"We're Just Friends" (HIATUS)

Hannah: Thanks for the gift buddy! :3

Oh Sehun: Yehet ~ 

Hannah: OHORAT!!! 

Hannah smiled as she read the conversation. True, it wasn't a very substantial one but she felt happy nonetheless. Not only was she finally embarking on a new page of her life but the countless congratulations and greetings she had gotten made her feel really loved. The gifts, although not a lot, still meant so much to her. She was just feeling very excited about the future laid in front of her. 

Meanwhile, Sehun was with the other EXO members at the practice room. They were going to have a comeback soon, which coincidentally, would be only a few days after GEM's first official TV broadcast. Knowing that he'll be seeing a lot one of his best friends made him feel really glad as they haven't really been hanging out lately. He also smirked at his friend's reaction to his made-up word. She initially made fun of him when he had first started using it but now it seems she's been infected by it. 

"Here." Sehun looked up to see a tired-looking Luhan handing him a bottled water. EXO's maknae gratefully accepted it and took a gulp as the elder male took a seat on the floor, in between Sehun's legs. 

Luhan propped up his arms on his friend's legs before sighing. 

Sehun put down the bottle. "Ahh~ You're really tired, aren't you?" He started to massage the other's shoulders who only grunted in reply. 

Chanyeol, who had just entered the room, looked at them and snickered "This is why fans think you're gay for each other."

Sehun rolled his eyes, "Yeah right. Like BaekYeol isn't popular among the fans."

Luhan smiled micheviousy, "Still, HunHan is the most popular." 

"No, it's not." Chanyeol argued, whose competitive spirit ignited,  "BaekYeol is."

"No!" Luhan said in English, "HunHan!" That guy also hated to lose. 



Sehun sat back as the two started really getting into an arguement. He knew it was better to just shut up, than to join them. They'll be worn out everntually. That or someone else will stop them. He glanced at the clock, there were still 10 minutes left for their break. He stood up and stretched, deciding it would be nice to get some fresh air. 

He looked around the members to see who could accompany him.Unfortunately, they were all either engaged in conversation or in the case of Lay, lost in his own little world. Sehun sighed, guess he was taking that walk alone then. Knowing that, he wouldn't be actually to stroll around SME, unless he wanted fans swarming around him, he opted for the rooftop. 

With his long legs and agility, he made it to the rooftop in record time. Of course, not considering the fact that their practice room was only a few floors below. 

"Oh? Sehun?" 

Sehun turned to see who had called his name, and his heart jumped. Thankfully, he managed to keep a straight face. "Krystal. Hi." He walked over casually with a smiling face. 

Krystal smiled back, "What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same question." Sehun smirked. 

"Nothing. Just wanted to get some air." Krystal gestured to the seat besde her, "Join me." 

Sehun was glad that Krystal turned away as soon as she spoke those words because she failed to see the change in his expression, which he hastily covered up with a smile. He went over and sat beside her. 

"It's been awhile." Krystal smiled softly, her eyes still over the horizon. 

"Yeah." Sehun answered as he looked at her from the corner of his eye. She's still as beautiful as ever. 


"Guys, come." Jina called the girls over to the living room of their apartment. They've been living together for 3 months now, and they still often argued about bathroom rights. "Gather around in a circle." The leader instructed as the girls entered the room one by one. 

Once they all settled down, Jina looked at them one by one, "We did it." A smile spread across her face. "After all those anxiety-filled nights, we finally did it. We finally debuted. Now, I'm well aware that there would be times when we'd rather focus on doing great individually than looking at the whole group. This is unavoidable." She paused as a look of determination crossed her face, "However, I would like to propose a promise, a promise between us: that no matter what happens, no matter how many times we fight, at the end of the day we're in it together." Jina held out her hand, her pink finger standing out, "Do you promise?"

"Aigoo, this is soo cheesy." Soyun complained. Jina glared at her, "I'm kidding!" She smiled quicky and knotted her pinky with Jina's. The remaining members reached out and tied their pinky with the others, "We promise."

Hannah looked over the members who were busy chatting with each other and unknowingly, she smiled. She knew it wouldn't be easy. Aside from the pressure and expectations from fans, the girls bickered quite a lot, especially now that they started living together. They easily get irritated over each other especially on days when they're feeling especially tired and cranky, but she hoped, that whatever happens, no one will forget the promise they made that night. After all, promises were made to be broken. 

The next day, the girls were off for their official debut at MBC Music Core. They were more nervous than ever because today would be the first time that they meet the fans, the antifans, and the neutral. This was a make it or break it day, this performance would be a contributing factor whether their debut will be a success. 

The girls were not ignorant of the fact that they already did have both fans and anti-fans, albeit a few, and this made them more anxious than ever. However, they were determined to create a great image, one that will help them in gaining fans. Aside from dancing, language, and vocal training, they also had etiquette training, which would help them how to react in different situations. They knew that at times they'd have to fake it, they'd have to act happy and great, when inside they just wanted to keep to themselves, but because they were still rookies, the girls didn't really worry about it as for them, everything was just exciting. 

"SME's Glittering Girl Group, GEM!" 


This feels boring. I don't know. *sniff *

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