
Break You, Shape You


I had no idea what mess I have landed myself into. Sitting lifelessly, staring at the wall, with my wedding makeup still intact, I still could not convince myself that I was married. At 18. With the last person I had in mind when it comes to walking down the aisle. Barom Yu. One of the tycoons son, who was such a showoff living off the money his parents had, partying with girls all night, cussing on blue collars and their jobs like he had landed a great job himself. And hours ago, that same person stole my first kiss. My precious first kiss. I did not even have a chance to fall in love yet my first kiss was gone and my marital status got changed to 'married'. First kiss was supposed to be something memorable shared by a loving couple. My mind painfully flashbacked to hours ago, when we were prnounced as husband and wife, Rome flipping over my veil and gave me a meaningless deep kiss. Urgh. Horrible. It was probably one of the life choices that I made wrongly. Or rather, I had to, In order to support my school fees and my siblings' finance since mum and dad were doing odd job labour after dad got retrenched. Or else I would have to quit school to support the other 4 siblings.

My parents did not know what kind of person Barom was so they thought that I was lucky to be married to him. Mr Yu said to keep it from them. I had no idea why Barom's dad chose me to change his annoying son. I was not a fierce girl, neither am I a firm one. Easy to say, I did not think I fit to become his daughter-in-law because both him and Mrs Yu were too nice to me, they penned high hopes on me to get their child to change for the better, and also, save their family name from being tarnished. Rome was actually nice to his parents, just that the household was burdened by his ty attitude. He tried listening to their advise, according to his father, but unfortunately his ego was bigger than the area of Russia and China combined.

I beg of you, Sara, I am positive you are the only one that can change Rome! was what Mrs Yu pleaded to me a few days before my big day. 

And now that the marriage actually happened, I had no idea on how to BE in the same room as Rome. He will probably treat me like dirt since he had this thing against Blue Collared people and their children. He knew I loathed him and I knew very well he disliked me too. He knew it very well from the looks I gave him everytime he successfully bullied a financially burdened kid in school (yes unfortunately he was a senior in my school -.-) and he always sneered sarcastically as he walked past people like us. What's new? Everyone. Every kid and teachers knew about Rome and his little devils. He was the real life Goo Joon Pyo, the real life Kim Tan and all other bad characters in high school themed dramas!

I sighed heavily, thinking about me, my future life, and I, as a daughter-in-law and wife at such a young age, would I even make it out alive? I doubt I could make the marriage last, what more falling in love with this egoistic person. Since no one was in the room, I took the chance to pull out the sockings I wore and that was when Rome just barged into the room without knocking, his eyes setting on my exposed thighs. I quickly flipped the wedding dress over my legs and got on my feet, staring at the man whom I have to address as my husband. Rome carefully closed the door behind him and locked it. His gaze shifted to my face as he sneered and curved out his signature badass smile. Why would girls even swoon for such a jerk in school? I could never understand. 

As he took the first few arrogant and intimidating steps towards me, he began to take off his coat, loosening his tie, eyes still fixated on you, as if he was going to pounce anytime. I winced a little as I, too took a few step backwards as he approached. Rome kept walking towards me and me, the steps I took backwards increased more and more. As he ed the carves and the first few buttons, his expression changed and he had a dirty look on his face. I could feel my whole body shivering and I stammered without realising but nothing would come out from my lips. A few times I tripped on my wedding gown because I was not looking down as I moved, my eyes were fixed on him, in case he decided to do something bad. Like... touch me? Get me in bed? Forced me to-- OKAY LETS NOT DRIFT THERE.

The air was still, it was only us moving -  him, towards me and me, away from him. I finally hit the wall on the other side and came to a conclusion I could not divert my move elsewhere because on my right was the bed and my left, the cupboard. I was stuck. Great. Still, Barom kept walking towards me..two steps left, one step... I shut my eyes cause that was the only way to 'avoid' him. I could feel his breathe so close to my face and his right hand moving up to support himself against the wall. That very moment I wished I could just vanish into thin air and never ever come back. He pinned himself closer to my petite body. Uh, someone save me please!

"So, Sara the commoner became my legally wedded wife", he said sarcastically to my face. Deep in my heart, I hated him a thousand times more. "I have no idea why you agreed to this when you know it is going to be hell for both of us", he whispered to me as he moved his head closer to my shoulder," but hi... Barom's wifey. Although you are my wife now, I think you know how we both are nobody to each other. You hate me and I dislike you, yada yada yada and so we wont bother about each other's private lives and hence don't even trying to provoke me at any time. You understand, wifey?"

He finally broke away from the wall and I thanked God finally I could breathe. He had his back turned from me as he continued to his top and stood there with his wifebeater. "And I know very well I as a child whose parents are too nice to people like you. But," Barom glanced over,"I am not the kind of person who breaks promise. Mum made me promise to try to be good to you. Well, between us there's no promises of that happening since I only promised to try to be good. The only valid promise that shall never be broken is the promise to not get involved in each other's private life. So tonight and forever, you can have the bed I will sleep on the sofa."

Barom did not change his pants and just slipped down a knitted top and retouched his hair. "And I wont tell you who I am out with, what time I will be home. Thats a part of the promise we made." He smiled. "Oh and yes... as I was walking into the room, were you... undressing or?" He raised his eyebrow and shot me the dirty look again. "If you need help undressing it would be my pleasure to help you, wifey! We are legal remember?" He let out a stupid laugh and finally exited the room.

What an .

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blackfiction #1
Chapter 4: when will rome being nice? xD