Welcome, music club!

Let's go back in time now, shall we?


"-Hah..hah...SO SORRY FOR BEING LATE!" Ji-young shouted as soon as she entered the music room (dragging along the poor Kyuhyun? why yes.).


A screech of the violin, the piano that was playing, the guitar that was strumming, the people singing all stopped. A murderous aura emitted from the music room.




I think I entered at the wrong time. Whoopsies. Ji-young sweat dropped.


Then one person decided to step forward. The person was quite tall and lean, his features were very unique, giving off a baby-like yet not so baby like face. Add the glasses and the package made him very handsome. "You were quite rude for interrupting us, miss." Though he had an innocent baby face, he tone he emitted was not innocent,

at all.


Then there was the naive person. "Sorry!" Ji-young sheepishly smiled, scratching her neck.


Many whispers could be heard here and there. Well, mostly bad ones. Obviously.


"Well, well." A feminine voice was heard throughout the room. "It's fine if she wants to join, right? We're a little short on members to begin with."

 That voice belonged To a very pretty girl. Dazzling, in other words. The way her dark brown wavy hair flowed to her waist, The way her light brown eyes sparkled. It felt like she was the perfect human any guy would want.


The Mysterious girl looked at the awaiting gaze, and flashed a million dollar smile. "Oh Wow! It must be wonderful, seeing a new face here!" She  chirped, clapping her hands in glee. "What is your name?" She asked, eyes peering like an innocent child curious after seeing something for the first time.


"I-I'm Ji-young!" Ji-young stuttered (for the first time in this story. Woahh.). "I may not do much but I hope we all get along.." She bowed, facing everyone. The weirdo guy just 'hmphed.' As she looked back up, she stared at the pretty girl with new admiration. 


The brunette waved her hand off. "Oh, it's fine. You didn't need to bow. My name is Seohyun! Just call me Seohyun, alright?"


Ji-young nodded and smiled in delight. "Alright."


"But hmm.." She scrunched her eyebrows together and tipped her head to the side. "Who may that person behind the door be?"


Ji-young looked puzzled for a moment, following Seohyun's gaze behind her before face-palming. 


Oh of course. I had forgotten the fact that Kyuhyun was a total shy boy.


Kyuhyun, behind the door, walked forwards and backwards at a fast pace. What should I say?! What should I tell them?! How do I  introuduce myself properly? AHHHH HELP!  Maybe I should do something...Something like-


"-C'mon in here Kyuhyun. They're not going bite or anything." Ji-young said, biting back her laughter at the fidgeting shadow.


Kyuhyun 'eeped' at the sound of his name, contemplating whether he should enter or run away. Wait. Running wasn't such a bad idea, right? I mean, he could cover up for it by saying it was urgent or something, right?




He could insist that he needed to pee so badly. It would make sense since the toilet was at the other end of the hall. He could dash and leave without them noticing.


"Cho Kyuhyun!"


 Kyuhyun snapped back to reality. He furiously shook his head. No, I can do this! He mentally cheered himself on before stepping in. Fighting!


Kyuhyun walked up slowly, step by step, until he stood beside Ji-young. He looked down at the ground before he looked at the rest of the club members.This is it.


I can do this. "What do you people want from me?" He said in the iciest tone one could ever imagine.


Mental note, Kyuhyun translation: Hi, I'm currently joining this club. Please take care of me.


And yet despite of that,

Many screams of fan-girling could be heard. (omygohd fangirls.)


"Omo omo, it's Kyuhyun! He's joining? Ahhh! I so don't regret joining the music club!" One girl screamed, before fainting.


Ji-young stared at Seohyun who blushed the moment she fixed her gaze at Kyuhyun. "Ah, umm, err yes! i was just wondering why were you standing behind the door...?"


Kyuhyun shrugged before pointing at Ji-young. "Her." 

Translation: I wanted to join in this club thanks to Ji-young's suggestion.


Everyone's face looked puzzled. Ji-young sweat-dropped before continuing, "He means that he wants to join, because of my suggestion..?."

That cleared everyone's doubts.


"I see." The guy from before, interrupted. "But even so. You do know that you both have to at least, knock before entering? I think we should re-consider about you both entering without permissio-"

"-Okay! you guys can join!" Seohyun clapped, dancing about.


"H-hey Seohyun? I was just talking to both of them!" The glasses dude protested.


"Blah blah blah. Oh just shut up already for god's sake Nichkhun. Who's the president in here?"


"..You.." Nichkhun sighed, ruffling his hair. 


"Exactly. And I make the rules." Seohyun stuck her tongue out. "C'mon J-young! You just have to fill in this form and you guys are officially in here!"


"...But, I'm still the vice-president, Seohyun." said Nickhkhun. "And as the vice, I think I need to reconsider before allowing any of them, but of course, for other reasons beside my personal opinions."


"And those other reason's are..?" Seohyun frowned, unhappy at the disapproval of the vice captain.


And this was Nickhun's turn to smile evilly. He looked at Kyuhyun and Ji-young before slowly continuing. "Their music ability. With due most respect, Our school's music club does not accept those who lack talent." He glanced at them coldly. 


"Hmmm..." Pondered Seohyun, "..True. So what do you suggest?" She glared at Nichkhun. Always the hard-up person in the group.If it's Kyuhyun joining, why the hell should we hold a test?


Nichkhun smirked, The smirk so bad it could make anyone faint (out of hotness or scared ness) and piss in their pants to the point where they actually believe they wouldn't be seeing the sun anymore. "Singing competition, with the other first-years. The song would be an English song. The competition starts this Thursday." He announced, fixing his glasses. 


Well . All of the first-years thought, knowing they just signed a contract of death.


Ji-young, of course, being super oblivious, smiled. "Sure! We'd be honored to. Right, Kyuhyun?" She looked over at Kyuhyun, who was currently in 'cold-Kyuhyun' mode.


"Hn." He muttered, finding interest at the floor.




Seohyun shook her head, sighing. "Very well then. Proposal accepted. Everyone, start practicing once you get home. We're about to end today's session."

"Yes mam!" Everyone exclaimed.

~To be continued



Okay, so the chapter's a bit longer now. Yeeeey. 

Sorry for not updating last week on Thursday. I had to re-arrange the plans. 


The current members shown: Seohyun & Nichkhun.

And of course, there are more to come.


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lulu88 #1
Chapter 5: Hehehehe he's in the club because of her :)
lulu88 #2
Chapter 2: I was listening to 7 years of love and then it's in the story kekekeke
I really love this song and the feeling that it gives along with the music :)
Chapter 4: @RaghavC12 Thank you so much~ ^^
Hahaha, yeah. Like i've mentioned before, the last time I logged in was a looong time ago. When I logged back into AFF, I went like "Wat wat wat." So many changes had happened. And what got me thinking was why the hell was there a 'subscribers only' option. It's not that i'm against it, I just think that the authors are not giving the readers to have their own choice whether to subscribe, or not. Though that's just solely my opinion (i have to say this before the author's start murdering me xP) . ^^
Chapter 3: Heh heh heh Cho Kyuhyun you can never hide your true self!!!
Jicolicious #5
Chapter 3: muahahahahaaaaaa.. he caught red handed. kyuhyun got embarassed with jiyoung's question ..

funny lol with what jiyoung was thinking abt him.

Updte soon
Chapter 2: Interesting..update more...pls..
Jicolicious #7
Chapter 2: whahahahahahaaaa.. they met again !! so how will kyuhyun react toward her nowwwww..
Chapter 1: @jicolicious Aw,thank you. Its been around four years since I became really active in Aff. To be honest, alot changed so i wanted to try bringing back some old stories Aff had before. C: thank you for subscribing! ^^
Jicolicious #9
wwwooooaaahhhhhh.. it's been been beeen long i haven't met KyuJing stories... awwwwwww... gonna subs it now !!!