
Break You, Shape You

Time flew real fast and without many realising it was already the last year of high school. After the summer vacation, Rome was called over by the teacher for extra classes since he was still struggling in his failed subjects. One more time of failing and there was no way to be promoted to the last year batch. As a result, Sara was made to tutor him day and night and eventually, their relationship improved... a little teeny weeny bit. Furthermore, Sara was thankful to have Barom by her side during the incident in Thailand. Sara, eventhough she did not show it, her heart was wavering to accept Rome. And Rome on the other hand, had successfully hid his mutual feelings for Sara, still treating her like he always did.

Fortunately, Rome passed all his subjects (though most were just above the passing grade) and his position got to 150 from the previous one - that was 200, and unfortunately, he got into the same class as Sara again the next year. Sara could just sighed forlornly when the teacher broke the news.

The new year could have been better but it got worse by the second.

"Alright class settle down", the teacher clapped her hand to get the attention of the class. "I have got several announcements to make."

"Saem, its not even time for class yet."

"It's okay, I believe I have no issues coming in early since this is my form class, student Park. "

"Wow Saem, you got fiercer now that we are the last year students! Saem, you got to chill!" the other student shouted across.

"Yeah I'm going to chill if you guys could please settle down before this duster hits someone's head!" Pin drop silence as everyone had their eyes on the teacher. "Firstly, we are going to have 2 new students joining us today so please be nice to them and guide them if they need assistance."

knock knock. "Oh here they are as we speak! Come in you two! Time to exchange greetings!" Two figures walked in - a male and a female student. Sara looked up and went "Oh?!" when she saw the new male student. She began to frown as she made sure she did not get the wrong person. The male student had the same reaction as Sara, only calmer. He waved discreetly towards Sara only to be interfered by Rome purposely clearing his throat.

"Hi everyone. My name is Hong Dabin from Daejeon. Nice to meet you! Hopefully we can be great friends in the future!" He bowed to the class with an attractive eyesmile. He turned towards the snobbish female student beside him and whispered. "Your turn now, Miss."

The female student had a stuck up face yet having one of the beautiful faces one had ever seen and she was already resting her eyes on Barom who did not seem to get a grasp of what was happening. She did not even turn to Dabin to smile. Her cold stare and aura was so strong that the class became quieter than usual.

"Suzy", she raised her arm slightly, her eyes still on Rome. "And I am going to sit there", she pointed to the seat infront of Barom.

"Suzy dear, the seat is taken al-"

"You", she pointed to the one in the seat infront of him emotionlessly. "Sit somewhere else. That's my place... from now onwards." She walked towards the table and had the student panicking while packing her stuff to move to another table. The boys and Rome were speechless that someone had a way crappier attitude than them. The class was silent as they watched the true self of Suzy unfold. It was pitiful since she was given a beautiful face but y attitude. As she put her bag down, she turned behind to Rome.

 "Hi handsome. I think I like you." Her fingers went up to touch Rome's hair. Rome quickly grabbed her wrist with force and pushed it aside. His eyebrows furrowed angrily, clenching his fists tight under the table. Sara coincidentally turned and saw everything. "Oh", she giggled. "That was fierce, oppa."

She squinted her eyes to read his nametag. "Ah... Barom Yu. Barom... oppa." She winked at him.

"Look to the front", he said firmly, shooting a glaring look.

"Another news! This year we are going to have a trip to Jeju before the summer vacation!" the teacher announced delightfully. "And that would be about 3 weeks' time. So do your shopping for the beach activities wisely. No scantily cladded girls on the beach allowed!"

"This is gonna be fun... right Barom oppa?" Suzy turned her head again. This time Barom could not take it anymore and slammed his books on the table. He got up and grabbed his bag and left the classroom by the back door with the other boys.

“That new girl is sort of annoying. I have never seen Barom so pissed off with some girl. You know he likes to tease girls but this time round he’s legit mad,” Jiyoung shrugged as she got reminded of the incident in class.

Yeah, I haven’t seen him so mad too, Sara thought to herself. But at the same time, this Suzy is really not giving up in getting to know him.

Sara sighed with unsettled feelings – not sure it was just worry or jealousy. “Hmm, yeah. Maybe he’s just having a bad day or something. But on the other hand it’s good though at least there was no one to pick at me in class today.”

Beep, beep. Her cellphone vibrated.

Punk: I’m skipping class. You know what to do *winks”

As much as her heart was beating slightly faster, she was trying not to let Jiyoung see that side of her.

Punk: Yah… Why are you not replying?

When I’m about to breathe, he’s being annoying again.

“Who’s that?” Jiyoung peeped. “Ah… speak of the devil… just when you said he can’t pick on you today. I pity you Sara.” She patted her back.

Sara: K.

Punk: Nice reply.

“I know right. It is the end of a blissful Friday for me.”

“Are you still going over to teach him tuition?” she chuckled. “Trust you teaching an oppa and not some kids.”

“I don’t have a choice do I, Ji?” Sara whined.

“Oh my god, Sara, look over there! It’s the new cute guy from our class!” Jiyoung pulled Sara’s arm excitedly. “And oh god he is walking towards us!”

“Ji, stop it. You are embarrassing me!”

“Hey Sara!” Dabin waved, flashing his dazzling smile and dimples. Indeed, Dabin grew well. He was good looking and tall and everything else.

“OMG did he just say hi to you, Sara?!” Jiyoung exclaimed.

“He’s my old friend, Ji”, Sara waved back to her best childhood friend. Dabin and Sara were kindergarten schoolmates and they went to elementary school together before Sara’s family moved. They were the closest mates ever, sharing everything from hobbies straight to results. Sara and Dabin were always dominating the first few positions in the cohort. Slowly, young Dabin developed feelings for Sara because of her natural caring nature and easy going character. Being coincidentally in the same school as Sara again reignited his dormant feelings for Sara, his first love. It was a perfect timing for him to build up his courage to confess to Sara one fine day.

“How are you?” Dabin opened his arms to hug her. “It has been a long while since we met!” Sara immediately embraced the old friend and ruffled through his hair like she used to.

“Never been better, Dabin! I have missed you so much you have no idea!”

Dabin silently admired Sara’s face. Indeed she had grown much prettier, she was not as plump anymore and her smile had never been more welcoming – warm and filled with love.

“How is your family doing? Are you still hating on brocolli now?”

“Dabin, that was years back!” Sara hit him lightly. “I eat almost everything now. Except for green tea. I still can’t bring myself to drink it! And my family has been doing well. And I have a new brother! You need to come over some time!”

“Ahem,” Jiyoung cleared .

“Ah,” Sara looked at Jiyoung who was waiting to be introduced to. “Well, Dabin! This is one of my closest girlfriends, Lee Jiyoung.” Jiyoung bowed and exchanged greeting with Dabin without hesitating. “And she finds you cute.”

“Sara Lee! Why are you telling on me!” Jiyoung strangled her then hid at the back out of embarrassment. Dabin laughed heartily watching Sara and Jiyoung trying to maintain their cool image. “We should hang out sometime, Jiyoung and Sara!”

“Already making friends with the new kid?” A familiar voice came from behind. Behind Dabin, Rome, along with his clique, was looking over to Sara with his saracastic smile on his face. “Hi new guy. I am Barom Yu.” Barom stretched out his palm for a handshake but Dabin ignored him, seeing the unsettling expression on Sara’s face. “Oh, that’s pretty rude for our first meeting. Anyway, Sara. Don’t you forget about later.” Barom winked. “After all, you are officially mine…”

Kangjun shot a surprised look over at Barom. ‘Officially mine?’ Does this mean that all along my prediction was right that they have something on? He furrowed his eyebrows.

Sara at the same time was lost for words as she looked at Rome with eyes widened. What is he trying to do saying obvious things like that?!

“We are bounded by our contract last year. It’s still valid, mind you,” Rome held up an ‘okay’ sign before walking off. “See you.”

Dabin felt hot. Anger was brewing in his heart as he cursed the guy who had just spoken to Sara. “Who is that?” he questioned Sara, trying to maintain his cool.

“Oh. He’s the kingka of the school,” Sara told him expressionlessly. “Barom Yu.” And my husband.

“And what does he mean by ‘contract’? I heard he has been going around picking people… does that include you?” He tightened his fists.

“Why are you getting so flared up, Dabin? I’m fine. He just orders me around to take notes for him. That’s all,” Sara tried covering up for Barom’s despicable actions towards her and made an eye contact with Jiyoung to keep quiet.

“Why don’t you say anything then?”

“Umm..” Sara stuttered. “Well, I… I see it as something positive. He’s a year older and all but I was asked to tutor him. You see, it is not a bad thing after all. I get to get back at him. It’s all good.” Sara faked a laughter.

Meanwhile deep in Dabin’s heart he wished he could have just crushed Barom into pieces for treating Sara like a servant. The fact that Sara was one of the most precious people in his life made him wanted to go all out to protect her. Dabin was possessive towards her. If possible he did not want her to mingle with anyone else but him.

I shall keep my cool this time, Barom. The next time we meet over such matters, there won’t be a second chance. No one touches my girl.

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blackfiction #1
Chapter 4: when will rome being nice? xD