
Love Melodies
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The apartment was relatively new, with security guards stationed at the lobby area. Being nice, the two greeted the guards before taking the elevator up to the 10th floor. Jungkook pulled the suitcases as he followed closely behind Gyuwon who was looking for their apartment, "Are you sure we're at the right side of the building?"

"Your mum said it's at the west wing. Aren't we at the west wing?"

Jungkook looked around, hoping to find a sign, "Okay, we're officially lost."

"Don't be such a pessimist. Let's try this hallway," Gyuwon tugged Jungkook's hands as she led him down the hallway.

Jungkook had no idea why but that small action made his heart skip a beat. He silently followed her around as Gyuwon led him to their new apartment. After several twists and turns, they finally found it and were definitely glad that Snow hadn't destroyed anything. Jungkook left the suitcases in the living room before joining Gyuwon in her mini tour of their two storey apartment. It amazes him how their parents could afford to get this apartment and he swore to repay them as soon as he possibly could. His train of thoughts were interrupted by Gyuwon's sudden outcry. He quickly ran to where she was, worried if something bad had happened, "What happened?"


Jungkook breathed in, as he tried his best not to scream at him, "That's all? You screamed because there's only one bedroom? Woman are you mental?"

"Dude, there's only one bed in this whole entire house. Why aren't you panicking?" Gyuwon asked as she pointed to the king size bed in front of them.

This time round, it was Jungkook's turn to roll his eyes, "You didn't seem to mind sharing the bed with me last night and mind you, the bed was definitely smaller than this."

"That's because you looked cold. If you didn't look like an abandoned puppy, I would've left you alone on that couch."

"So you're implying that I'm cute since you know...puppies are cute," Jungkook teased Gyuwon who was now as red as a tomato.

"Don't put my words out of context. Let's just look at the other rooms," Gyuwon pushed her way out of the room and headed down to where the library was.

The library was probably her favourite place in the apartment. It was filled with books ranging from fictions to non-fictions; literature pieces, historical books and of course her favourite baking books. For the interior of the library, Gyuwon knew that Minseok had personally supervised the construction of this room, which explains his constant all-nighter. Gyuwon pulled out one of the recipe books and opened the first recipe which was a Sugar Cookie recipe. On it was a pink post it with a note written on it,

Don’t forget to bake something nice for your husband! (; - Minseok Oppa


Gyuwon scrunched her nose at the note before closing the book, why should I bake for him?

After the mini house tour, Gyuwon sat in the living room, playing with Snow while Jungkook was in the dance studio having the time of his life practicing for an upcoming performance. Once Snow had fallen asleep on the couch, Gyuwon dragged herself up to the bedroom to unpack. She looked at the wardrobe in front of her, noticing that her Mum had arranged some of her clothes for her, "So here's where you've been. I thought I've lost all of my clothes."

Gyuwon had decided to take up the right side of the wardrobe, leaving a space big enough on the left for Jungkook to keep his stuffs. Cleaning up was definitely not Gyuwon's forte. She might be good at other stuffs but when it comes to cleaning up a room, she'll definitely fail. And I wonder how I could clean the cafe.

It took her nearly two hours just to clean the room and by the time she was done, Gyuwon buried herself into the thick duvet and headed off the dream land.


After his fifth consecutive fails, Jungkook finally decided that it was time for him to take a break from all the dancing. Looking at the clock, he realized that neither of them have had dinner let alone lunch. He switched of the music player and headed to the bathroom for a quick wash. Once he was done, Jungkook went to the living room where he last saw Gyuwon but she wasn't there. Instead, he saw Snow on the couch staring at him. Jungkook picked the kitten up and wrapped her around his arms, “Let's go find that girl before we starve to death."

Jungkook knocked on the door of their bedroom but there wasn't any answer. He had looked everywhere else and Gyuwon was nowhere to be found. Without a choice, Jungkook grabbed hold of the knob, and managed to turn it around, signalling the door was unlocked. He pushed the door open and was surprised to see Gyuwon fast asleep on the bed. He walked towards the bed and placed Snow beside her owner.

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bigbluelove #1
Chapter 9: Aww so cute! New reader here! I love your story, authornim. Please update soon^^
Vtae84 #2
Chapter 7: I really2 think that this story is cute..too cute
NatureAdvertising #3
Hi author-nim! I think that this contest deserves your attention. Check it!
Joining would also be great, as it is a one-shot to three-shots, it won't take long to you to participate, and the prizes are really good! http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/732732/ :)
Vtae84 #4
Chapter 6: This is cute..so cute!!
sazuka #5
Chapter 5: Owh my sehunnie is jealous, how cute.
divaauma #6
Chapter 5: Update please !! This is cute Authornim !!
wlusi17 #7
Chapter 4: Update please
wlusi17 #8
Chapter 4: Updateeee authornim
kpop_army7 #9
Chapter 4: Please update soon author-nim! Komawo
sazuka #10
Chapter 3: Owh I really want to have a big bro who will care so much about me, over protective, and will take my side when I have problem.

please update soon
this is really great story.