyun did nothing to deserve it though.”

Min-ji’s eyes widened in surprise, “Kyuhyun is in the music club?” She gasped.

Ji-young shrugged, “Yeah, he’s quitting the tennis club.”

“Did he join out of his own will?”

Ji-young looked at her weirdly, “Yeah, doesn’t everyone join a club out of their own choice?”

Everyone does not apply to Kyuhyun though. He didn’t pick any club for the whole year until the tennis coach forced him to make a pick, to which he chose tennis.”

“Oh.” She blinks in surprise. “Didn’t know.”  Maybe  there was some sort of thing fluttering going on in her stomach. Maybe it was the fact that Kyuhyun did something out of his own will?


Speak of the devil, Ji-young thought as she saw the approaching figure. Kyuhyun was making his way towards them, ducking past a few people (would it be considered ‘ducking’ when they made way for him?) until he was right in front of Ji-young.

And to say that Min-ji’s reaction wasn’t satisfying was a definite lie. Her jaw fell to the floor, no words able to form, but her face was clearly screaming How, what or why the hell is Kyuhyun here?

Ji-young ignored her, focusing on the person in front of him. “Hey,” She smiles, “Thought of a song?”

Kyuhyun cold façade was still in place, so he gave small grunt of disapproval.

Ji-young sighs, grabbing Kyuhyun by the shoulders and staring seriously at his face.“Kyu, you know you don’t have to keep that up, right? All that ‘I’m cool-and-untouchable’ whatever aura that is.” She gives a warm smile, “its fine.”

As if on cue, Kyuhyun’s mask shattered on-spot. His ears turned red and he looked down immediately at the ground, his fringe going past his eyes as he shakily nodded, “Y-yeah…okay…” He whispered softly.

Adorable. Ji-young thought as she released her grip on the now-shy-Kyuhyun’s shoulders. “That’s better.”

Kyuhyun slowly lifts his head up before looking down again (-Ohgohd his face was pink), “U-uhm, I-I’ll just head to class..” He meekly says before making a sprint to the classroom.

Ji-young shakes her head fondly before remembering that Min-ji still existed, standing beside her with her jaw still dropped on the floor. “H-how, that, when, what the… He, did, what... and…” Min-ji started mumbling incomplete sentences (On the bright side, at least she can form words now, right?).

Ji-young sighs. Looks like she has a lot of explaining to do.


Author's note: I literally have no explanation as to why I never updated. Sorrrrrrrry.  

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lulu88 #1
Chapter 5: Hehehehe he's in the club because of her :)
lulu88 #2
Chapter 2: I was listening to 7 years of love and then it's in the story kekekeke
I really love this song and the feeling that it gives along with the music :)
Chapter 4: @RaghavC12 Thank you so much~ ^^
Hahaha, yeah. Like i've mentioned before, the last time I logged in was a looong time ago. When I logged back into AFF, I went like "Wat wat wat." So many changes had happened. And what got me thinking was why the hell was there a 'subscribers only' option. It's not that i'm against it, I just think that the authors are not giving the readers to have their own choice whether to subscribe, or not. Though that's just solely my opinion (i have to say this before the author's start murdering me xP) . ^^
Chapter 3: Heh heh heh Cho Kyuhyun you can never hide your true self!!!
Jicolicious #5
Chapter 3: muahahahahaaaaaa.. he caught red handed. kyuhyun got embarassed with jiyoung's question ..

funny lol with what jiyoung was thinking abt him.

Updte soon
Chapter 2: Interesting..update more...pls..
Jicolicious #7
Chapter 2: whahahahahahaaaa.. they met again !! so how will kyuhyun react toward her nowwwww..
Chapter 1: @jicolicious Aw,thank you. Its been around four years since I became really active in Aff. To be honest, alot changed so i wanted to try bringing back some old stories Aff had before. C: thank you for subscribing! ^^
Jicolicious #9
wwwooooaaahhhhhh.. it's been been beeen long i haven't met KyuJing stories... awwwwwww... gonna subs it now !!!