"We're Just Friends" (HIATUS)

That was it.

Hannah couldn't believe it.

The showcase was over. 

Hannah felt relieved and happy but sad at the same time. Almost everything was a blur...she only rememberd some highlights, like the cheers and yells when GEM was finally revealed. Since they were going for a tough concept (not y, not cute but something in between), Hannah tried her best to look fierce. She was worried that she might have just looked angry, but she didn't have to worry because she is, in fact, one of the best performers of SME. Sure, she wasn't the lead singer nor the lead dancer, but when it came to stage charisma, she definitely shone. 

After the first performace, they were asked by the host, who happened to be Super Junior's Shindong, to introduce themselves. The group intro happened without a glitch but when it was Hannah's turn, she was so nervous that she stuttered a bit. She laughed along at her blooper while Hara, who was standing beside her, comforted her by patting her on the shoulder. 

The showcase lasted for 2 hours, and consisted of GEM's performance of their own songs and also covers of others, some of foreign singers and others local. They were also granted a chance for a solo and duo performance. For Hannah's part, she did a song and dance cover of Boa's Eat You Up. The vocals were already pre-recorded so that it wouldn't be too obvious when she ran out of breath. She wasn't as good as Boa, of course, but she was still good especially for a rookie. 

She also agreed to play the guitar and be a back-up vocal for Soyun, who chose to do an acoustic cover of Avril Lavigne's Things I'll Never Say. By the end of the showcase, the girls were caught in between laughing and crying as they couldn't believe that they finally had their debut. When the confetti was strewn all over them, Hannah's heart couldn't help feeling heavy because she knew everything was going to be changing now, and there was nothing she could do but to work hard and hope that change will be good to her and her members. 

The night did not end there. There was a celebration party to be held for the girl's debut and actually, they were on their way to the party now. Hannah's phone buzzed. 

Oh Sehun: Where are you?

Hannah: Comiiiing~

Oh Sehun: Hurry up. I'm hungry and we can't eat without you!

Hannah: Yah! You brat! You didn't even congratulate me! What kind of friend are you?! T_T 

Oh Sehun: la la la~ Hurry up, neh? Sehun is hungry, bbuing bbuing! 

Sehun sniggered at his reply. He knew how much Hannah hated his aegyo, saying that it didn't suit his mature face at all. Sehun scoffed the first time Hannah told him this, didn't she know he was one of the most adorable maknaes in the world? 

"You're messaging Hannah, again?" Kai popped up, making Sehun jump. "Tell her, GEM did a really great job! And that I loved her solo performance."

"Tell her, yourself." Sehun muttered sulkily

Kai chuckled, "How many times do I have to tell you that I don't plan on stealing your girl?"

Sehun glared at him. This was why he was acting sulky, because he knew Kai was teasing him again. Kai chuckled again before walking away with his hands in his pockets. Sehun sighed and took out the little box from his own pocket. It contained a charm that looked like a little diamond because that was your gem. Just like how his Exo power is wind. He purposefully didn't greet you so that you'll be all touched when he surprised you with the gift. In a way, it was also his way of showing how much he appreciated your friendship. 

He still remembs the day he and Hannah became friends. Exo had just debuted and Hannah had just entered SME as a trainee. At first, he didn't really care about Hannah, he wasn't even aware of her existence,  but then she discovered his secret and everything just kind of fell into place. Sehun looked up when he heard the announcement that GEM had arrived. He replaced the box, stood up, and clapped along with everyone.Sehun didn't tell Hannah, but he was actualy very proud and happy for  his best friend. It was obvious in the way he smiled. He was never going to admit it but he was actually pretty impressed with Hannah's performance. That was the first time he saw Hannah's cool side. 

After GEM's introduction, dinner commenced and everyone settled down. 

Hannah was overwhelmed with all the hugs, kisses, and  congratulations thrown at Gem. They were currently roaming around the hall, greeting everyone. Once again, she felt the heaviness in her heart but she pushed that away and continued to smile. When they were about to reach EXO's table, Hannah got nervous again as she saw Luhan joking around with the boys. It so happened that Sehun looked up and caught Hannah staring at Luhan. He miserably failed to hide his smirk as Hannah shot lazers at him, warning him to shut up. 

When GEM finally reached EXO table,they reacted the same with everyone else.They stood up and congratulated the members. 

"Hannah! I didn't know you could play the guitar!" Chanyeol grinned, "We should have a jamming session, sometime!"

Hannah laughed, "Actually, that was the only song I know how to play." She admitted. 

"Oh.." Chanyeol's face fell for a second, "I'll just teach you then!" He brightened up agained

Hannah smiled at him, "Sure." 

Hannah felt someone standing beside her and she looked up to see a smiling Sehun. 

"Yah!" Hannah greeted Sehun with a smile, as he gently hit his arm. 

"Congratulaaations~ Congratulations~~ lalalala!" He sang happily as he slighlly shook his body. 

Hannah laughed, "You look like an idiot, stop it." 

Sehun made a face before handing over his gift. 

"Omo! Did you really get me a gift? Awww...I'm so touched, hun-hun." Hannah teased as Sehun rolled his eyes. 

"You better be. I took that out of my paycheck and I'm not even earning that much yet." 

Now it was Hannah's turn to roll her eyes but before she could check her gift, another male sidled up to Sehun.

"Hi Hannah!" Luhan smiled as he greeted Hannah with a small hug. She could have just melted then and there but she managed to keep her composure. "Congrats! You were jjang!" Luhan gave Hannah a two thumbs up. 

Hannah giggled, "Thanks sunbae-nim! The members and I really appreciated EXO's support."

Sehun practically gagged at Hannah's aegyo. True, this was natural and she was cute, but it was still weird for him. Hannah saw Sehun's expression and was just about to when she remembered the incident earlier with Luhan. 


"Call me oppa." Luhan smiled. 

Hannah automatically smiled back as her heart did sommersaults, "Neh oppa. Uh.. I just wanted to tell you that this brat" She pointed to Sehun "and I are just friends."

"Yah!" Sehun scowled. He was used to Hannah calling him a brat when it was just the two of them talking but it was  different story when they were with others. He had an image, after all. 

Luhan chuckled, "I know. I know. Our maknae already cleared it up to me earlier." Luhan said affectionately as he gently grasped Sehun's neck, "I was just teasing. You see, Sehun here, won't tell us who he likes so we just a lot to other girls. By any chance, do you know who it is, Hannah?"

Red alert! Sehun and Hannah glanced at each other, but before Hannah could answer, GEM was called up to perform on stage. 

"Ahh--I have to go." Hannah bowed. 

"Bye bye! We'll talk later." Luhan smiled. 

Hannah nodded happily before making her way to the stage with others. 

"I saw that." Hara whispered into your ear as she giggled. 

"Sshh." Hannah giggled back. In GEM, everyone knew who liked whom. Like SNSD, there were no secrets among the members. 

Much to Hannah's dismay, there were no more interactions among EXO and GEM after that except when everyone said their goodbyes. It didn't help that GEM was seated in front while EXO was at the back. Still, Hannah was quite happy that she had managed to talk to Luhan, and she was looking forward to becoming his friend. 


Coincidentally, it's also EXO"s debut today! And yes I just found out this evening. lol. I'm new to EXO so my description of their "personalities" may not be spot-on, I apologize in advance. Hope I get subbies, comments, and votes. I would love,love,love that!

Sometimes I wish I was actually debuting in Korea rather than just writing about it. Aigoooo T_T I'm going to go and cry in a corner now






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