
Break You, Shape You

After Barom’s parents got back, Dad gifted them a pair of ticket for a short honeymoon period since the newly married couple were still having holidays. It sounded pretty exciting for Sara since it was her first time flying out of Korea but at the same time she felt like she did not deserve this because all she and Rome did was to act nice to each other in front of both their parents. Also, she was going on a honeymoon. Means being stuck with Rome till the last day of the trip and she was dreading so much imagining the ridiculous things Rome might make her do unwillingly. Likewise Rome was dreading too because being stuck with Sara was going to be mundane. Plus he had been to Thailand for more than 3 times and he felt that at least his dad should at least make them go somewhere further like Europe or something.


“I will set aside some money for both of you to spend while you are there”, Mr Yu’s eyes stayed fixated on Barom who was secretly smirking. “But Sara will be the one in charge of every cent spent there.” That statement made Rome look up to his father speechless. He totally did not expect that from his dad. Was this a punishment for him?


“But, why?” Rome objected. “Isn’t it always the husband who is supposed to be in charge of all finance and the reservations?”


“Like I don’t know my own son,” Mr Yu replied disapprovingly. “I know you too well if the money is in your hands you would spend them like water, you rascal. I believe Sara is not like you. She is thrifty from what I have observed and she will take care of the money better than you do. At the same time I want you to learn to handle the money like her! I don’t grow money on trees.”


Mr Yu then laid his eyes on his daughter in law, with the warm glow on his face and smile creeping onto his face. “Don’t worry Sara, I have prearranged everything for the accommodation. And make sure Rome does not force you to splurge on some expensive mode of transport. Enjoy your trip!” He patted Sara’s head softly. “Thanks Dad for the h… gift.” Sara lowered her head in respect to her father in law. The word honeymoon just could not get out of because honeymoon was supposed to be a happy occasion and Sara predicted that it would be one of her worse nightmares in her married life.


Rome was not happy with everything his Dad had said pertaining to the trip. In fact it made him not look forward to it at all. Sara was an outsider who got married into the family yet she had the financial authority more than him.


“I’m not going to defy Dad and go on with this trip halfheartedly, you heard me?” Rome slammed his phone onto the table as they entered the bedroom. Sara felt bad that Rome had to feel this way but she was also thankful that because of the authority given to her, Rome would not be able to order her around.


“I don’t think I would want to ask if you are feeling okay but… this is going to be exciting!” Sara exclaimed excitedly as she laid down on the bed with her arms wide open. “You won’t be able to order me around and that’s going be the most awesome feeling ever! Maybe it is time for revenge?” Sara chuckled. ”Your dad told us YOU need to learn to manage your finance, mister!” She sarcastically winked across.


A few days later, they left for the trip, reaching Thailand about a few hours after that with no one to carry their luggage and no stylish car to pick them up from the airport. Barom was feeling ty because all the while, he would get someone to help him take care of his belongings and things while he went somewhere to start enjoying his holiday trip. This time was different. The company was different and they were riding on a budget taxi to their hotel venue. Rome heaved a sigh of relief as he sighted the hotel and confirmed it was at least a four star hotel. He got too used to living in a five star one he told himself he would probably go bonkers if Dad arranged a three star hotel for them. However Dad’s surprise did not end there.


As they entered the room they realized that Dad had prearranged a single bedded room for them. Sara got speechless because she thought her father in law would be kind enough to at least put them in a queen size bedroom.


“I knew it Dad has something up his sleeves when he sent us for this so-called honeymoon trip.” Barom whined.


“Maybe we can get the staff to change the room or something,” Sara restlessly started picking up the phone and dialing the front desk number.


“I am sorry Ma’am, we were given direct orders from our superior that you are not allowed to change room nor ask for extra mattress. The only thing we can provide you is an extra pillow. We hope to serve you better in other aspects. Thanks for choosing The Royals for your stay.”


“Seriously? You got to be kidding me!” Sara slammed the phone down in disbelief. “I can’t be sleeping on the same bed as you!”


“Hah! Do you think I would want to sleep with you too? I rather sleep in the bathtub.”


“There you said it,” Sara threw an extra pillow at him. “Have fun sleeping in the bathroom for the rest of the trip!”


“Yah!” Barom exclaimed loudly.


“Hush, it’s after midnight right now! Unless you want to get complaints from the neighbours and get kicked out.”


Barom furrowed his eyebrows and dragged his feet to the bathroom. “Is he really going to sleep in there?” Sara frowned. “Ah whatever it is not my problem anyway.” She slipped into bed and covered the blanket over herself. She stretched out her right arm to switch off the night lamp. She missed sleeping in the dark. She missed the peacefulness of sleeping alone and not bickering to sleep. Barom disliked darkness so they had to sleep with the night lamp on every night. And they had to annoy each other before going to sleep every single time. Life was that tiring for her. Sara’s eyes began to become stoic as time passed. Just as she finally shut her eyes, she heard the bathroom door open and before she knew it, Rome pushed her body abit to the right and slipped himself under the same blanket. Sara quickly got up and turned her body towards Rome who was already clad in singlet and closing his eyes with his arm above his head. That Rome pose.


“I thought you were really going to sleep in there!”


“Are you crazy? How can I sleep in that cold bathtub?”


Do you think I would want to sleep with you too? I rather sleep in the bathtub”, Sara imitated Barom. “And look! Now who is in bed with me right now? Wow, so contradicting!” Sara rolled her eyes.


Rome was as tired as Sara and he could not tolerate any more nagging from his wife. His arms quickly pulled Sara down and put his hand over . “You are too noisy and I have no energy to kick you out so let’s just sleep.” His voice was between sleepy and y it sent tingles down Sara’s spine. She shrugged angrily as his hand travelled from her lips all the way to her waist and hugged her to sleep. She was very particular about having skinship with Rome although it had been three monts since they got married. “Don’t. Touch me!” she hissed into his face and turned away from the male figure. “And I am not going switch on the night lamp for you!”

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blackfiction #1
Chapter 4: when will rome being nice? xD