Is she serious?

The story of us ..



Almost all chapter is from Donghae´s perspective


Donghae was walking down the hall when he heard someone calling him. It was Leeteuk hyung,

- So, are you ready for the big show?

- Yes I am, and  you?

- I´m not really sure about my dance, but there is no way they can  resist my charm, so I´m sure they´ll keep me here, smiled Leeteuk.

Suddently Donghae remembered something.

- Hyung, that girl, Yoona, you´re close to her, right?

- You know my Yoong? We´re friends, why are you asking?

- For no reason, but Leeteuk started to look at him suspiciously, so Donghae added:

- I saw her yesterday after the classes were over, and I remembered that you were talking about her before.

- I´m sure she stayed to practice  a little more. She´s like this, never satisfied with her results. She´s so cute, right?

- I don´t know.

- How can you say that about my Yoong?

-  I mean I´m sure she is, I just don´t know her that well.

- Maybe it´s better that way, I don´t like you as a candidate for the role of her boyfriend.

Donghae opened his mouth to say something when he saw how Leeteuk slapped his forehead.

- Wait, she´s only 13, it´s to early to think about this.

Sometimes he acts really crazy,thought Donghae.

-        Let´s go! Leeteuk put his hands on Donghae´s shoulders and pushed him towards the hall.


They entered the hall. It was full of trainees. You could see how everybody was nervous and excited.  They were looking for a place to seat when Leeteuk noticed someone and told Donghae to follow him.

         As they were approaching a group of girls, Donghae noticed Sica and Taeyeon. Between the girls trainees, the one he was most close to was Taeyeon. He was feeling very confortable around her. Jessica was also a good friend. Heechul introduced them. He didn´t like her at first because she seemed very cold and arrogant. But with the time, he got to know her better, and see that it was just an act.

Once they got close, Donghae heard Leeteuk calling Yoona. He saw her ponytail and a little of her face when she turned to greet Leeteuk.

He sat behind her to chat with Sica.  But everybody was talking so loud, especially Leeteuk, that he could barely hear what the girl was saying.

- How is life?

- Good, I had a fight yesterday. Donghae smiled to Sica

- Don´t tell me, Eunhyuk and Junsu again? giggled the girl

- Yes!

Jessica started to laugh.

- You need to pay them back!

She said something else, but Donghae didn´t hear it. In order to hear her better, he leaned a little in front, in Yoona´s direction.

- I could give you some advises,said Jessica and winked at him.

Donghae smiled. Interesting, looking at her face you may think she has some good tricks in paying back, thought Donghae and felt a little movement comming from Yoona. He saw how she slowly turned her head to his direction and followed how her eyes moved up from his shoes to his face. He met her gaze and saw how shocked she was that he caught her. Her eyes widened and she blushed. And then she quickly turned her head back. Donghae smiled. I think I scared her. Now that he met her eyes he could see that she has very beautiful eyes. He heard many times how Leeteuk was praising his favourite dongsang´s eyes. How was he saying? The eyes of a deer. Well he  was right about that, thought Donghae.

-Oppa, are you listening to me?

-Oh, sorry I got distracted. What were you saying?


The showcase was over in few hours. Maybe he was too nervous, at the end of it he was feeling very tired, and the only thing he could think about was to rest. He went to change his clothes when Leeteuk entered the locker room.

- The girls are going  to the karaoke to celebrate today´s good results. Jessica invited you.

- I´m too tired now, you go, I´ll join you guys some other time.

- Are you sure?

- Yes hyung, see you tomorrow.

He entered one of the practice rooms. No one was there so he was glad that no one will disturb him. He sat down on the floor , leaned against the wall and closed his eyes. He remembered the feeling of performing in front of a crowd. It was scary and exciting in the same time. Performing like this, he felt that this is his place, this is what he wants to do, he felt like a fish in the water. That´s why he worked so hard till now and will in the future, all this to achieve his dream and make his dad proud of him.

Suddenly he heard how the door opened. Since he didn´t want to talk to anybody, he decided to pretend that he is sleeping, so the person that entered will leave. The door closed and Hae was thinking to go back to his thoughts when he heard a little noise and in few seconds he felt someone´s presence next to him. He wasn´t scared, he was curious who could it be. Maybe it was stupidity, but he felt that the presence, or better, that person´s aura was warm and bright.

He slowly opened his eyes and saw that the person next to him was Yoona. Looking at her face, it seemed like she was deciding something taking in consideration all the pros and cons. She was so into it that she didn´t even noticed him looking at her. He could see how little wheels were moving in her head. It was so funny to watch her. But suddently he saw how her eyes filled with determination. She made a move in his direction and finally saw that he´s awake.

- Yoona?

The girl was so shocked that she fell on her .

- Donghae-shii..

- Can I ask what are you doing?

- I.., I was ..

It looked like she was lost and didn´t know how to explain her actions, until he saw again that determination on her face.

- I wanted to hit your head!

That´s the last thing he expected as an answer.

- Hit my head?

She avoided his eyes and nodded.

This is something, thought Donghae. What´s her reason?

-But why?

He could see that she didn´t wanted to answer.

- Because we have to do it twice, otherwise horns will grow!

- Horns? I think I´m too tired and my brain doesn´t work at the same speed as usual. Can you explain what do you mean?

         This is such a mess, thought Yoona, and the worst part, it´s so embarassing, But there´s no way back. You have to do it till the end.

- If you hit someone´s head once and you don´t do it again, you´ll grow a pair of horns.

Is she serious?The look on Yoona´s face told him the answer. She looked embarassed  and determined in the same time.

- Ok, then I guess we better do it fast, who knows when the horns will pop out.  

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Chapter 8: it is interesting
please update soon
its_me #2
Chapter 8: You updated \o/
Thank you so much... Love to read every chapter of this story ^^
waaaaaaaaa, I find your another story!!
I love this. I know I'm so greedy, but can you update this story too?? <3
premiummilk #4
i like jessica and donghae!! :((
but i love the story though !
keep on updating!! :DD
Chapter 8: yes I WILL.. lol, new reader here btw
damn i just found this and your story is like for real ,awesome !! update soon :)
Ohmygoooood. It's really a good story!
But I kinda a little bit lost with the plot, honestly.
Well, I'm a new reader and I really hope to see you update :)
Hwaiting! ^^
leeyoonhae #7
wah, new reader here
your story is ddaebak
update soon . . . . :D
OMG it's very heart breaking :(
Update soon! ^^
yoondeer #9
thank's for your update..
can't wait for your next update... :)