
Untouchable: Closed off from Love

Your eyes grew wide when you recognized the male's voice. *What should I do..* you thought to yourself unsure if you should try and quietly exit or just pretend to be asleep. *If I don't make any noise...maybe he won't walk over here* About 10 minutes have passed and you gave up on the idea of trying to escape. *Just ignore him and go to sleep* you thought to yourself and you did just that. 

"Oh! Hello student, you must have been waiting a long time. I was running some errands, is there anything I can help you with?" asked Ms. Jungah

"Oh uhm..nothing, I was just looking for some ointment for my bruise, but I found it already" he replied 



In the middle of dance class, you could feel your arm starting to feel sore. You had taken some painkillers before you came to school but its effect had worn out by now. You asked Ms. Fei if you could go to the nurse's office during the break to grab some ointment to numb out the pain. Upon entering the nurse's office, you knocked but there was no reply. You figured you would wait for the nurse to return but since it was just a small treatment, you went to look for the medicine yourself. 

*There we go, found it!* you thought to yourself. You quickly covered your bruise with the lotion and felt an instant cooling sensation, numbing away the soreness. As you were putting back the medicine into the cabinet, you heard a faint snoring sound coming from one of the beds behind the curtain. 

*Hmmm? Someone was here the whole time? I hope I wasn't too loud...* As you were about to leave, your curiosity got the best of you so you decided to take a  quick peak at who it was. You pulled open the curtains ever so carefully and there you saw a girl sleeping away. *Aerin? What's she doing this why she wasn't in class..what happened..* you thought to yourself as you saw the bandages. She looked ever so comfortable with her arms and legs sprawled out on the bed and the blanket kicked to the end of the bed.

You chuckled at the scene in front of you. *This girl...* You picked up the blanket and lightly pulled it up and over her body as gently as possible not wanting to wake her up. Just then, you heard footsteps coming from a nearby distance and hurried your movements. Luckily, you walked away to a less questionable location of the office before finally returning to class after explaining your situation with the nurse. 



"Aerin?...Aerin, it's time to wake up. School has just ended!" said Ms. Jungah, lightly shaking you to wake you up. 

"Mmh? Oh! Yes, sorry" you replied as you rubbed your eyes as you quickly sat up on the bed. 

*How long have I been sleeping for?* you thought to yourself. It was 3:30 pm and most students were already trickling out of the school by now. You didn't really want anyone to see you in the condition you were in with the busted up knees and sullied uniform so you tried your best to stall for time. You left the nurse's office and took a walk around the back of the school, to the athletic field-the very long way back to your locker. It was a nice day out today, with the sun out but nonetheless, Seoul weather was cold during the winter season. You had no warm clothing on, except for your school cardigan and knee socks. *I was fooled by the's so cold* you thought to yourself as you shivered from the wind. You hurried your steps back towards the nearest entrance and instantly felt relieved to feel a gush of warm air hit your cold body. You looked around and there were only a few students left here and there, luckily, unfamiliar faces. 

*Seems safe enough to back to grab my things* you thought to yourself. As you were nearing your locker, you saw a male figure with a cap on at a distance leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. *Don't tell me that's.. Jackson?!* You quickly tried to walk backwards and hide anywhere..anywhere to get away from him. No doubt he would be commenting on your disheveled state and most likely attract the attention of others to mock you. As you were backing away, you bumped into another girl, knocking her books to the ground. 


"Uhh, I'm really sorry!" you whispered, quickly trying to help her pick up her things and getaway as soon as possible--too late. Jackson heard the sudden noise coming from your direction as a result of the fallen books and spotted you. 

"YAH! Kwon Aerin!" he called out in front of you as he started to run towards your direction. You were wide-eyed and gasped at the realization that your plan failed. You started to run away but he basically chased after you like a game of TAG. *WHY IS HE FOLLOWING ME?!* you thought to yourself looking behind only to see him charging full-speed to stop you. 

"STOP RIGHT THERE AERIN!" he yelled out. 


You had the advantage of knowing the school's layout over him and so you took a sharp turn into a small hallway and hid behind a vending machine while trying to catch your breath. You heard the hurried footsteps behind you stop. *Did he finally give up? Thank God* you thought as you took a deep sigh of relief. 

"Did you think you lost me?" You quickly turned your head only to find Jackson slowly walking towards you. **

He put out his arm in front of you to stop you from running away again but if he's learned something from today, he grabbed your wrist with his other hand for good measure. Instead of averting your gaze, you stared at him right in the eyes. 

"What? What is it that you want Jackson?" you said

"First of all, where were you today during 4th period? Why did you just cut class and.."

"It's none of your business!" you said cutting him off mid-sentence. 

"It is my business! I was looking for you all over the place!" 

"WHY?" you said as you shot him a suspicious look. 

"What do you possibly want with me?" He tightened his grasp on your wrist and you could tell he was starting to get agitated. He locked his gaze on your eyes and was about to speak until he noticed your damaged uniform.  

"What..what happened to you?" he asked suddenly scanning you from head to toe only to see the wounds on your legs. You ignored him and looked away. He slammed his hand on the wall beside your head, scarily close to your face, drawing your attention back towards him. 

"Answer me" he said softer as he looked worriedly at your knees. 

"Leave me alone" 

"Really? That's all you're going to say to me after I looked around for you for the whole day after you just disappear mid-day only to run away from me when I waited for you at your locker for nearly an hour!" he spat. 

"I didn't ask you to..." you said quietly as you shifted your gaze to the floor. 

"Tsk nevermind..just..let me take you home" he said, releasing your wrist. 

"I..I can get home myself" 

"Come with me" he asserted. He walked with you back towards your locker and you grabbed your belongings. He grabbed your hand and led you out the school doors and towards a shiny black Porsche Cayenne. He opened the door and signalled for you to get in. You hesitated before eventually giving in and taking his offer. He had a chauffeur, a young man in the driver's seat who looked no more than 35 years old. He sat beside you in the backseat and the whole atmosphere felt tense and awkward. 

"Normal people just take public transportation you know?" you muttered under your breath. He looked over at you and just smirked, it's inconvenient for where I live. 

"SeungHo, take us back to my place" he ordered

"Wait..what? I'm going home" 

"Nope, you're coming home, with me" he replied with a smug look

"Says who?" 

"Me, now drive" he signalled to his driver. 


You couldn't believe you just went along with his ridiculous plan and you cursed yourself for submitting to his unreasonable demands. The car ride was about 20 minutes and you two stayed silent the whole time. He was listening to music, bobbing his head to the beat and occasionally singing the lyrics to the songs. You recognized the buildings you were passing. *Don't tell me he lives at..Cheongdam-dong*. You were exactly right. The luxe vehicle pulled up to a high-rise condo and dropped you two off at the main doors. It was a stunning building that had a very modern look with two concierges waiting to greet you. 

"Hello Sir! Welcome back" they both said while bowing formally. Jackson gave them both a quick nod and led you towards the elevators. 

"So this is where you live..."

"Mhm" he simply acknowledged while pressing the button for the penthouse floor. 

The elevator doors opened and you were awed by the luxious interior of his living space. *Woah..this kid is seriously loaded* you thought. It was mostly bare of  personal items but stunning nonetheless. 

"I just moved in a month ago, so there's not much here" he said

"Not much? It's plentiful! So..where are the others? I mean..where are your parents, I don't see anyone around"

"This is my personal apartment" he said

"So you live in this big space all by yourself?!" you said in disbelief.

"Well, I also live with SeungHo, my assistant. My parents live abroad and my grandparent's have their own home. I only moved in here to attend J.Y." 




You tried to get back to your senses after being so awestruck. 

"So what exactly did you bring me here for?" you asked. 

"Dinner. I was sick of eating alone with my assistant so I brought you here to eat with me" 

"Is that some kind of joke?" you said as you rolled your eyes at him. 

"Is Chinese food okay with you?" he responded as he pick up his phone and placed the order. 


SIDENOTE: Hello friends! Much anticipated update for all my wonderful subbies! Next chapter will be a good one, so please comment, subscribe, and upvote to show your support~ 

P.S. I finally figured out how to post images..OMG. Am I a noob or what? I will probably post an updated chapter showing you the images of what I have in mind when I describe certain places/people. SO PLEASE CHECK BACK AT A LATER TIME IF INTERESTED. Sorry if I keep adding/deleting pictures to all my previous chapters, I REALLY WANT TO FIND THE PERFECT IMAGE THAT REFLECTS MY VISION! 

P.P.S. I am thinking of making this story 'subscribers-only' but I'm not sure yet. It's a reward to all my faithful readers who genuinely enjoy my work but at the same time, I didn't join this site until earlier this year and enjoyed great stories that were open to the public and so, I haven't really made up my mind yet. 




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updated the story! CH.15! PLEASE ENJOY FRIENDS


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Chapter 17: Oh no cliff hanger!!!
70V3LY #2
Chapter 17: OMGGGG! YEESSSS! I've grown to love Aerin and Jackson so much! <3
Chapter 17: just started reading this story today and i love your story alot i hope you can update soon and i also hope that jackson and aerin will be together <3 ^^
pinkyswear32 #4
Chapter 17: is jackson gonna left aerin like that? what will happen to seolhyun? mark? her sister?
pinkyswear32 #5
Chapter 15: jackson no ; - ; donut say that jackson and aerin pls dont push him away ; ^ ;
Aireko #6
Chapter 16: Author-nim we support u
pinkyswear32 #7
Chapter 16: good luck for your school! fighting!
ahxoxo #8
Chapter 14: Update :). Please put jackson and aerin together .
pinkyswear32 #9
Chapter 14: asdfghjkl just kill that seolhyun
aerin and jackson is so cute : )
70V3LY #10
Chapter 14: OMG! Jackson & Aerin! So cute!