Bus Crush.

Taeyeon sent Yuri another message for the 10th time.

To : Black Yuri.


Taeyeon groaned as she ruffled her hair in annoyance.

She finally felt her phone vibrate.


Taeyeon immediately opened the message only to be more annoyed at her friend.

From : Black Yuri.

Dayum Nigguh Chill. I just woke up and Im sick brah. You go ahead.

Taeyeon called Yuri.

Yuri answered the call, Taeyeon was about to burst it all out but her dear friend ended the call.


Taeyeon muttered cusses to herself while plugging her earphones on to her phone and walking her way to other waiting shed since the waiting shed near Yuri's house is now occupied by alot of people.

Taeyeon then stopped on her tracks as a bus with a lot of unnoccupied seats were near.

She boarded the bus and went to the last seat , sat there and open the window and let the cold breeze touch her skin as she looked outside.

The bus went onwards for a few seconds then boarded a passenger.

Taeyeon was too annoyed to even care and look at the passenger.

She felt someone sit beside her, She didnt mind until that someone pushed her/his body closer to taeyeon, almost crushing Taeyeon's body.

Taeyeon went to look and was about to complain to the person until she saw who it was.

Ms.Hwang, Her crush,Her freaking bus crush was there reviewing her mathematics text book.

Taeyeon felt her blood rush to her cheeks and ears as she looked around.

What the, Of all seats?!

Taeyeon saw alot of unnoccupied seats before her.

Taeyeon then looked beside her crush.

But there's still alot of space left there!

Taeyeon swallowed down the lump on as she crossed her arms and tried her best not to stare at the girl so much.

She leaned her back on her seat as she tried to calm herself.

Dugeun Dugeun Dugeun.

Ms.Hwang what are you doing to me.

Taeyeon felt Ms.Hwang move closer to her as she flipped her text book to the next page.

Taeyeon flinched and looked outside the window as she quietly facepalmed herself to hide her red face.

Glob Chicken Demmet Ms.Hwang.


Taeyeon then remembered she still dont know her full name.

Ny Hwang.

That's all what Yuri told her.

Taeyeon then acted cool...And tried to look at the girl's textbook beside her since the girl's name is written right at the edge of it.

St..eph..any..Hwang. , IV-A.

Taeyeon grinned and did a little victory dance inside her head.

Stephany Hwang.

Ms.Stephany Hwang.

Stephany Hwang.

Taeyeon repeated her name over and over in her head when her grin was suddenly ripped off her face when realization tore it off.




She's graduating.

Taeyeon mourned inside.

A Junior like me wont stand a chance.

Here's chapter 3.






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Chapter 10: Update more author ^W^
tipco09 #2
Chapter 10: Oh they're stepping up the game. Good! I'm glad I discovered this fic because its so entertaining.

BTW I'm not digging the color codes. I could hardly read the red and green.
Chapter 9: Oww! How I wish I could have friends like them :D
Chapter 8: ASDFGHJKL Chinita ! XDD
Chapter 8: Nice chapter here author... :-). Keep updating
coolintot #6
Chapter 7: Update soon author
Im sorry if I just started replying to your comments just now.
Thank you for reading, subscribing and commenting on my story. ;7;)/
Author-nim is very happy and motivated.

I'll start writing chapter 8 now.
motivate me with comments please ;AA;