chapter six

Forbidden Love
Chapter Six

It’s him. Once I saw his eyes, I knew it was that arrogant rich nobleman who saved me this afternoon. I knew he was part of the Royal Family.
Regardless of that, his aura was totally different from when we first encountered each other. It was like he was an angel from the heavens. His white tuxedo and his ash blonde hair made him look so handsome. As we stared at each other, the world seemed to slow down a bit as I could hear my own heartbeat racing. Wind was breezing against us, flower petals were flying in the air. For a moment, I would feel like everything that’s happening now feels like a K-Drama or any romance manga/anime/whatever you call it.
I finally snapped back to reality and avoided his gaze because an awkward silence was killing me. He, too, broke the eye contact and averted his gaze to the floor. But then, he gazed at the camellia I was holding. “The scent of camellias…” he muttered as if he was trying to remember something.
“Those flowers…” he said to me, “… do you like them?”
He asked me in a gentle voice for the first time. He was the polar opposite of his cold personality when he saved me. I never thought he would be this nice and kind. Flustered, I stuttered a few ‘Ah’s as I tried to find an answer.
“Uh… Y-Yes, they do,” I stuttered, which only made the atmosphere even more awkward. He smiled a bit which made him look charming. “As well they should.”
He then walked towards the fountain and sat down beside me, which sent butterflies swarming in my stomach. My heart struggled its way out of my ribcage as he sent me that warm smile again. “I need to ask you…” he started awkwardly and turned his head towards me.
“What’s your name?” he asked.
Oh God. What should I tell him? Should I tell him my real name? No, Suho would be mad at me. Should I make a fake name? I’m not good at finding names. And what would Suho say about this? What would he say if I’m hanging out with a bunch of werewolves? Oh, boy. He’s going to be so mad…
“Please,” he placed a hand on top of mine, sending shudders down my spine and blood rushing in my veins, “tell me.”
I opened my mouth, by no words came out of it. I was still unsure if I should tell him. “I’m… My name… My name is--”
“Oh my God, there you are! YiFan!!!” a voice interrupted. The dragon-rider looked up above the stairs to see Luhan calling him. “YiFan! Your dad’s calling for you!”
So that’s his name? YiFan?
As he was distracted, I took the opportunity to run away from the two boys. I’ve had enough encounters with wolves today. Even so, as I left, I felt like half of me was taken by him.
I ran down the halls as I searched for the exit. As I did, his name kept on ringing in my head.
YiFan. YiFan. YiFan. YiFan.
I paused from running to glance at the direction of the fountain. The memory of when our hands touched never left my mind. I smiled as I kept replaying the brief moment. “Such a sweet name for a guy like him,” I thought aloud.
As I finally reached the gateways, two guards stopped me. “Halt!” one of them ordered. “Are you leaving unescorted, miss?”
Only then I actually forgot I left Minhyuk behind. But as if on cue, a carriage came in front of the gates, with D.O. and Baekhyun as the chauffeurs. Baekhyun stepped down from the carriage and confronted the guards.
“Don’t worry, we’ve come to bring her home,” he said, which made the two guards turn around to him. I smirked as I knew Baekhyun was a Silvertongue; he would surely be able to talk the guards out.
“Is that so? Which House do you belong?” the guards asked him again. Baekhyun scoffed and faked a dramatic pose. “Oh, come on! Don’t you recognize her? This lady here is my cousin, a relative of the Byun Family. Aren’t you familiar to my mother, Byun Ji Hyun, fellow politician of your Montague masters?”
The guards gasped upon the mention of Baekhyun’s mother. The part where his mother’s a politician is true. She is, in fact, the only vampire politician of Neo Lunia since Montague’s reign. But as such a Silvertongue he is, he lied about me being his cousin. But still, the guards weren’t assured to Baekhyun’s words, gaining a sigh from the lad.
“If you’re in need of proof, I have the House’s family crest myself,” he added and smirked as he pulled out a yellow crest of the Byun Family’s House. My smirk grew wider, but then changed it into a smile as the guards turned their heads towards me with a gasp of shock.
Nice work, Silvertongue. “We-We apologize for our ignorance, Mistress. Y-You may pass,” the guards bowed to me in apology, eventually buying for Baekhyun’s words after he showed them the crest. I ran towards the carriage as if my life depends on it, but then stopped at the door. I glanced back at the castle, remembering about the nobleman named YiFan.
I guess I’ll only see you for tonight, YiFan…
“Luhan, did you see her? She was so beautiful…” Kris had been blabbering about you since you left him in the fountain. Luhan scoffed at his Alpha. “Of course I saw her. She was right next to you – how could I not see her?” he groaned as the two of them climbed up the double staircase.
“Do you know where she’s from? Which House she came from?” Kris asked nonstop. Luhan looked down as he did not know the answer to the questions.
As the two reached the end of the staircase, Montague and the Jung Family were there. “YiFan, where have you been?” Montague questioned, in which Kris lowered his head in apology. “Forgive me; I was in the fountain.”
His father exhaled. “Very well, then. Actually, I have prepared a present for you, my son,” he relented and faced upon the crowd. “Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention?” he made sure everyone in the room could hear his voice. Kris bit his lip, waiting for the best… or the worst.
“I have an announcement to make. Henceforth, my son YiFan Candore de Montague and Jessica Jung Soo Yeon of the Jung Family are to be betrothed.”
Both Kris and Luhan gasped at the Duke’s sentence. For Kris, it wasn’t a present. It was a living nightmare. How could he marry someone he didn’t love? He looked at Jessica in disbelief, who seemed quite fine as ever. Montague then gestured to Jessica to step forward to face the crowd. But when Kris hesitated - as he is still in shock of what he had heard - Montague harshly shoved him forward to stand beside Jessica. The crowd applauded at the newly engaged couple, but Kris stared in horror at the betrothal of him and Jessica.
The two of them were requested to dance together by their parents, but as they did, Kris wasn’t really into it. Not a single smile was shown on his face. He couldn’t possibly dance with the one he didn’t love. Oblivious to his father, he had fallen in love for you.
Kris abruptly stopped dancing, making Jessica furrow her eyebrows at him in confusion. “Oppa, what’s wrong?”
Oppa. He hated that word. It made him look like as if he had this clingy annoying girlfriend.
“I’m sorry. I-I’m not feeling really well,” he lied, searching for an escape. “The roses’ scent are too strong for me. You do know we wolves have such keen sense of smell. It gives me a migraine,” he reasoned with a tiny teensy smile.
He then saw Lay chatting with another girl by a distance. “Yixing-ah!” he called. Lay turned his head towards the Alpha and ran towards him with a smile. “Oh, hyung! Hi! Congratulations on your engage--”
Before Lay could finish his sentence, the elder cut him. “Can you please accompany Jessica for a while? I’m not really feeling well,” he told him. “And please don’t talk to me about the engagement,” he added, gritting through his teeth as he said that. Lay gave him a puzzled look, but obeyed anyway.
“Get well soon, oppa!” Jessica smiled at Kris. After a slight shudder in the mention of the word ‘oppa’, he returned her smile and quickly exited the ballroom.
As he was on the way to the east wing where his bedroom is, he encountered his mother’s garden. Seeing a bush of camellias, he picked out one of the flowers and pursued his way into his bedroom. When he got there, he took off his tuxedo, his shoes, and his accessories, leaving him only with his white shirt, his white trousers and his slightly messy hair.
With the flower in his hand, he slid the glass doors open and headed out to the balcony. He leaned against the railings and let the wind blow against his hair. “Who are you… my mystery girl?”
I had my head sunk deep low as Suho’s been glaring at me ever since I entered the carriage. “You seriously gave me a shock when Sehun told us where you were,” he began.
“It’s still a luck Baekhyun hyung’s mom is a politician. Otherwise, we’d all be killed on the spot,” Kai added. “The Royal Castle, Lindsay? Out of all the places you could have gone to, why the palace?” Suho asked me with his arms crossed.  Kai sighed as he tried to calm his brother down.
“Help us understand, Lin. What were you thinking?” Kai asked, rather softly this time. I took a deep inhale before answering.
“I only wanted to go to see the Rose Ball. It’s no big deal.” I pouted slightly as I said that. “You think ‘it’s not a big deal’? It’s a party hosted by the Montagues!”
I cringed at Suho’s outburst. Sighing, I continued. “You should have seen it, Junmyun. It was like a dream inside. A place of all sorts of beautiful things, people with elegant dresses, beautiful music ringing in the ears of the people… I wish I could show it to all of you!” I smiled at the memory of the castle and the ballroom. And then YiFan came into my mind.
“And best of all…” I trailed off. Blush crept up on my cheek as I thought of the nobleman. I smiled at myself, remembering the moment where he touched my hand. I was dozing off in my own world; I didn’t notice Kai waving his hand in front of me.
“Hello? Earth to Lin!” he snapped me out of my trance. “What did you say was the best?” he repeated. Since YiFan was a werewolf, I decided not to tell them since I would have been landed another lecture by Suho.
“Look, Lin, I understand that you want to go anywhere you wish to go, dress however you like, and do everything you’d like to. But you must know that an act of rashness, willfulness, and recklessness will only make it worse,” Kai told me.
“At risk of what?” I yelled at him as I couldn’t hold back my frustration. So I decided to take it all out tonight. “Tell me and answer these questions I have wanted to ask you ever since you turned some into some boy. Why can’t I wear dresses like all girls do!? And why do you have to hide me and dress as a boy!?”
I glanced away from them as I tried to hide my tears. But still, they did not answer. Instead, they told me the statement that I was sick of hearing.
“You do know this but nevertheless, I will remind you once again. Everything will be revealed on your 20th birthd--”
“You old grandpa,” I muttered under my breath in frustration. Suho growled at me, “What did you call me, Miss Lindsay?”
I rolled my eyes, scoffed, and crossed my arms in front of my chest. “Never you mind!” I pouted.
As we reached home, Anha asked if I was okay. She was also shocked that I was dressed as a girl. But since I was too tired to answer another question, I told her I’d explain everything to her tomorrow. I took off my dress and shoes, removed my makeup, and slipped in my nightdress.
I grabbed a few rabbits we got earlier and drank some blood from it. As tired as I was, I still couldn’t get myself to sleep. Maybe I’ll have to check myself to Anha tomorrow if I have some insomnia disease.
As I was bored out of my mind, I stared out of the window as I replayed the memories of the ball. One memory had always occupied my mind. It was when YiFan touched my hand and asked for my name. It was a pity I didn’t have a chance to tell him.
“YiFan…” I trailed off. I smiled at the name.
“I hope we’ll meet again, sweet YiFan…”
Author's note:
I know it's a bit late, but...
It's a bit sad knowing that Kris's parents divorced when he was still a little kid.
But on the other  side, it gave me inspiration on the story plotline...
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liviya #1
Chapter 10: Wow mysterious one
Fairyluve123 #2
Chapter 9: Hey update
fairylove262 #3
Chapter 9: Update update update update nnnnoooooooowwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!
Chapter 9: I love the story!!! Please update soon!
Princyysb #5
Chapter 9: Update soon! Hope that jiwon * coughs Lindsay coughs * will be able to meet kris in the next chapter :)
AmiMiya #6
Chapter 7: yehet~ as always, you ish awesome!! i luv you so much! update~ hawaiting~
Chapter 7: Nice~~~ I love it! ^^
Chapter 7: Not a cliffhanger~~~
SeoYeonEe #9
Chapter 6: It's getting really interesting~^^fighting

idon't think i can spot any flaws from this :)
Chapter 6: Update soon... New reader. Hehe. Love your story~~