Skool Luv Affair

Girls of every year lined up by their classrooms looking down the main hallway. Their excited whispers filled the air, some were even carrying little pictures of them. Hani looked at them, shocked.

“How did we girls evolve to this?” she muttered in a horrified voice.

Yoo Ra laughed “I like you!”

She wiped her eyes as she collected herself, “as much as I agree with you, I have to admit, these boys are pretty interesting. I mean I hate to admit it, but you know Jackson doesn’t look half bad, you’ve seen Mark oppa and you know indefinitely he’s not bad looking and so is the rest of their group, but this Bangtan boys, they’re pretty notorious.”

“Notorious how exactly?”

“Oh your not so average typical bad boys,” she gave me a wink.

Hani gave her an odd look, no has ever winked at her before and to think the first one to do so was a girl. She couldn’t help but giggle.

“What’s with that look?”

A cheeky smile appeared on Yoo Ra’s face.

“Let’s just say I’ve had a brush on with one of them,” she whispered boastfully but she had a shy blush come to her face.

Hani let out an exaggerated gasp.

“You’ve gone to the dark side!” she whispered accusingly.

“And you will soon too, here they come!”

The incoming squeals of fan girls were already started to echo through the hallways. Hani went to her tip toes and strained her neck against the bars to see the boys. The faces that she saw next made her almost lose her balance.

“No!” she whispered disbelievingly.

“Welcome to the dark side,” Yoo Ra giggled, misreading her reaction.

Walking down the hallways like it was their business were 7 boys. And one of them had shockingly orange (or is it red) hair while the other was brooding behind the group with those familiar looking full lips. Hani’s eyes widened, she couldn’t help but stare. Those were the boys she met this morning!

They’re pretty notorious. They’re going to skin you alive and torture you.”

Yoo Ra’s words echoed inside Hani’s head with a little modification.

“Hani are you okay?”

“Have they killed people?”


They can’t possibly remember me. I’m like 1 out of like over a hundred in this school.

“Well they’ve roughed up a few people, you know, even sent them to the hospital. But they don’t get in trouble much, half of the boy’s parents fund this school, so by being close with them the others kind of gained immunity too.”


“I don’t like the hospital,” Hani muttered making Yoo Ra laugh again.

“And you’re not going to as long as you get out of their way.”

That’s right. Out of their way. I wasn’t in his way earlier, I was beside him, that’s a different. Plus I gave him water, that’s a debt enough. Meanwhile the other was behind me, I wasn’t in his way either right? HAH!

Hani released a long sigh of relief.

“What’s gotten in to you?” Yoo Ra giggled.

“Nothing, I just don’t like trouble.”

“Well, I don’t mind trouble if trouble looks like one of them.”

Hani pushed Yoo Ra and Yoo Ra laughed a “what?”

The excitement died when the school bell finally rang. Everyone went to their seats, Hani’s was assigned to the back of the room by their class president which just happened to be Jackson. That went with a look from Yoo Ra that said ‘I know right?’ referring to Jackson.

But he had 2 class representatives with him which happened to be his close friends as well, JB and JR. Yoo Ra was right. They were pretty good looking. First period was English and the rest went a blur until lunch came. She spent it with Yoo Ra, Se Mi, Jackson, JR and JB.

“You know the cafeteria is pretty good here,” Se Mi told Hani.

“Nah, it’s okay, my mom packed lunch for me anyway, she’ll be disappointed if I didn’t eat it.”

She took out her packed lunch and everyone from the table looked at it in disbelief.

“That’s lunch? That looks as if you’re going to feed an army!” JB remarked.

Hani blushed, “I know, don’t judge me,” she grumbled.

“She’s so cuuttee….” Jr went across the table and pinched her cheeks.

“Behave,” Yoo Ra said severely.

“You guys want though?”

Hani opened her lunch and in that moment, she raised her eyes to the heavens. Dear lord, what did you do to my mother?

Everyone’s jaws dropped.

“Is that sushi?!”


“How did she even fit a jajangmyon here?”

“Is that steak?”

“…my m-mother… she’s a tad bit…-”

“Amazing! This steak is the !”

Jackson had already managed to get a bit while she was talking to the heavens.

“… help yourselves then.”

It was hard to get embarrassed when everyone was happily eating the food her mother made.

“You guys are so weird.”

But they simply dismissed her.

“Anyway you guys finish this, I have somewhere to be,” Hani stood up.

“What? Where? Lunch isn’t even over yet,” JB pointed out.

“I know, but I have remedial class,” Hani pouted.

“Oh? What class?”

“Economics, I think.”


“Hani has been homeschool since middle school,” Yoo Rah explained.

Everyone gasped and looked at her, “really?”

A blush crept up to her cheeks.

“I have to go now, bbyyyeeee,” she quickly walked her way out of the cafeteria.

It was hard explaining to Yoo Ra why she was homeschooled in the first place. She didn’t want anyone knowing her disorder, it might change the way they would treat her. She didn’t want that, she wanted to be treated like a normal girl, even if it meant being knocked over or being cursed at.

But her day had taken a pleasant turn from the worse and she certainly felt better as she looked for her next period. She looked down at her map.

“Ah, found it.”

“Ms. Choi I take it?”

The teacher was already in front. She surveyed the room and found that a lot of students were there as well. That was a shock.

“Yes Ma’am.”

“I’m Mrs. Chung and you’re just in time, please sit down,” She smiled.

Hani dropped her head when she felt their eyes on her and quickly sat on the first seat she saw. Her heart was once again pounding against her chest.

“So welcome everyone to remedial Economics, for Ms. Kim I hope you will do your best in this class,” she smiled pleasantly again.

“But the rest of you, after that little stunt you pulled, I am no longer tolerating your behaviors.  Do not think of this as just a class, this class might just be the class that will keep your little troublesome butts behind. Do you want that to happen? Good,” the ice cold glare was replaced by that pleasant smile again.

Not mess with her. Check.

“Now that we have that covered. I will set up new partners.”

The class groaned.

“Odd numbers, look to your left, right numbers, look to your right, greet your new partners.”

Hani was in the second to the last row, an odd number, she turned to her side with a smile on her face only to have a piercing face shoot it down.

The guy had silver hair pushed sleekly to the back and his eyes were narrow that it almost looked like slits to her. Hani nervously looked to her right but the next person was already talking to another person. Swallowing down her nervousness, she turned back to the stranger.

If looks could kill.

“Hi, I’m Hani.”

The whole class shushed up. Hani looked around, confused.

The guy looked at the teacher, but Mrs. Chung sent him a firm look that clearly said ‘Be Nice.’

He lolled his head back to her again and gave a curt nod.

“Oh it’s nice to meet you Hani, oh it’s nice to meet you too I’d like to know you’re name, it’s a secret, oh you, okay I understand.”

Hani flashed him a smile before slumping back to her chair, having a pretend conversation with her new partner wasn’t exactly ideal.

“Now that everyone’s settle, your first project for a week, is the Egg Project.”

The groans of complaints were louder this time.


The class went silent.

“You will take care of these eggs for 2 weeks, whichever group takes care of it the best will be exempted from the Baby Project.”

Whistles and hoots went all around.

“Not that kind of baby project,” she said in a clipped tone and everyone laughed.

“The criteria for your eggs is simple: There should not be a single crack on the each, not one tiny scratch. I will know if you have attempted to replace the egg. For each damage, 5 points will be taken. You may now adopt your eggs at the back.”

Hani looked at her partner, expecting no response at all.

“Let’s go.”

The guy stared at her.

“Sorry Hani, that’s Kim Namjoon-”

Mrs. Chung was cut off.

“Rap Monster. RapMon.”

Hani looked at him weirdly. Rapmon? What kind of name was that? She smiled at her teacher.

“Come on Namjoon, let’s pick some eggs!”

She bounced off the chair as Rap Monster opened his mouth to snap at her. But she was already skipping towards the incubators. He sighed in frustration but followed her anyway with a curious look.

Hani peered into the incubators, fascinated at the little eggs. She had never taken care of an egg before, she wasn’t allowed to take care of anything period. She had always wanted a dog but she wasn’t allowed to have pets because her parents thought they were diseases waiting to happen.

The prospect of caring for an egg, even if it’s just an egg made her giddy with excitement.

Rap Monster looked at her curiously, how could someone be so happy about eggs? Was she deprived from having eggs in her life?

“What are you looking at me for?” Hani frowned.

Rap Monster quickly looked away.

“I wasn’t looking at you.”

Real smooth Rap Mon. He silently cursed.

She tsked but scooped one out of the pile.

“How about this one?” She lifted up to him.

“They look all the same to me,” he stated in a flat tone.

“Nu-uh, not this one, if you look closely, this side of its shell is bent, not cracked or anything, but just bent,” she pointed at a little dent on the egg.

“That’s a dud, go get another one,” he jerked his head to the pile.

“No, I want this one,” she protested as she drew the egg to her chest.

“No, that one’s a lost cause, get another one.”

“It is so not a lost cause.”

“We’re going to fail this project if you don’t pick another normal looking one.”

“We are not going to fail this.”

He brought his face dangerously close to hers.

“I will not fail this stupid class,” his voice threateningly dropped into a lower octave.

“You won’t fail this stupid class,” she stated firmly.

He looked at her and she stared right back. She was not going to back down out of anything because she was new or that because she was a girl. Even if her legs were currently shaking out their skin right now, she refused to bat a lash at him.

Something flashed across Rap Monster’s eyes before he pulled away.

Hani released a silent sigh of relief. She turned to the egg that she grasped in her hands. She silently thanks the heavens that she had not crushed it. Then he could have legitimately punched her.

“Besides, just because it looks different doesn’t mean it’s not normal,” she mumbled.

Rap Monster looked at her, this time without his scary vibe.

Seeing that as a good sign, she held up the egg again.

“If you think about it clearly, an egg with a dent shouldn’t still be alive right? It should crack and leak, but instead this one hasn’t. I say it’s a rather tough egg.”

She beamed proudly. Rap Monster blinked at her.

“Don’t you think I boosted our chance of passing this test,” she grinned cheekily.

“…That’s a stupid reason.”

“Stupid my ,” Hani grumbled.

Rap Monster twisted his face and gave her a look. Hani gave it back in return with her tongue stuck out. She tsked and went back to her chair, completely oblivious of the surprised looks on everyone’s faces.

“What should we name him?”

“Name? Him?”

“Oh, you want it to be a her?” She smiled.

“I don’t want it to be anything.”

The smile dropped off from her face again. A little stirring of regret rose inside Rap Monster.

“Fine, I’ll name it myself, hhmmm, what should I call you?” She said thoughtfully as Rap Monster sat on the best beside her seat.

“Ssshhoouulllddd I caalll yyoouu… Namjoon?”

“What?!” Rap Monster got up to his feet so fast that Hani laughed.

“I was just kidding!” she giggled.

“… or was I?”

Rap Monster planted his hands onto the desk in front of her and leaned in again. Hani stiffened at the pace he went to cover their distance from each other.

“Stop playing around,” there it was again, that scary octave.


Satisfied, he pulled away and sat back down to his seat with his uninterested expression again. Hani looked at the egg thoughtfully before she stood up and got her bag. Rap Monster didn’t pay her any mind.

“I’ll just call him… Nam.”

Rap Monster quickly got on his feet again but Hani was already sprinting outside into the corridors, laughing to herself. He could clearly hear her.

“Namjoon! Sit. Down.” Mrs. Chung demanded.

“But that little b-”

She went near him, her eyes set.

“Mr. Kim, I do not care how much your parents invest in this school, but I don’t think they’ll be pleased to know that their son might just get pulled back if ever such information were to reach their ears, am I understood?”

Rap Monster gave her a heated look before kicking the table next to him.

Mrs. Chung looked at the frustrated teenager. For a while there, he was conversing with someone normally. Someone other than his group of friends. She smiled to herself secretly, as the teenager continued to kick down tables.




Hani had managed to swipe a portable incubator before she ran out of the class. She giggled again as she remembered Rap Monster’s shocked expression. She placed in the egg inside the incubator and tucked it to the corner of her locker so it wouldn’t bother.

She looked at her watch.

She wasn’t going to be too late for her next class.

“Who are you?”

Hani gave a start as she looked at the source of the voice. She felt her spine stiffen.

Although she hadn’t paid the Bangtan Boys a closer inspection earlier because she had gotten distracted, she definitely knew this was one of the members. Because he was beside the orange haired guy at that time.

“Just don’t get in their way.”

Yoo Ra’s voice echoed in her head. She quickly turned around and walked the opposite direction from the boy, even if that meant she was walking the opposite direction from where her class was at too. It didn’t matter to her if she had to walk around the school to get to class, so long as she could avoid him.

“I am talking to you.”

His footsteps echoed behind her.

Would it be getting in their way if I talk to him? But isn’t it worse that I’m ignoring him?

She skidded to a stop and turned to the stranger before pointing to herself.


A lopsided smile came into show, crinkling his eyes. He didn’t look very scary when he smiled, he actually looked rather cute.

“Yes you with the brown waves and pretty eyes.”

Is he hitting on me?!

The blush was already crawling up to her face before she could stop it. But she met his gaze as if she wasn’t bothered by it the least.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about but I’m Hani, nice to meet you but I’m late for class,” she said firmly and started to walk away again.

“That’s all? Woah there girl, slow down, hi Haninicetomeetyoubutimlateforclass, I’m Suga,” he held out his hand for her to shake.

She looked at his hand but gave a polite nod instead. Alarm bells were going off in her head, she had to get to class. She didn’t want anything to do with Bangtan, not at all, even if they were composed of incredibly good looking young boys.

He scoffed a laugh before yanked her wrist and pulling her back. Hani didn’t expect him to touch her at all so she almost stumbled to the ground.

“When a guy is talking to you, you should be more polite and face him properly,” there was an air of danger around him now.

“Nice to meet you,” Hani took his hands from her wrist and shook it before walking away.

Suga chuckled.

“Was that all?” he followed her again even though she picked up her pace.


He pulled her again, now this time she was prepared, but what she wasn’t prepared was when he pinned her up against the wall. The breath was knocked out of her as she looked breathlessly at him.

“That’s more like it, now let’s talk,” he smiled pleasantly.

The smile was deceitfully in contrast to the grip he had around her wrist.

“Now let’s start from the beginning shall we?”

“Ah teacher.”

Suga turned his head around, momentarily distracted. Hani escaped from his loosened grip and ran down the corridors. Behind her, he could hear his laughter and then his footsteps.

He was going to chase her!

She looked hopelessly from left to right, she had gone off from her usual trail back to her room. She randomly ran down the empty hallways but the footsteps were quickly getting closer. In a state of panic, she saw a slightly ajar room that didn’t look like one of the classrooms and got inside.

The room was poorly lit, and it smelled bad. But it took her a while to realize that as she panted. She took a step back from the door, never removing her eyes from it, worried he might burst in.

“That sneaky witch,” Suga’s amused voice was just right outside.

“Don’t think you can hide forever little kitty, I’ll catch you one day,” he shouted.

Hani heaved out a sigh of relief.

But it was only ever so brief.

“A girl in the boys’ cr?” A hot breath fanned the crook of her neck.

The hairs on her body stood up as she planted herself against the tiled up walls. She gasped as she saw her surroundings. She really was in the boys’ toilet!

The boy in front of her had black hair and a wicked smile on his face, flashing a dimple.

“I-i-i-i-I’m sorry! I-I didn’t know this was the boy’s cr! I was just trying to get away from someone!”

“Oh? I didn’t hear anyone out there, perhaps… you knew I was here?”

He was getting dangerously near to her. She was paralyzed against the wall, her heart was beating like crazy and her head was getting light.

“You know… you don’t have to make up any stories…”

He was inches from her face now. She could see the outlines of his face. It didn’t help at all that he was sinfully good looking.

Her breathing started to hitch when his fingers trailed down the buttons of her uniform. Suddenly it was becoming harder to breath for her, but she seemed fascinated because it wasn’t the kind of breathing that she needed her medicine for.

“I haven’t seen you around here before though…” his voice turned timbre and husky.

His fingers were playing around the buttons, his hand slightly brushing past under her . Her breathing grew shallower as she unconsciously her lips.

That evil little tip of his lips turned up at her, his eyes roamed her face. He was suddenly struck at how she really looked like. Her hair was slightly messy but it only made the smoothness of her angles more prominent. Everything about her was flawless from the curve of her jaw to the little mole under her eye. Even more so that her eyes were bright, her cheeks were red with color and her lips were open and breathing heavily.

The mischievous smile fell from his lips.

“You’re beautiful.”

Hani stopped breathing as he slowly closed their distance. Suddenly all she could hear was the blood rushing through her ears. All she could feel was the anticipation building up in her chest. She closed her eyes as she felt the heat of his lips hovering over hers.

Her first kiss.



Hani’s eyes fluttered open, suddenly everything was coming back. The smell of urine in the air, the fact that her heart was still racing and that she was pinned up against a dirty tiled up wall.

Jimin lowered his head, bit his lip before he pounded on the wall.


Hani only pressed herself harder against the wall, hoping it was going to swallow her up.

“Jimin!” The high pitched voice was right outside the door now.

He raised his head, but instead of his usual smirk, he smiled at her.

“Let’s continue this next time,” he winked playfully as he pushed himself from her.

He turned around again, “what’s your name?”

Hani looked at him uncertainly, but that boyish look was so different from his arrogant smirk earlier that it was hard to resist.



A smile and he was gone.

“TTTSSHHHUUUUHH!” That was literally how her sigh of relief sounded like, she didn’t want to move from the wall just yet, worried that she might fall onto the rather curiously wet floor.

“I almost kissed him,” she covered her face in disbelief.

She could feel the heat radiating from her body. Her heart was still beating wildly and she couldn’t feel her legs. But as she looked around the surroundings, she was suddenly conscious of how she, a girl, was in the boys’ cr. She did not want to be found out by another boy again. Most definitely not. But she couldn’t move her legs, crawling out wouldn’t be very advisable either.

The door creaked open.

I’m ed.

She opened her eyes. This time, the face was slightly younger and familiar. A pregnant silence fell on them, until they raised their fingers simultaneously.



Their faces suddenly lit up in realization, but as Hani tried to move her legs, they suddenly gave up on her. Quick on his feet, Jung Kook was already by her side with his arms around her waist. Hani gripped his shoulders like a life support and looked at the younger boy.

“Cookie-ah, you’ve gotten so strong!”

“I think we should get you out of here first Noona,” he suggested with a smile.





“Cookie. Cccookkiiieee, uwwaa, you’ve grown so much!”

Hani pinched his cheeks but Jung Kook slapped them away, rubbing his head in embarrassment. Right now, he was staring at his first love and she still looked at him as if he was still that 11 year old she played with when they were younger.

She on the other hand clearly had no idea how different she looked. She turned into a real looker, he already knew she was going to be. Even though she kept attempting to pinch his cheeks, he missed the attention he got from her so he let her go about it.

“Wah, I didn’t expect you to be like this, it’s been too long isn’t it?”

“You don’t look bad yourself noona.”

“Aigooo, you’re making me blush,” she playfully swatted my arm.

“But noona, are you okay? Like really?” he asked, suddenly worried.

“Of course, would I be out and about if I wasn’t?”

“So you got better?”

“Kind of.”

“Kind of?”

She nodded with a smile.


“Noona! Noona, will this count as a clover?”

The 11 year old Jung kook picked up a five headed leaf and picked out the last one. He then smiled his missing toothed smile at the girl wearing white, who was also on her knees with him.

“Cookie-ah, you’re not allowed to do that! You’re killing little plants, only look for the four leaf, always for the four leaf clover!” 12-year-old Hani told him with a very serious expression on her face.

Jung kook dutifully nodded his head and continued to scour through the bushes and grass.

“But noona, why are we doing this?”

“What do you mean?”

Hani pulled the thick sweater around her and suppressed a shiver. The back of was already itching and it was getting harder and harder for her to breath. But she tried to keep everything in check. Jung kook looked over his shoulder, worried. Last night she had been in a dangerous state. They thought the pneumonia had finally got her only to find that it was just a secondary infection.

“Noona, let’s just go inside huh? I think they’re showing Pororo!”

“No, we have to find that four leaf clover!”

“Wwwaaaaaeee?” He stomped his feet and whined.

“Don’t you want to send your mother off?”

Her words made him stop.

“Your mother, she’s going to the states for a while right? And you can’t see her because you haven’t gotten better yet, don’t you want to say goodbye to her?”

His little bottom lip started to tremble, “omma.”

“There, there, that’s why we have to find that clover so we can wish for you to get better so you can go to your mother,” she smiled.

Tears started to brim around his eyes when he saw her tiny shoulders were shaking and her lips started to turn blue. He furiously wiped them away from his eyes and stomped to Hani. She blinked in surprised when he kneeled in front of her, with his back to her.


“I can always see my omma again, but you’re sick and it’s cold, if we keep looking for clovers, you’ll be the one I might never see again,” he grumbled under his breath.

“I found it!” she whispered breathlessly before collapsing onto his back.

The weight of her wasn’t much even for an 11 year old as he ran quickly back into the hospital. She was taken care of immediately when he returned her, but he went back to get the four leaf clover when she had dropped it. And he has had it ever since then with a single wish yet unspoken.


“In the end, they couldn’t really do anything for me, they said it’s a new disorder they’re looking into, but I’m okay though, I just have to treat each symptom differently,” she said nonchalantly.

“I see.”

“Sorry Cookiee, I didn’t know they had transferred me to another hospital, I just woke up and found myself there, I had no idea where I was and by the time I asked for you, you were already released. I was so happy for you,” She beamed.

Jung kook had spent a year in that hospital because of something he had caught. It would have been a boring life if it weren’t for the girl who lived just right across his room. Who was fascinated on how he talked because he would also whistle due to his missing teeth.

“How were you?”

“Oh I got by, I’m tougher than you think,” Hani gave him a slight push.

“But Cookie, I know this is sudden but I have a favor to ask you.”


“Don’t tell anyone about my illness… I don’t want anyone to treat me special, I just want to be normal,” she shrugged her shoulders.

But you are special.

“Arasu, arasu,” he agreed.

“So it really was you I saw earlier,” he remarked.

“You saw me and you didn’t greet me?” she pouted.

“I wasn’t sure!” he raised his hands in surrender.

She laughed until he noticed that she was hunching more and more with every cough. He quickly went to her side, supporting her.


All the day’s events flashed through her head and she managed a weak smile.

“I had a rather stressful day,” she smiled.

Jung Kook’s hand went to her forehead, “Noona you’re burning up!”

“Hhmmm…” was all her reply was.

“Come on, I’ll take you home.”

“But the day isn’t over yet,” she complained.

“I’ll tell the teachers later when I come back, they’ll understand.”

Her eyes were already drooping.

“Arasu, you can call my mother from my phone,” she yawned.

Jung kook was already sitting right by her side, he looked at her lolling head. Should he…? He scooted over to her, his shoulder touching hers and gently putting her head on his shoulder. Hani unconsciously snuggled making Jung Kook stiffen in surprise.

“Y-y-your phone?”

“Hhhmmm,” she pointed to her bag which was on the ground.

He deft picked it up with his foot and rummaged through it. He was surprised at the medicine kit in her bag, it was filled with medicine. Too filled. He looked at her, more worried than he originally was.

Is she really okay?

He opened her phone, her wallpaper was her family and he filled through her contacts until he found OMMA <3.



“Who is this? Is my daughter okay?”

“Ah, Mrs. Choi, I don’t know if you still remember me but it’s Jung kook, from Hansan’s Hospital before.”

“Cookie? Cookie-ah! I didn’t recognize your voice at all, I bet you’ve grown so much!”

“Neh, but Mrs. Choi, Hani is right here and I don’t think she’s feeling well, she says she wants to go home.”

“Omo, I’ll be right there!”

Mrs. Choi was still exactly the same, rushing to the aid of her daughter at a blink of an eyes, he was surprised that she let Hani go to school at all. He looked at the older girl beside him and tucked a stray lock behind her ear.

“I guess I don’t need to use my wish… for now at least,” he smiled to himself.

The phone bleeped: Cookie, do you think you can wait by the gates? Thank you!

The nostalgic feeling crept back. Just like old time. He carefully lifted Hani’s head from his shoulder, supported her with one hand before stepping in front of her to catch her. He lifted her off the ground and carried her. From them till now, she still didn’t weigh enough. He tsked silently.

“Kooky-kooky ride…” she mumbled.

Jung kook chuckled as he remembered the famous rides he gave her back then. Those rides were what they lived for because often times Hani had a hard time catching her breath and when she did, she wasn’t allowed to go out for the day. So what he did, he carried her when he could, he carried her around so much that they had to make a funny little theme song or monologue.

“That’s right, Come on the kooky ride, where it’s the craziest, funnest ride in the world…” he recited.

“… he will make you fly, he will make you tall, but he is always there, even when you fall,” Hani finished.

“But if he can, he won’t ever make you fall.”

“No, never, not once, not even at all.”

And he has never dropped her once.

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btw, I don't proofread my stuff, so advance sorry guys :DDD


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kawaii_anime1004 #1
Exo_Superjunior143 #2
Chapter 10: I love this so much T.T finding myself reading
This all over again . It never gets old . Update soon author-nim , hwaiting ^^ don't know who to ship her with T.T
Chapter 10: This is so good!!!! XD update soon ~~~ please?
bb21lover #4
Chapter 9: I already finished the chapter after this. I just came back here because YOU DID A GREAT JOB MAKING ME LAUGH AT THE TITANIC PART!
I love your writing style so Please UPDATE soon! XD
bb21lover #5
Chapter 9: I already finished the chapter after this. I just came back here because YOU DID A GREAT JOB MAKING ME LAUGH AT THE TITANIC PART!
I love your writing style so Please UPDATE soon! XD
LintangBerlyana #6
Chapter 10: sugaaaaaa~~~~~~<3
update soon please author-nim *.*
slilings #7
*act like high pitched suga and giggles plus aegyo*
wansss #8
Chapter 1: i love this story so much..i keep reading it when i have nothing to do and never get bored..the story is interesting and i wonder what happen nim, please update this story..pleaseeeeeeee
nur_atiqah #9
Chapter 10: This fanfic is amazing! Do update pls!
Chapter 10: I love how the boys interact with Hani in their own ways.
It definitely makes it unique on how they start to like her, so great job on that! Please update soon :))

Ps. Suga or Kookie is who I'm rooting for .. and a slight bit of Rap Mon haha