
Break You, Shape You

Warning: Partial


Being Barom’s first ever female prey was equivalent to the whole world ganging up against me. He dragged me to his lessons and took notes for him while he slept soundly, made me carry his things everywhere he went, queue for food on his behalf, and because he made no effort of studying, he forced me to re-teach whatever was taught within that one whole week at home. As a result, I missed a lot of classes but thanks to my girls, I got my notes all done up. Nerd clique FTW!


The whole week was just me and Barom. He refused to let his mates get close to me or tag along in ‘my service’ contract. The maknaes would tease me from time to time and I realized that they were actually nicer than the hyungs. Siwoo was probably nice to Young Hee too that’s why she had a crush on that boy. We got along well though sometimes they got me to secretly carry their books over. Ray was the kind that did not talk much. TK loved doing his own things whereas Kangjun was judging me, giving me weird stares like he knew Barom and I had a dark secret.


Not sure how he did for his papers but I thought mine was easier than I thought it would be! The following day was Results Day (yeah our school has super-fast marking system) before the commencement of our 1.5 month long of holiday. I was satisfied with my overall marks and fell among the top 10 position in the cohort. I discreetly lowered my gaze to the board below where it was displaying the positions of the students from Barom’s cohort. Bang. He failed two subjects and that landed him in the 80th position amongst the 110 students. No one could be TK who scored lesser than 10 for all his subjects. I giggled to myself but I got caught by Ji Young.


“Your master Barom and his clan at studying, Sara”, she joined me in the giggling fest.


“I know right. Serve him right though for making me jot down notes for him. He’s gonna get hell from his parents later at home!” I skipped towards the classroom.


“You sound like you know a lot about him”, Ji Young sounded curious. “Don’t tell me he brings you home and make you wash his dishes.”


“LOL JiYoung”, I replied quickly. “I mean I bet he is going to get hell from his parents.” Oops I nearly let the cat out of the bag. “A-and I went over because I had to re-teach certain subjects.”


“So you really went over?!” Ji Young stopped me on my track. Her eyes widened waiting for me to reply her overly excited question.


“Mm”, I nodded lightly.


“His parents didn’t say anything? I mean after I watch The Heirs it all makes sense that rich families are stuck up people and they dislike people like us to be stepping in their compound. Oh my god, I am starting to feel bad for you Sara. You are like the real life Cha Eunsang.”


“Ha ha. I am okay JiYoung. The parents are nice people. They treated me better than their own son.” Which was practically the truth. “And I am not Cha Eunsang, oh god I shouldn’t have recommended you that drama. You are so overdramatic, Ji!” I slapped my forehead.


“But you did! And thank god you did cause Lee Minho was so effing hot in the drama”, she pretended to faint on the table.


I came home to be greeted by the sight of Barom standing in front of his parents. Never had I seen them so gloomy eversince I moved over after the marriage. Not wanting to interfere, I flashed a smile towards Mrs Yu and headed up to the room. I was increasing the pace of my footsteps when Mr Yu called out my name. My heart nearly dropped to the floor.


Did I do something wrong? What did Barom say to them? This person, really!


“Yes, Dad?”


“I heard you did well for the semester examination. Well done! Keep it up!”


“Uh thank you, Dad. I will keep on striving!”


“Good. And this Barom Yu has a lot to learn from you. His attitude is horrible. His grades are horrible. Everything is absolutely horrendous!” He bellowed as he diverted his gaze onto his son. Barom did not say a word but kept looking down. Mr Yu was red with angst. It was indeed a scary sight.


“Don’t say that I didn’t warn you the other time, Rome. I clearly did and yet I see no improvement. And look at the commoner you have always looked down on. They are way much wiser than you! Being rich is all that you have in your head. You pick on poor kids all day long and make them run your errands for you. Don’t think that I am unaware of this eversince you entered that school! And all my life I have been so disappointed in you, Rome. The only son in the family that cannot even bring up the family name… you are such a disgrace.”


Mr Yu exhaled deeply and stood up facing his son. “I would have slap the devil out of you if I was impatient!” He raised his right palm.


Oh no.


Without much thinking, I raced down the flight of stairs and ran towards the two men. Mrs Yu gasped as she, too, tried to calm Mr Yu down and I had no idea why I subconsciously hugged Barom from the front and pleaded with Mr Yu not to harm his own flesh and blood. The tension was indeed high and I needed to do something.


“Mr Yu please don’t do anything to Rome! He is your only child.” I cried, unintentionally hugging Rome tighter. I did not realize what was actually happening because I reacted according to my stupid head.


“Yes dear, calm down!” Mrs Yu blocked her husband’s palm, all worried.


“I’m…I’m sure he didn’t mean to hurt your feelings”, I continued saying my piece of mind, not even caring what Rome was thinking at that moment. “Please give him another chance, I beg you. Have faith in him!”


“Quickly, apologise to your dad!” I urged him. Rome was staring blankly at me before saying “I’m sorry” and getting my hands off him and walking up to our room. Why did I hug him in the first place? Why did I even want to protect him? I should have just let his dad beat the crap out of him.


Mrs Yu then brought her husband to their room while I proceeded up to mine. She apologized profusely because I had to witness such an awful scene. I told her it was normal in every household. Maybe Mr Yu needed a breather.


As I entered the room, Barom was back facing me, looking out the window staring out to the vast space. I could sense he was not feeling alright. Especially after being humiliated big time in front of me. Maybe I should just leave him alone to cool down. I tiptoed over and slightly opened the door.


“Where are you going?” Barom questioned me. My muscles froze.


“I, uh, I think you might need some time alone so, uh, I will just go walk around for a while.” I stuttered. “If you need anything, uh, just ring me.” My head just ruled over my heart again. Why was I being too kind to someone I abhor?




It was just a quarter past 4 so I decided to drop by my house for a surprise visit. I missed them so much and I had no time to visit them after the wedding due to exams. I helped mum with the laundry and the lawn, topped the fridge with delicious instant snacks that I was fond of at the Yu’s and finally, cooked a meal for the beloved family. It was a great to finally have a proper chit chat with le parents.


“Is Barom going to fetch you home, honey?” Dad asked over dinner.


“Well, he kind of have some errands to run today since it is the last day of school”, I concealed the white lie with an innocent smile.


“Wow he must be someone really big in the school then!” Mum chided in.


Yeah, big bully, Apparently mum and dad thought Barom was nice like his parents. And I was lucky that they chose me to be Barom’s partner.


“Anyway noona, how does it feel like living in a huge house? Do you have swimming pool and playroom?” Ren asked gleefully. “I want to come over and play some day.”


“Well, I prefer living here. Living in a huge house is tiring!” I whined. “They have Kinect and XBOX in their playroom! I will ask Mr Yu if I could bring you and Rini over for a play time!” I ruffled through the kid’s hair.


When I got back to the bigger house, it was unusually quiet. Normally, Mrs Yu would be in the living room watching her favorite dramas after dinner and Mr Yu, playing chess game with Mr Kim, the chauffer. I crept into the kitchen and unintentionally startled Madam Oki, the cook. She told me that everyone was out except Rome, who had skipped dinner earlier. I slouched with a forlorn look over my face. Barom was acting like a kid. And I have had enough of being quiet and getting pushed around.


Me: Mdm Oki told me you haven’t had dinner. Come down and eat your meals soon.

Barom: Didn’t know Mdm Oki has to report strength to you other than mum.

Me: -.- just come down and eat, can you?!

Barom: Who are you to order me around in my house?

Me: When we are in the house, my status resume no matter how much we both hate it.

Barom: Oh, I’m married? LOL

Me: Shut up.

Barom: Is dad gone?

Me: Stop asking stupid questions and get your down.

Barom: Not hungry.

Barom: I see you are getting bolder now. Wifey.

Me: >:( Stop calling me that. Now are you coming down or not!

Barom: Bring the food up to the room.

Me: I will get Mdm Oki to do that hold on.

Barom: I don’t want that busybody. You bring the food to the room.>:)


“You. Are. So. Annoying!”


“Why dear? Have you ask Barom to come down for his eat?” Madam Oki asked me with her partially broken English.


“He is so annoying, Madam Oki! He requested me to bring his food up. Someone forget that he is not a baby anymore”, I whined, half crying.


Madam Oki laughed and patted my back. “Barom is like that. He is not know how to be kind. Now I will heat the eat and you bring it up later, sweetheart.” She winked, making her crowfeet more visible.


Everyone can be kind. Just that he doesn’t want to put in effort at being one. Egoistic!


I smacked the food tray in front of Barom.


“Food. Eat.”


Indeed there lived a little boy in him that did not wish to grow up. He gobbled the food in no time for someone who claimed that he was not hungry. I got his bedsheets and pillow ready at one side and prepared the bed to go to sleep. Madam Oki came up to take the tray back to the kitchen and Barom went to shower. I took the opportunity to change into something more comfy. The night was blaring hot even with the aircon blasting at the lowest temperature. I quickly pulled out the tshirt and wriggled through a sleeveless one. I was impatiently rushing in case Barom came out and the back part got rolled up at the bra hook area. Ugh, annoying! I had such a hard time unrolling it and pulling it down completely and someone started whistling behind.


I pulled over the quilt to my petite body and shot Barom a death stare. Disgustingly in return he showed me his flirty dirty expression. He saw me changing, didn’t he?


“Ya! What are you doing?! Did… did you peep on me?!”


“Hmmmmmmm…. I was just opening the door to ask you to get me a new pair of toothbrush but then… I will pretend I didn’t see anything.” He laughed. Barom laughed and head back into the washroom.




Barom broke into the ‘y Back’ song by Justin Timberlake to tease me further.


“I hate you, I hate you, I hate you! Ugh!”


“GET YOUR Y ON, GET YOUR Y ON, GET YOUR Y ON, GET YOUR Y ON” He sang it louder for me to hear before bursting into huge laughter again.


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blackfiction #1
Chapter 4: when will rome being nice? xD