Stab the body and it heals, but injure the heart and the wound lasts a lifetime

Skoolboy Luv

The building they were standing in front of looked beat up. In fact that was putting it mildly, it looked like it should be condemned. Jimin turned to Yoongi with curious eyes, but he just kept smiling pulling Jimin around the back of the building. The second they turned the corner, they were met with a line of people stretching around into the alley behind the building. Yoongi tugged him along past the long line of people until they were stopped in front of a large bald man covered in tattoos with a black t-shirt that seemed way too small for his large muscles. Jimin paled.


“Yo Suga! Where the hell have you been? We’ve been missing you around here.” The bouncer’s tone of voice surprised Jimin. He had been expecting the scary looking man to order them to the back of the line, not become best friends with his boyfriend. Jimin felt his possessive side flair up, and instantly wanted slap the man’s hand away from Yoongi. 


Yoongi seemed to be taking it all in stride, slapping hands with the bouncer and smiling warmly at him. “I’ve been busy, trying to stay out of trouble and all that. You know how it goes.” The bouncer just laughed and nodded his head, unclipping the velvet rope that blocked the door, gesturing for the two boys to go ahead. Yoongi thanked him, and pulled Jimin forward into the club. 


The inside of the club looked nothing like the outside, and Jimin wondered if maybe that was idea. Keep this place a hidden secret. It was huge first of all, spanning three stories high, with people crammed from wall to wall. The dance floor took up the whole centre of the bottom story of the club, and Jimin could only blink at the neon lights flashing from underneath it. Behind the dance floor there seemed to be a stage with music equipment set up. They were standing on the second story, and Jimin let his eyes gaze up to the third story. When he did, he saw that’s where the bar was. He gaped in wonder at the club before him, wondering how Yoongi had found out about this place.


Yoongi’s hand had not once left his, and he dragged him downstairs. When they set foot on the floor, Jimin noticed that there was a bar down here too, it was just hidden under the stairs. They arrived at the bar, and Yoongi searched around before locking eyes with the bartender. He waved him over enthusiastically, smiling brightly at the other. Jimin had never seen Yoongi smile at so many people before, usually he was too busy scowling and glaring. Does he know all of these people, he wondered.


“And here I was thinking that you had abandoned us.” The bartender’s smooth voice made Jimin jealous. 


“Nah, I’ve just been busy.”


The bartender eyed Jimin, and smirked, “Yeah, I can see that.”


Yoongi tugged Jimin closer, wrapping an arm around his shoulder, “Jimin this is Kai. He’s an , so don’t listen to anything he has to say. 


Kai looked Jimin up and down before smirking lazily, holding his hand out for Jimin to take. When Jimin grasped the other's hand, Kai said in a sultry voice, “Nice to meet you. You know, Yoongi doesn’t usually bring his dates here, so you must be pretty ing special.”


Yoongi who had been eyeing the shelves of liquor behind Kai’s head, whipped his head toward  him and glared. “Shutup Kai,” he growled. He knew that letting Jimin meet Kai would be a bad idea, the bartender just didn’t know when to keep his mouth shut. Granted he was a good friend, but only if you never told him anything important. Which wasn’t the definition of a good friend at all, but Yoongi liked him well enough. When they first met he had made it a rule to never lose his inhibitions around Kai because it would be his downfall. He was mentally amending thats statement to read: never bring your boyfriend around Kai because he would ruin your newly found relationship in a matter of minutes.


Kai just laughed and held up his hands in mock defeat, “Okay, I get it, I get it. Calm down Suga-bear, I’ll say nothing more.” His words did nothing to appease Yoongi who knew that Kai would most definitely be saying something more if given the chance, but all he could do was scowl at the other boy hoping he would get their drinks and be quiet. 


“What’s your poison?” Kai addressed Jimin again much to Yoongi’s displeasure. 


“Um…” Jimin was unsure of what to get. He didn’t really drink a lot of alcohol, and if he did it was usual a beer with his dad. He thought he might have had champagne too once, but he couldn’t remember if it had been that or wine. Either way, he had never had any spirits, and was reluctant to try and choose one now. He looked at all the bottles against the wall, trying to read the labels and get a better idea of what some of them might be. 


“Two whisky sours on the rocks,” Yoongi interrupted Jimin as he saw him scanning the hundreds of bottles looking for something, anything, that sounded appealing. Yoongi didn’t see how people were even meant to read what was on some of those bottles. They were far away for a reason. He didn’t even know if Jimin would like whisky, but he wasn’t going to let Kai speak to Jimin anymore. So he made the decision for him. 


Kai smirked again, but moved away and began making their drinks. Yoongi sighed, thankful to be rid of the bartender for a few minutes, at least. He wanted to explain to Jimin that Kai’s comment meant nothing, and that Yoongi never brought anyone here because this was his safe haven. This was where he came to let off steam, and he wasn’t ever going to let someone else ruin that. He scratches his head in wonder. He wasn’t sure why he brought Jimin here either, but after what happened in the park, he felt an overwhelming urge to share himself fully with the other boy.


“I told you Kai was an .” Yoongi started, clearing his throat as he went. Jimin turned his head, smiling widely at the other boy. Yoongi felt himself smile back, glad Jimin hadn’t taken offence to Kai’s words.


“So why are we here? Do you really love dancing or something?” Jimin was teasing him with the cutest smirk on his face. 


“What? No, I don’t really love dancing. I’m not even very good at it for the most part.”


“Well it definitely wasn’t for the charming staff was it?” Yoongi let his eyes dart towards Kai who was now flirting with a pretty girl sitting at the bar, while he mixed drinks. 


“Definitely not them either.”


Jimin laughed, “Then why?”


“Jiminnie~ you don’t expect me to ruin the surprise do you?” Yoongi chuckled, glad to use Jimin’s own words against him now. 


Jimin puffed his cheeks annoyed. Yoongi pulled the boy closer to him, and nuzzled his face into his neck. He was intent on staying in this position for as long as Jimin would allow him. He smelled good, and his skin was really soft. He let himself press soft open mouthed kisses to Jimin’s neck, enjoying the shiver that he got in return. 


“You’re cute, we get it.”  That voice made Yoongi groan into Jimin’s neck. Kai was back. He raised his eyes and peaked at the bartender, who was staring at them with a smile. He pulled his head away from Jimin and reached forward to pull the two drinks closer. He took a big gulp of his drink, letting the liquid burn his throat. He tried not to grimace. Whisky always took getting used to. 


“Slow down there tiger. Wouldn’t want you to get drunk like last time now would we?” Kai’s laugh rung in his ears, and he wished that another customer would come in and drag Kai away from them. Or he just disappeared, that would be good too. His eyes narrowed, and he mouthed, ‘go away’ at the bartender. Kai smirked again before nodding slightly and sauntering off down the bar. Annoying little . 


He turned to see Jimin eyeing the glass in front of him skeptically. He instantly felt guilty for ordering the other boy something that he probably wouldn’t even like. He voiced this to Jimin, “You don’t have to drink it, if you don’t want. I-i-i just um thought m-maybe you might like it.” He hated how unsure his voice sounded. Coming here was meant to give him his confidence back, so that Jimin could see that he didn’t usually stutter profusely through every sentence, and in fact he had the capability of being charming. Well there went that idea. 


Jimin’s eyes crinkled and Yoongi felt himself smile in return. He could easily get used to this. He watched as Jimin took a sip of the sour liquid, and scrunched his face up. Yoongi thought it looked cute. 


“This tastes like .” Jimin said, but still held the glass close enough to take another sip. His reaction was the same as before. Yoongi was torn between laughing and feeling extremely guilty. Before he could apologise though, Kai reappeared holding out a bright blue drink to Jimin. Yoongi eyed him incredulously, but Kai just shrugged as Jimin swapped glasses with him. 


Yoongi wanted to yell and scream at Kai, that was, until we watched his boyfriends mouth curve into a smile at the taste of the blue liquid. 


“Now this tastes amazing! What is it? Yoongi why aren’t we having these?” Jimin rambled.


Kai laughed, “That my dear boy is called a Blue Hawaiian, and they happen to be my specialty.”

“Since when?” Yoongi gulped down the rest of his liquid and glared at the bartender.


“Since always Suga-bear! You’d know if you had anything else besides that bitter liquid you insist upon every time you’re here.” Kai reached forward and snatched the beanie of Yoongi’s head, nestling it onto his already tousled hair. He smiled at the fuming boy, while grabbing Yoongi’s now empty glass. “I think it’s time for a refill. Let me make you something special, okay?”


Yoongi was weary to let you Kai do anything. His rules from before slamming into the forefront if his mind, but once he looked at Jimin sipping happily on the blue liquid, he decided that maybe some change would be alright. 


“Okay…nothing too sweet though!” He shouted at Kai’s retreating figure, completely missing the devious smirk of the bartender. 


He turned to watch Jimin slurping the last of the liquid out of his cup. He watched the other boy look sadly at the empty glass, hoping that if he started at it long enough it would magically refill. He chuckled a bit, but lightly pried the glass from Jimin. 


“You should probably go easy on these. It’s usually the sweet ones that get you into trouble.”


Jimin laughed, a little too loudly, and pinched Yoongi’s cheek, “Are you going to get me into trouble?” 


Yoongi just smiled predatorily in return, “Not today Jiminnie.”


He watched Jimin’s eyes glaze over with lust. He his lips, slowly letting his tongue drag across his bottom lip. Jimin’s reaction was almost instantaneous. He s his hand around the back of Yoongi’s head and yanked. The two boys met in a class of teeth and saliva. The whimpers and mewls should have embarrassed the two, but they were too caught up in each other. The alcohol in their system didn’t hurt either. Hands rubbed over each others bodies furiously, and Yoongi was close to dragging Jimin into the bathroom because his pants should not be this tight.


Their make out session was interrupted by Kai clearing his throat. The two boys broke apart, looking thoroughly dishevelled, and annoyed at the intrusion. Kai shoved two shot glasses in their direction, followed by two larger glasses. He grabbed his own shot glass, and raised it in the air. Yoongi removed his hands from Jimin’s waist, and scooted closer to the bar. 


All three raised their glasses, and a chorus of, “Cheers!” was heard before they downed the auburn liquid. It burned their mouths, nose, and throat but it had a pleasant after taste. Yoongi felt the affects of the alcohol start to course through his body. He enjoyed this feeling, but knew that he should probably slow down. Just because he was a big drinker, it looked like Jimin clearly wasn’t. Jimin had his head shoved between his legs as he tried to stop the room from spinning. He was groaning and Yoongi thought he looked pitiful. I need to take care of him.


He grasped Jimin by the waist again, and propped him up, so that his back was leaning against the bar. Their drinks on the bar completely forgotten. Jimin pushed his head into Yoongi’s chest instead and whined about how the alcohol hurt his stomach.


“You’ll be okay, let’s just get you some water.” Jimin reacher for the big class of liquid behind him, but Yoongi slapped his hand away.


“No no no. Not that one Jiminnie. Here just wait a second.” He tried to scan behind the bar and find Kai, but the bartender had disappeared. He motioned for another bartender, whom he didn’t know and asked if he could get some water. He went to help Jimin drink the water, but the other boy grabbed the glass from his hands, sloshing some of the liquid on the ground below. 


“I am capable of drinking by myself.” Jimin all but growled


“If you’re sure baby.” Yoongi smiled at him.


Jimin’s heart sped up when he heard Yoongi call him baby. He knew one word shouldn’t affect him in the same way as the alcohol, but he couldn’t help it. He wanted Yoongi to say more. In his hazy mind, he wanted to say something along those lines to Yoongi, but he instead settled for sipping his water slowly, hoping that it would start to combat the alcohol soon. He set his glass on the bar behind him, and turned toward the stage, noticing all the people that had been dancing on the floor were now turned towards the stage as well. He also noticed that the music from before had ceased as well. When the hell did that happen, he wondered. 


He looked at Yoongi, hoping the boy would be able to answer his unasked questions. Yoongi just leaned forward and kissed his temple.


“Wait for me.” He said. 


Jimin stared in confusion, as Yoongi walked through the crowd toward the stage. He watched as Yoongi and the man standing by the stage whispered in low tones. He suddenly felt envious, that this man was that close to his boyfriend. He stood up, ready to let him now, but was yanked back down by a hand on his waist.


“He’ll be back princess. Have another drink.” Jimin recognised Kai, and felt a little better about being left at the bar alone. He reached behind him, searching for his glass of water but only found the tall glass that Kai had placed there earlier. He frowned.


“Where’d my drink go?” He pouted at Kai, hoping the other would get him another glass. That was his job after all.


“Don’t be dumb Jimin, you’re drink is right here.” He pushed a glass of water at Jimin, and the boy in front of him could have hugged him. He gulped the water down, not even registering that something seemed off about it. 


“What was that?” He asked Kai, but the boy was gone. He seemed to disappear quite quickly.


He let himself forget about the funny tasting drink, and instead watched Yoongi climb on stage and introduce himself. 


“This is for someone very special, and yeah… hope you all like it.”


A soft beat filled the air, followed by a serious of beeps. Jimin listened intently, not wanting to miss a second of the performance. The second he heard Yoongi’s melodic voice fill the air, he knew he had fallen in love with the other boy. His smile could have lit up the room, and he desperately hoped that Yoongi could see it from the stage. 


First encounter, first text, first phone call

First date, first kiss in our own space,

I want everything to be a first with you

I have an eating disorder, whatever I eat, I’m still hungry

for you. The word “addiction” can’t express all of this

Describing someone like you is impossible,

it transcends the poetic

It’s because of you, like a capital letter,

I want to place you first in my life


Confessing my love without hesitating is my style
If it’s for you, I’m the type to sacrifice my body
I’ll always shine the light on you boy
This is a love stage for you and me
We’re blinded by love, sweet and playful
Our future is bright and dazzling, colourful
If I have you, it’s like I have everything, like a milli
The door of love has opened now with you, go in

He wanted to move closer, so he tried to stand up. His legs seemed to not be working very well, and he would have crashed onto the floor if not for strong arms gripping his waist. Yoongi must be done already, he thought happily. He felt his head tip back, and soon chapped lips were on his. He moved his lips against the others in a rush. Wanting to show Yoongi how much he cared about him, even after such a short time. He felt a surge of emotion as the kiss grew deeper. He was so invested in the kiss, he didn’t even hear the feedback from the microphone as it hit the ground.

Yoongi stared in disbelief, letting the tears well up in his eyes. He was frozen in shock. Watching his boyfriend make out with Kai. He snapped out of it, when he realised everyone at the club was staring at him, waiting for him to continue his rap. He shook his head dumbly, and let the microphone fall to the ground. He jumped off the stage and started towards the couple leaning against the bar.

Authors note

I'M SO SORRY! I meant to update weeks ago, but blah blah blah. I won't bore you with excuse, just know that I'm back, and I'm ready to give you guys some more YoonMin! Though you should prepare yourself for some angst because, while them being all in love and adorable is cute, I feel like the story would get boring after a while. So I have introduced Kai, as the bad guy. This is not because I dislike Kai (quite the contrary), but he fit the kind of character I needed. Anyway, I hope you like it. Thank you to everyone who has subscribed, upvoted, and commented. You're all amazing, and I'm thankful you've stuck with the story this far! THANK YOU THANK YOU!

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mrlasagna #1
Chapter 14: DAMN I WAS NOT READY FOR ALL THAT. That fluff was so wonderful, I'm so sad now lol
JeminAdora #2
Chapter 12: I'm gonna punch Kai for what he did!!!I'm lit up with hateful thoughts right now...They were having a perfect date and YOONGI WAS DEDICATING A SONG FOR JIMIN(still crying for it cause it was so damn sweet and romantic ~T_T~) then all of a sudden KAI happened!!!!
JeminAdora #3
Chapter 12: O K A Y!!!The wild feelings inside urged me to talk about the fact that WHY THE DID JIMIN KISSED KAI!!!!?????????I MEAN...........WHY LET JIMIN KISSED KAIII!!!!???WTF!!WHY NOT JUNGKOOK OR TAE OR ANYONE BUT WHY KAI!!!URGHHHHHH!!!!!!
marytaehyung88 #4
Chapter 1: getting excited ill enjoy the fic...^_^
nicoletang #6
Chapter 14: Pls update!! This is ing amazing
Chapter 14: WOOWW an update. This is seriously so good. I'm so happy they could make things work out in the end, poor Jimin!! Stay well and fighting. Thanks for the update,
Chapter 14: Aghhh! Seriously poor Jimin and Yoongi! At least it seems like it's turning out good now... Hopefully Yoongi won't commit murder on Kai, hahahha!
Wow it's so cool that you're picking up on this story again after so long! Can't wait to read more!!
napigeonhae #9
Chapter 12: whua~ please tell me this is not the end~~~