prologue two

Forbidden Love
Prologue Two

It was a year after the incident yet the image of the bloody ambush remained in my mind. Ever since my parents died, Mr. Kim had brought me, the twins, and their younger brother Kim Jongin to stay in a huge wooden mansion-like cabin in the middle of the woods. It wasn’t as big as the castle, but it was comfortable and nice. The cabin belonged to Mr. Byun, a close friend and ally of Mr. Kim. The old friends reunited while the four of us befriended his son, 7-year-old Byun Baekhyun and his playmate, a 7-year-old orphan named Park Chanyeol.
Now Suho and Anha are both 8 years in age, Jongin (also called as Kai) was 5 years old. I realized that he was a few months older than me. The six of us played well and became close friends with each other, especially Anha, who had become a sister figure to me. Every night Anha would come into my room and brush my hair as I sang my mother’s favourite song.
But that song would only drive me into nightmares of my parent’s flooding blood and the wolves’ red eyes.
That had led me into a bad influence. It was a warm summer day when the Kim siblings and I went out of the cabin to take some fresh air. I refused at first; I knew what would happen if I went out to the woods again. I wouldn’t have gone with them if it wasn’t for Kai’s aegyo. We went for a walk in the woods, playing by the lake when suddenly I heard rustles and cracks by the nearby bushes. Blood suddenly raced faster in my veins before I even knew it.
Then the image passed through my mind. Those white sharp fangs piercing into the skin of my father’s neck; blood and flesh coming out of it. Those red eyes reflected the color of the blood. It has haunted me ever since.
In a short while, my head started to sting in the memory. My breathing became uneven. I heard the rustlings ring in my ear louder and louder. The voices of that murderer echoed in my mind.
“The house of Capulet must fall tonight.” “Kill them all!” “The people will call the name ‘Montague’ as their new king.”
As if it was reflex, I unconsciously started to whine in a high-pitched voice, which seemed to gain the siblings’ attention. “M-Mom! D-Dad! No! No!” I whined; my hands found their way to my head as I fell unto my knees. Those memories had haunted me again.
My head started to spin and the world around me began to swirl. All I heard was voices calling for me.
“Lindsay!” “Junmyun, her trauma!” “Lady Lindsay!”
The next thing I saw was pitch black color surrounding my eyes. Even so, I could still feel my body being carried by two pair of arms, most likely to be Kai’s and Suho’s. I could feel Anha’s hand caressing my hair as the siblings ran as fast as they could back to the cabin.
The first word that came out of Suho’s mouth once he had reached the cabin was his father’s name. He was followed by the calls of Kai and Anha. Mr. Kim and Mr. Byun came downstairs in a few seconds after the calls. The two adults’ pale skin had gotten even paler the second they saw an unconscious Lin in the boys’ arms.
“Lady Lindsay!” “Milady!” the two exclaimed and dashed closer towards the young ones. “Baekho, take us to the infirmary!” Mr. Kim demanded his friend. The other nodded as Mr. Kim transferred the unconscious girl’s body into his arms. The both of them dashed towards the infirmary that the siblings had to run faster than usual to catch up. They were lucky enough that Byun Baek Ho was rich enough to have an infirmary in his own cabin.
Baekho gestured for his friend to place the young body onto the bed as he prepared some wires and blood bags.  He injected the needle into the back of her palm and blood began to make its way into her body.
As the young lady was still unconscious due to her trauma, the two vampire guards stared at her petite body in a few moments. Mr. Kim was the first one to break the silence.
“How are we going to avenge Lord Capulet in a situation like this?”
This made Baekho knit his eyebrows. “What are you talking about?”
“Montague can’t rule Neo Lunia the way he wants. He’s lied too much to the villagers. He made up of a story that Capulet was a tyrant leader and that Montague would lead Lunia to peace… But he is wrong.”
The ex-leader of the royal vampire guards clenched his fists on the bed. “That is why I am planning to avenge Lord Capulet and bring peace back to Lunia. Our only hope is the princess… but we can’t possibly take action when she’s in a traumatic condition of—of wolves! Our targets!”
Baekho thought about this. Kim Jong Joon was true. They couldn’t go to battle without a leader, heir to the throne herself. But as a young girl with her past haunting her, there will be lesser chance to win that battle, in which might result losing the princess during the battle.
Baekho ascended from his chair before using his feet to slightly push it aside. He began to search in his drawers and found a small bottle of silver-colored liquid. He also pulled out a syringe. He showed it to Jongjoon, who narrowed his eyes in confusion.
“This serum will make her forget about her past. It’s the only way for her to forget about the incident,” Baekho explained, “But don’t worry. She won’t forget about her identity.”
He began to insert the liquid into the syringe. “However, the serum will change her into an immortal vampire in the age of 20, where she will gain strength, speed, and intelligence. In this knowledge, I suggest you start training her in combat. You should also get some kind of disguise for her; keep a low profile from the public. If they know that the heir of Capulet is somewhere lurking around the woods, they’ll be sure to vanquish her before the serum’s effects could take action.”
Jongjoon seemed unsure about this. Training a girl was never his job as a vampire guard. He had always trained males for there are hardly ever a female vampire that can fight. “Are you sure about this, my friend?”
Baekho let out a bitter smile. “You can trust me, Jongjoon. She will be just fine.” And with that, he injected the serum into her veins.
It had been a few days since the injection occurred. Jongjoon had told the twins about it and said that they will take part of the mission as well.
I woke up with a strange feeling in my head. It felt lighter than usual. I realized that every single vampire in the cabin was surrounding my bed. I turned my head to my right and saw Suho smiling the smile that had always comforted me in a way that no one could. “Welcome back.”
I managed to smile weakly at him as I tried to sit up. Then a hand held me back from my left. I turned to see Anha with a worried look on her face. “Don’t strain yourself. You’ve been out for a few days.”
I recognized these faces and their names, but I feel like something missing. It’s like I’ve forgotten about something. “W-Who are you? What coven is this?” I asked innocently.
Chanyeol gasped. “You didn’t remember our names?” he asked in a sad tone as his eyes started to water.
I shook my hands in defense. “N-No, it’s not like that. I know your names… Um… Junmyun, Jongin, Mr. Kim Jong Joon, Mr. Byun Baek Ho, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and Anha unnie…” I pointed each and every one of them and recalled their names. “It’s just that I’ve never known of this coven before.”
Mr. Byun sat on the edge of my bed. “Do you know where you came from, Lindsay? Or which coven you belong in?”
That hit me. I had forgotten everything about my past. All I knew was I am a mortal vampire named Lindsay… just “Lindsay”. From what I’ve heard from Mr. Kim, the Capulets are dead and even the heir of the Capulet. Those are the only things I knew.
As an answer, I shook my head disappointingly with a small frown on my face. Baekho smiled reassuringly to me and gave my hand a small squeeze in addition. “It’s okay. You’ll become one of our coven, then.”
“Yeah! The coven of EXO-K!”
The sudden exclaim made all of us turn to the boy who had his hands thrown up in the air. “Nice going, Baekhyun,” Chanyeol muttered, receiving a glare from the older. “What? I just thought we needed a name for our coven. EXO-K would be cool and awesome!!” the young vampire once again threw his hands in the air in enthusiasm.
This statement had gained laughter in the room. Young Baekhyun lowered his hands as a shade of pink crept up into his cheeks in embarrassment.
After the moment of joy and laughter, Mr. Kim came closer to me and placed a short choppy boyish hair wig over my long black hair. “Wear this when you go out on public, or most of the time if possible. Your name will be Jiwon.”
I stared at the odd hairpiece before averting my gaze towards the vampire guard. “But my name’s Lin--”
“That name will not be used anymore. You will be called Jiwon from now on.”
A knock was heard on the door. I paused myself from paying attention to my new wig. “Come in,” I called. The door opened revealing Anha with a brush in her hands. “Hey, Lin!”
I widened my eyes in surprise at the mention of my name. “B-But, unnie, I thought your dad told us not to call me that anymore! I’m a boy named Jiwon now!”
She hushed me as she closed the door. I must have been shouting at her. “It’s okay, Lin. It’s just for the two of us,” she quietly said and moved closer to me. She took a seat on a random chair behind my seat and removed my short wig. She started to brush my hair just like she had always used to brush it.
“Actually, Suho and Daddy wanted to cut your hair in the first place, but I couldn’t stand seeing your beautiful long hair turn into a short choppy one. I told them to make you wear a wig instead… and after a few, um, pros and cons, they agreed.”
I wanted to tear up at the story. She actually cared me just like how a real sister would, even in front of her own father and brother. I smiled at her and hugged her tight. She was surprised for a few seconds, but then hugged me back and caressed my hair just like how my mother would.
“Wouldn’t they be mad if they see us like this? I mean, you brushing my hair and calling me Lindsay, that is.”
She let out a slight high-pitched giggle. “Your hair and your name will be our little secret because those two things are my greatest treasure.” We shared a laugh in this and she continued to brush my hair.
At least there will be one who is here by my side…
Author's note:
Hello again! This is the second prologue of the story.. This one will be a big start to her journey...
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liviya #1
Chapter 10: Wow mysterious one
Fairyluve123 #2
Chapter 9: Hey update
fairylove262 #3
Chapter 9: Update update update update nnnnoooooooowwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!
Chapter 9: I love the story!!! Please update soon!
Princyysb #5
Chapter 9: Update soon! Hope that jiwon * coughs Lindsay coughs * will be able to meet kris in the next chapter :)
AmiMiya #6
Chapter 7: yehet~ as always, you ish awesome!! i luv you so much! update~ hawaiting~
Chapter 7: Nice~~~ I love it! ^^
Chapter 7: Not a cliffhanger~~~
SeoYeonEe #9
Chapter 6: It's getting really interesting~^^fighting

idon't think i can spot any flaws from this :)
Chapter 6: Update soon... New reader. Hehe. Love your story~~