chapter eight

Forbidden Love
Chapter Eight
Someone Call the Doctor

"Well, I guess I’ll have your daughter in exchange of your tax…”
“But, sir, the tax has already been paid weeks ago!”
The tax collector harshly shoved the poor man’s weak body unto the ground. The poor wife sat down by her husband’s side, glaring at the tax collector. “The contract you signed for states that the amount of your tax must be doubled when paid back. You didn’t notice that, did you? You should have read carefully. In the meantime, I’ll have your daughter until you’re able to repay me,” the man said in a mocking tone. Just like that, he went off with his minions, and the poor man’s daughter taken captive.
“Hey, let me go! Father, help!” the young girl cried. Her father tried to launch himself at the tax collector, but he was beaten down by the collector’s minions. As soon as the collector was gone along with his minions, the crowd began murmuring and criticizing the collector.
“How could he take girls and children like that?” “He’s a villain down to his soul!” “I heard he’s making plans with Montague so he could by his own family crest and become a nobleman.”
I watched the scene from the roofs, with Sehun beside me. How could they torture the poor ones like this? They had nothing, and they had to pay double for the tax? Making plans with the great ones just for his own pleasure? What kind of authority is that? I could feel the anger rising up in my veins. I had to save the captured daughters. I had to destroy the contract.
“Sehun, follow him,” I told the latter. He nodded and swiftly ran across the roof, following the carriage that was keeping the girls inside. I followed shortly behind him, taking another route so I could get to them faster. As I did, I felt new strength in my limbs: I’ve never run faster that this in my whole life. My visions were enhanced, and by 10 seconds, I’d already reached 40 feet in front of the thieves. I stood on the edge of the roof, waiting for the right time to strike.
Three… two… one!
I jumped off of the roof, did a somersault, and landed on the carriage roof with ease. Sehun landed soon behind me. The tax collector – who was driving the carriage – noticed the both of us. “Who are you two?” he yelled furiously at us.
“If you treasure your life, you’ll release these girls immediately!” I demanded him and unsheathed my sword. “Try me!” the tax collector snarled and whistled for his minions. Once the whistle was heard, the thieves were surrounding us on the top of the carriage. Sehun had beaten one of them quickly, and he rushed inside to help the girls.
One of the thieves tried to attack me with his daggers, but I dodged each of his attacks with my sword. I took a moment to elbow him on the chest, which sent him off the carriage. When another charged at me, I swiftly did a back somersault and kicked him on his chin as my last foot was raised off the ground. But as I regained my position, I didn’t realize the last one was charging at me from the side. In result, he managed to slash his sword towards me and made a huge gash on my right upper arm, making me drop my sword by the edge of the carriage roof.
I glared at him, and I growled at him. He chuckled evilly at me. I reached out for my sword, but my hand was too injured to move. But then, I saw a cloaked figure jump towards the roof and managed to kick the last thief off the carriage. I furrowed my eyebrows at the figure, but then he removed his cloak, revealing a familiar, yet annoyed glaring face. “I’ll take part in your games one last time, Jiwon.”
I smiled weakly at him as my hand clutched unto my wound. “Much obliged, Kyungsoo. Thanks for the help.”
Soon enough, the carriage had stopped. Sehun sent the girls away safely. The tax collector jumped off his chauffeur seat and began to escape quietly, but Kyungsoo had blocked his way in front of him. Sehun and I blocked him from behind. Now his face was that of a whimpering child’s. He shook with fear as I glared at him.
“I’ll see that contract of yours,” I demanded him again. This time, he quickly obeyed. He pulled the document out of his pocket and showed it to me. “Spare my life, please! I beg you!” he whined again. Pathetic, I thought. Swiftly, I drew my sword and made 3 huge random slices at the paper. The paper fell into pieces. Surprised, the tax collector ran for his life, crying like a baby as he did.
Taking a breath to calm myself down, I smiled at Sehun. “Nice work, kiddo,” Sehun ruffled my hair. I giggled, but when I turned to D.O., my smile disappeared. “What’s wrong?” I asked him.
“Your arm…”
I mumbled a “Huh?” before examining my arm. The gash was still there, of course, but it was getting better than when I first got it. Not entirely healed, but it was getting better. It was as if I had healing powers. “What?”
“Does it look like it’s healed by itself?” I asked the two. Sehun shrugged, but D.O. seemed to know something about this. “Hey, maybe we should go to Doctor Henry. I don’t want to risk that wound getting infected,” Sehun suggested, and we nodded in agreement.
The Lau’s Hospital, best hospital in Neo Lunia history. Although it wasn’t as fancy, but it was still nice. Doctor Henry was a good neighbor to the citizens, and he was so bright and kind.
We entered the building to see none other than Doctor Henry Lau himself. “Kyungsoo! Sehun! What brings you here?” he smiled as he saw the two boys. Kyungsoo asked if we could get to a private treatment room, and Henry approved once he saw my arm. We were then led upstairs into a separate treatment room, away from the other patients. Doctor Henry asked me to sit down on the bed as he prepared the medications.
“I’ve heard rumors about you, Dark Whirlwind,” he smiled as he began to apply some ointment onto my wound. “They say a ‘dark wind of justice’ is sweeping through the streets, blowing every crime that commits in the Neo Lunia,” he added. He then applied some bandage in my skin and wrapped it around my arm. He looked at me with a proud smile. “Look at you, wandering around the streets recklessly. They’re going to catch you someday,” he joked.
He then finished bandaging my wound, and I thanked him for his treatment. “I’m really thankful for the food you sent to me. It helped my family so much,” he smiled again. But then, he frowned as he recalled a memory. “Years ago, the government used to help the poor ones, providing them food and comfortable homes. But ever since the era of Montague rose, things have changed… drastically.”
“I understand,” I placed a hand on the doctor’s shoulder. “Now, only the noblemen can afford the wealth,” I muttered, and I felt the same sensation of anger as whenever I see crime in Neo Lunia. Kyungsoo cleared his throat and told us it’s time to go home. We excused ourselves from the doctor and thanked him once again, before heading out to the streets.
As we made our way home, Kyungsoo kept a steady pace beside me. “Look, Jiwon, I’ve told you this before: you won’t change anything if you keep on confronting thieves and thugs like this.”
I sighed as I took off my hat and my mask. “What will, then?”
“The duty written in the stars of your birthright… something you alone can do.”
I stopped in my tracks, and took a moment to process it. “The stars of my birthright… something that I alone can do? What do you mean by those things?” I glared at the elder, but he turned to no respond. Instead, he stared at me blankly. I narrowed my eyes as if I knew what he was going to say.
“What? You can’t tell me? I have to wait until my 20th birthday? Kyungsoo, the day has come! TELL ME!” I begged him. I was in the verge of tears – I was dying to know what was behind these mysteries. But instead, D.O. turned his back on me and pursued walking down the street. I could only sigh in the midst of my curiosity. But what can I do? I had to know these mysteries sooner or later.
Author's note:
*drum rolls* Look who's back! Yay! I'm alive, people!
Sorry I haven't been updating - I had serious internet problems here at home.
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liviya #1
Chapter 10: Wow mysterious one
Fairyluve123 #2
Chapter 9: Hey update
fairylove262 #3
Chapter 9: Update update update update nnnnoooooooowwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!
Chapter 9: I love the story!!! Please update soon!
Princyysb #5
Chapter 9: Update soon! Hope that jiwon * coughs Lindsay coughs * will be able to meet kris in the next chapter :)
AmiMiya #6
Chapter 7: yehet~ as always, you ish awesome!! i luv you so much! update~ hawaiting~
Chapter 7: Nice~~~ I love it! ^^
Chapter 7: Not a cliffhanger~~~
SeoYeonEe #9
Chapter 6: It's getting really interesting~^^fighting

idon't think i can spot any flaws from this :)
Chapter 6: Update soon... New reader. Hehe. Love your story~~