Bus Crush.

"You done buddy?"

Taeyeon quietly nodded.

Yuri took the box of tissues from Taeyeon and set them aside.



"what happend?"

"...stephany and a boy did."

Yuri patted Taeyeon's shoulder.

"I see.."


"What....do you want to do now?..."

"I dont know..."

"Taeng....I think...you should just..go find someone else."


Yuri scratched her head.

"..Move on Taeng."

"...I dont want to."

"But tae-"

"I dont want to."

Yuri rubbed her face.

"But tae-"

"I dont want to."







Yuri grabbed her pillow and shoved it in Taeyeon's face.


Taeyeon ignored her friend.


Yuri facepalmed, knowing that they wont get anywhere if they kept this up.

"You know what? fine, fine, FINE."


Taeyeon innocently smiled at her friend.

Yuri rolled her eyes.

"Already thought of someone you'll bring with you this friday?"

"shoot, totally forgot about that..well.."

Yuri thought.

"I cant bring Soo, She'll empty my wallet as soon as we get there."

Yuri rubbed her chin.

"I cant bring sunny too, I might lost her in a crowd or something."

Yuri scratched her head.

"Definitely not that Gay Fish."

"Why do hate Hae so much?"

Taeyeon asked as Yuri just ignored her.

Yuri rubbed her imaginary mustache.



Yuri looked at Taeyeon.


Yuri crawled closer to Taeyeon.


Yuri hit taeyeon's head.


"excuse me, I have no interest in the likes of you."

"That was Taengoo abuse."

Taeyeon said as she rubbed her head.

"Whatever, Come with me this friday."


"Ill buy you dookong plushies."


Taeyeon's phone suddenly rang.

Taeyeon quickly fished it out of her pocket and looked at the Caller.

"Have to go now, Dad's waiting for me."

"Alright, Want me to walk you home?"

"No its fine."

"Be careful then."


Taeyeon was doing her homeworks getting quite bored.

She took her phone and plugged her earphones in to her ears and put her playlist in shuffle.

NP- That should be me.

Taeyeon eyes widened as she averted her gaze back to her phone.

Stephany and That Boy.

Taeyeon quickly pressed the skip button and resumed doing her homework.

NP - Thinking of you.

"Oh hell no."

Taeyeon put her pen down and grabbed her phone and pressed skip again.

NP - We could happen.

Taeyeon's eyebrow twitched in annoyance as she pressed skip again.

NP - Be ma girl.

"This phone did not just.."

Taeyeon pressed skip again.

NP- Chinita(girl version)(A/N : Google if word is quite foreign to you. :>)

Taeyeon groaned in annoyance, she looked at the playlist only to be more annoyed.


Give me love

Excuse me miss

Beautiful Stranger

Missing You



All of them reminded her of a certain girl.

Stephany Hwang

She paused the playlist and set her phone away and resumed doing her homeworks despite her boredome.

"Stupid evil demonic phone.."

Taeyeon quietly muttered.


2 days have passed thursday came.

Taeyeon was thankful that she didnt encounter the Girl the past few days, She couldnt face her for now.

It was afternoon and Taeyeon and Yuri were on their way home.


They unboarded the bus and entered their village, Taeyeon being the protective and worrying one decided to walk Yuri home.


"Tae~! Im so excited for tomorrow~!"

"Yeah yeah good for you buddy."

Taeyeon patted Yuri's shoulder.


"Does sica like sweets?"


"Does she swing that way?"

"Hmm yeah, you could say that."

Yuri kept asking Taeyeon questions and didnt even notice that they were already infront of her house.

"Welp, See you tomorrow buddy."

"Yeah sure."


Taeyeon was scribbling things on to her desk.

Taeyeon didnt even bother listening to their Teacher since she already know it.


The teacher didnt mind because he already knew that Taeyeon already knows the lesson.

The school bell rang announcing that it was already their dismissal.

"Well, That's all for today, Class dismissed, Be careful on your way home."


"Weekends atlast!" Taecyeon yelled as he excitedly rose up from his seat, the others mimicking his actions.


Yuri approached Taeyeon's seat but the latter didnt seem to notice her presence, Curious, She looked over Taeyeon's shoulder and caught a glimpse of series of scribbles on her Friend's desk.


Bookworm Girl

And many more.

She poked Taeyeon's back.

Taeyeon was surprised as she quickly covered her desk and looked at the person who poked her.

"Let's go?"


Taeyeon quickly packed her things and nodded.



Taeyeon and Yuri arrived at the cafe where they will meet Jessica.

"Go find us a seat Yul, Ill just go to the restroom."

Yuri nodded as Taeyeon left her.

She looked around and saw a four-seater table, she went there and put Taeyeon's and her bag aside.

She sat down and waited for Taeyeon to come back.

Her phone suddenly rang,she quickly fished it out of her pocket and answered the call.





"Yuri-ah, If you're already there can you please raise your hand up for me?"

Yuri looked around as she raised her hand.

"Found you."

Jessica hung up as she approached Yuri, not forgetting to drag her friend with her.



Yuri quickly stood up and bowed.

Jessica giggled.

"Yuri-ah, This is Stephany,steph this is Yuri-ah."

Yuri's eyes widened as she saw stephany.

"Hey I know you,You live at the same village as me, Also you added me in Facebook."

Stephany said as she smiled and offered her hand to Yuri.

"What a coincidence."

"Uhh Yeah!"

Yuri took her hand and shook it and gave her a nervous smile.

"Uhm, please, have a seat."

Yuri said as she momentarily glanced to the restroom.

Stephany and jessica took a seat infront of her.

"So you know each other huh~? makes things easier."

Yuri swore, she saw Jessica smirk at her.

"Yuri, what did you see in this ice queen?"

Stephany joked, only to receive a slap in the arm from Jessica.

Yuri smiled at the two.

"by the way, who did you bring with you~?"

Jessica asked.

"Taeng. She just went to the rest room."

"I see."

The two stared at each other.

"You cutie-patootie.."

Jessica said absent-mindedly.

Yuri blushed at the girl's comment


Jessica snapped out of her trance.


"What what?"

"What what wha-TAENGOO~!"

Jessica stood up from her seat and quickly ran to her friend.

Taeyeon stumbled back alittle as she caught Jessica.

Taeyeon smiled and patted her head.

"I missed you too maomao~"

Jessica grinned.

"Been awhile since we last hung out together~"


"Oh! Oh! I brought you something~"


Jessica's grin grew wider as she dragged taeyeon to their table.

"steph, meet Taeyeon, My childhood best friend."

Taeyeon looked at the person only to be surprised.

"Hello, Im Stephany."

Stephany showed Taeyeon her crescent moon eyes.

Taeyeon felt blood rushing to her cheeks and ears.


The two stared at each other for a moment.

"Arent you going to sit down Taeng?"

Yuri said as she looked at the both of them.

"Oh uh yes."

Taeyeon sat beside Yuri.

Yuri slightly nudged Taeyeon's side in a teasingly manner.

Taeyeon smiled innocently as she stomped on Yuri's foot.


Yuri's knee collided with the table, doubling the pain.

Stephany and Jessica looked at each other confused.

"Sooo Ssica-yah.."

Yuri started the convo while rubbing her knee and glaring at Taeyeon who was smiling innocently at her.

The four then started getting to know each other,Well, more like the two, The other two just laughed along with the other two, and one of them eventually glancing to the other.


An hour have passed and Jessica noticed how late it is now.

"I wish we could talk more but it's pretty late now.."

"Me too.."

"No fair, all three of you live at the same village."


Stephany asked, earning Taeyeon's attention.


this girl.

was I too small for this girl to not notice me?


You dont remember the time when you freaking crushed my body the whole bus ride?

You dont see my spazzings in Facebook when you online?


"Yeah, Its not fair."

Jessica pouted.

"Uhh Taeng, you guys go ahead, Ill walk ssica home."

Taeyeon felt suspicious with Yuri's sudden suggestion.

"Dont do anything erted with maomao."

Taeyeon narrowed her eyes on Yuri.

Yuri hit Taeyeon's shoulder.





"Whatevs, Be careful with my friend over here,She can be quite..."

Yuri leaned in alittle closer.

"a ert sometimes."

She whispered to Stephany and winked as she leaned back and started walking with Jessica.

"Yah yah! What did you whisper to her?"

Yuri only waved at her.

Stephany smiled as she waved back.

"That evil black taengoo abusing monkey."

Taeyeon muttered as she bitterly waved back to her bestfriend.

"What did you say Taeyeon-sshi?"

Taeyeon blushed again as she looked at Stephany.

"Uh its nothing.."

"Shall we go now?"

Taeyeon nodded as they walked to the bus stop.

Fortunately there was already a bus waiting for them, They boarded it and went to look for a seat.

Taeyeon found two vacant seats at the very back so she made her way there with Stephany trailing behind.

Taeyeon let stephany sit first, after that she sat beside Stephany.

Taeyeon could feel Stephany scooting closer to her.

If she keeps this up, I might fall down from my seat.

Taeyeon blushed as she felt Stephany scooting alittle more closer.

Stephany brought out a book from her bag and opened it to wherever she slipped her bookmark in.

Taeyeon looked at the book.

"Do you like greek mythology?"

Stephany looked at Taeyeon and smiled

"Not much, Im only reading this because I have to do a research about it.."

"I see.."

"Do you like it?"

"Im..actually a greek mythology geek.."

"Really? then..can you tell me about it so I can add it up to my research?"


Taeyeon told Stephany everything she knew about it, They didnt even notice that the bus has stopped infront of their village.

"SM village!"

The bus driver announced breaking their own world.

they unboarded the bus and entered their village, they stood infront of the three streets that would lead them to their own homes.

"Well, Goodbye Taeyeon-sshi."

Stephany smiled as she started walking.

Taeyeon noticed that there were a group of boys sitting on the sidewalk eyeing them.

Taeyeon quickly walked after Stephany.


Stephany turned around.











Stephany scratched her head.

"I think Steppany's good."

Stephany surrendered as she said that to Taeyeon.

"Steppany, I'd like to walk you home."

"What? But its late and-"

"I insist."

"..If you promise to come in for a glass of juice."

Taeyeon smiled as she felt her heart flutter at the cuteness Stephany was showing her.


"Let's go then.."

Stephany lead Taeyeon the way to her house while Taeyeon keeping an eye on the group of boys.


Taeyeon and Stephany finally arrived at her house.

Stephany looked for her keys inside her bag.

"...Oh no.."

"What's wrong?"

"I think I left my keys at my locker.."

"Are you sure?"


Stephany closed her bag.

"It's okay, Ill just wait for Chansung oppa, I guess Ill just let the glass of juice slip ,You can go now.."

Taeyeon looked at her wristwatch.


Mom & Dad are out of town..

"Ill wait with you."

"But It's late.."

Taeyeon sat beside Stephany.

"Ill help you with your research if you let me wait with you."

Stephany hesitated, she bit her lip and thought of it.

"..This sunday? Will you attend the sunday mass with me and after that, we can start doing my research?"

Taeyeon wasnt really the religious type, She seldom attends sunday masses, well, mostly if she wakes up early.


Taeyeon just wanted to make sure that the girl is safe, plus the group of boys might pass by and do something to stephany.


...Im concerned?..

Taeyeon's thoughts were interrupted by a low thunder clap.

"Great, I didnt bring my umbrella."

Stephany said as she looked up at the sky.

she averted her gaze to their porch.

"Its too small,It'll only fit our bags.."


"You should go, you'll get drenched if you stay any longer."

"I dont mind."


"You see, The group of boys earlier, they were looking at you like you're a piece of delicious meat, I just want to make sure you're safe before I go home.."

Taeyeon blurted out, She facepalmed herself mentally.

Stephany's eyes widened..


She smiled.

"Fine...But you'll take shelter on our porch if it ever rains."

"Fine by me."

Rain droplets started to fall from the sky.


Stephany covered herself with her arms.

"Well? go and take shelter now."

Taeyeon did something she didnt expect, She removed her blazer and put it on Stephany, she was about to say something but the brunette interupted her.

"No protests,Dont worry, Im immune to colds."

Taeyeon grinned dorkily as she let the rain drench her petite body.

Stephany stared in awe as her cheeks turned into a shade of pink.

She looked at Taeyeon's drenched body.

her blouse and skirt were sticking on to her.

But something caught her eye.


Stephany blushed harder as she saw Taeyeon's blouse has become see-through because it got wet.


Taeyeon looked at her.


Stephany pointed at her chest.

Taeyeon looked to where Stephany pointed at and realized.


Stephany looked away.

"It's okay, They wont be able to touch them anyways."

Taeyeon exclaimed innocently.

The rain stopped just as a car parked infront of them.

"Chansung oppa!"

Stephany stood up.

Taeyeon did the same.

Chansung came out of the car and smiled at his younger sister.


Taeyeon noticed, He was the boy who she saw at the bus with Stephany.

"You forgot your keys didnt you?"


Stephany pouted, still holding on to Taeyeon's blazer.

"Ddil Tiffany."

Chansung ruffled Stephany's hair and looked at Taeyeon.

"And this is?.."

"Taeyeon, A new friend of mine, She's jessie's childhood bestfriend."

"Nice to meet you..uhm?.."

"Just call me Oppa, Thank you for waiting with my little sister and uh.."

Chansung looked at Taeyeon's clothes.

"Stephany, Lend her some of your clothes."

"Oh no! No no! its okay, my house is not that far from here."

Taeyeon grabbed her bag.

"Ill be going now, Goodbye and its nice meeting you ppany and uhh Chansung oppa."

Taeyeon smiled to the two and was about to leave until..


Taeyeon turned around and looked at Stephany.

Stephany ran to her and gave her a card.

"Text me when you get home okay? Thank you for today."

Stephany smiled to her.

Taeyeon blushed and smiled back and continued walking, not forgetting to wave to the girl's brother.

She couldnt contain the happiness she's feeling right now.


I was NOT in the RIGHT MIND when I wrote this.

I repeat, I was NOT in the RIGHT MIND when I wrote this. xD

The after effect of writing drama has begun.

I didnt reread for errors.

please ignore if you see some. QuQ)


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Chapter 10: Update more author ^W^
tipco09 #2
Chapter 10: Oh they're stepping up the game. Good! I'm glad I discovered this fic because its so entertaining.

BTW I'm not digging the color codes. I could hardly read the red and green.
Chapter 9: Oww! How I wish I could have friends like them :D
Chapter 8: ASDFGHJKL Chinita ! XDD
Chapter 8: Nice chapter here author... :-). Keep updating
coolintot #6
Chapter 7: Update soon author
Im sorry if I just started replying to your comments just now.
Thank you for reading, subscribing and commenting on my story. ;7;)/
Author-nim is very happy and motivated.

I'll start writing chapter 8 now.
motivate me with comments please ;AA;