The Rage and Pain of a Guy

Waiting at the Rain

“There's this group..... urm...” Rain said while he shrugged his shoulder. “Well, you call it an assassination group or organization where your boyfriends are working for... What do they call them, Eli? Oh, yes... the Demonic Assassins..... Their sole purpose is to vanquish the members and existence of the Devilish Ninja's. WE are the Devilish Ninja's.” said Rain while he waved his hands around him indicating the U-KISS, MBLAQ, 2AM boys and himself as the Devilish Ninja's.


He continued saying, “They, the Demonic Assassins, help the infamous criminals to escape from their criminal activities. They do this for money.... My my... Money does influence the most youngest minds... Don't they, my dear angel JiYoon?”


“Urm.. Wait... So your saying that Niel, Leeteuk and Joe are involved in crime? By the way, you ever utter the word “Angel” to me, I won't hesitate to rip your throat out. No one has the right to call me pet names like that except my friends and my boyfriend even if it means he's an assassin or some kind of psychopath killer. To me, he is much better a guy than you or your colleagues are...” I stated in a nonchalant voice.


“Okay. As you wish to think about your boyfriend. But I will call you whatever I want because your MY captive not the other way around. Understand? One more time you command me like that again, I won't hesitate to kill you right here and this very minute. Get me?” said Rain in a dangerous voice.


The boys sitting there smirked and looked challengingly at me while my friends who are sitting beside me gasped while Insyi took hold of my arm and squeezed it tight. I put my hand on her hand and looked reassuringly at her. Then, I turned around to look at Rain.


“Yes, I get you and I challenge you to do that right this very minute. Well, it's better being dead than being held captive by erts like you.” I shot back at Rain. Rain took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. The gesture made Insyi squeeze my hand even more harder. I patted her hand to reassure her. Insyi looked as she was at the verge of tears and just ready to break down because of the tension. I felt like I had to hug her but I couldn't do that because circumstances didn't allow.


“I won't do that, JiYoon, because I need you to be alive so then your parents will give us the money we have requested....” hissed Rain.


“Well, it seems your the evil guy doing the crime here to get rich and get loaded. I suppose you trying to poison our minds to turn us against our boyfriends is not working. Well, sorry to disappoint you boys but my friends and I are not buying it. Get it?” I said. Just as I finished saying that, Rain flew to me and grabbed me at my throat. Insyi and Sai screamed in horror and terror. Rain slowly tightened his grip on my throat. Then slowly, very slowly, he started to tell me this.


“The Demonic Assassins are evil and heartless people. They want to vanquish the very existence of the Devilish Ninja's. They want to help the criminals to escape from their evil deeds and they do it for the money. Just to obtain richness, they're ready to do anything to anyone even to their dear ones just to be rich and to live in fame.” He shook me and continued saying, “Whereas, we, the Devilish Ninja's, want to kill the guys involved in criminal activities or maybe just reveal this guys secret to the police and the entire world. We serve justice and we help to do this for the peace of our country and our citizens. Believe it or not, we are serving alongside of the Angel of Justice. So tell me, do you want to serve alongside the Angel of Justice or the Demon of Torture?”


I spat at him face and said, “I will never serve alongside you! If you call yourself as the servant of justice because if you are.... you wouldn't harm a girl nor kidnap us. Well, I'll give you my answer now. I am ready to serve alongside the person I love even if it means it will kill me!”


“YOU!!!!” screamed Rain and slapped me at the face. The impact of his hands coming in contact of my cheeks made me dizzy for a moment. Then he let go off me and I hit the floor hard while my head hit the edge of the table. The impact of the hit made everything around me go totally black. Before I could fight it, I fainted there and then. The last I heard was the screams of my friends saying “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!”. The echoes of their shouts stayed with me in the darkness.



“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!” screamed Insyi and Sai in unison.


“Drug the girls! I don't want to see this girls faces till we have to kill them PERMANENTLY! Tie this girls up to the chair and make sure they don't EVER wake up until our jobs are done. UNDERSTAND?!” shouted Rain in rage.


“Yes, Boss!” chorused the boys and immediately set to work. Eli and Jo Kwon drugged the girls and made them unconscious while Changmin, Ki Bum and Jin Woon carried JiYoon out of the room. The other boys helped to carry the other two unconscious girls to the Killing Room.


Rain went to his chair and sat down. He was so angry that he was at verge of killing anyone who disturbed him at that moment. He took out a cigarette and started to smoke to calm himself down. He closed his eyes while he thought about the girl, JiYoon.


“That girl... she has a lot of nerve to talk to me like that! Dammit! She reminds me so much of her........” thought Rain.


“Argh! Don't to think about her!! Not now, not like this or I'll go berserk!!” he shouted in frustration but memories flooded back to him like a crash of wave forcing him to remember. It took the breath out of him for a moment so he sat back and relaxed slowly and let the emotions of the memory take hold of him and his conscious mind.




Rain! Rain! Come on! Let's go! We're going to have a great night today!” said Hyun Ah in an excited voice.


Hold on, darling. We will be there in an hour okay? So don't worry too much.” said Rain with a smile on his face.


Awww!! Come on! Can you speed up a bit? I so want to check the place out before the others come.” said Hyun Ah.


Nope! I won't do that in my entire life, so no way!” he said.


Your such a goody two shoe!” exclaimed Hyun Ah and pouted.


Hahaha! Isn't that more for girls than for a guy?” asked Rain in a skeptical voice.


Argh! Fine! You got me!” pouted cutely Hyun Ah.


Aigo! Your so cute!” said Rain while he pulled her close and kissed her on the forehead.


Suddenly, a car sped in front of him and blocked him while behind him another car blocked his car. A few guys got down from the car and ran towards them. Rain stopped the car just in time before he hit the car in front of him. He stopped and looked at the emerging guys. He suddenly knew who they were. They were the guys from the organization. He had broken the rules of the Underworld Crime. In the world of crime, you are not allowed to fall in love nor date a girl but he have broke the rules and now he has to pay for it.


Rain, who are they? What do they want from us by blocking us like this?” asked Hyun Ah who has no idea of what is going to come.


You wait here.” said Rain and he got down and walked towards the guy. He immediately fought them. He kicked, punched, twisted and cracked the guys off. While he was doing that, the guys from the other car got down and went to get Hyun Ah. They grabbed her and one guy shouted to Rain, “STOP, RAIN! IF YOU DON'T STOP, I'LL KILL YOUR GIRLFRIEND!”


That shout made him stop. The guys who were trying to get to him took that opportunity and pounced at Rain. He fell face down on the road. The guys kicked him so hard that he could barely move.


Stop! Let the guy witness the girls death. It's his fault for breaking the rules so he has to get the honor to see the girl he loved so very dearly die right here because of his selfish needs.” said the guy holding Hyun Ah. Hyun Ah was just looking around in horror and was unsuccessfully trying to get away from them. She tried her best to escape but couldn't. The guy holding her slapped her for trying to escape and held on to her even more tightly.


NOOO! Don't do anything to her! Kill me if you want but leave her alone! Please! Leave her alone!! Please!!!!!!!!” screamed Rain


Ohhh... what a nice and sweet boyfriend you got here. Your one lucky girl to have such a good guy, don't you think so? But well, now I bet you don't feel that lucky now, eh? Hahahaha!” said the guy.


Well, too late, Rain! You should have known better to fall in love with a girl! So say goodbye to her” said the guy and he took out a gun and pointed it at the head. Hyun Ah started to cry and pleaded to them to let her go but they didn't even bother to look at her. They were too busy laughing and waiting for the death of a young girl.


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! DON'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!” screamed Rain.




Three gunshots were heard and Hyun Ah fell to the ground bleeding heavily.


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!” Rain screamed and he crawled to her. She just lay there, shaking in pain. He went to her and held her. She turned around and looked at him with so much pain.


I--------- l-l-love----- y-y-y-ooouuuu......” was Hyun Ah's last words to him then she gasped and left out whoosh of air. She lay still on the silent road. By the time Hyun Ah died, the guys who killed her have already fled from the spot. It was only Rain and Hyun Ah. Rain held her while her screamed and cried in grief. He screamed and cried so hard that he also fainted beside Hyun Ah. The next thing he knows, he opened his eyes to find himself on the hospital bed. His friends who are the U-KISS, 2AM and MBLAQ boys were standing around him while crying silently. Rain too started to cry silently with them as memories of his beloved one dead flooded back into his memory. At that time only his friends were there to share the grief with him.


After 3 months hospitalized, Rain came out of the hospital. He immediately went to Hyun Ah's grave and sat there. He sat there for at least 3 hours grieving over her death. To him, she was innocent. She didn't do anything wrong. He was so upset and angry that he started to hit the ground where Hyun Ah lay in peace while screaming, “WHY?! WHY? WHY?! WHY YOU?! NOOOOO!!!”


Seul Ong, Seungho, Lee Joon and Cheon Doong who followed Rain came running towards him and dragged him away from Hyun Ah's grave. He tried to free himself from them but their grip was so strong that he couldn't do anything but scream and cry even more. They took him away from the graveyard and pushed him into the limousine that they brought. Rain sat in the car and cried.


After a while, his mind started to clear and it was then he made up his mind to kill all the bad guys who the organization helps the criminals escape but to do so, he will just have to trick them. He made up his mind that he will kill anyone who interfere's in his business and that he will take his revenge for killing the girl he loved.


They'll pay! I'll make sure they pay for killing her!! Hyun Ah, don't worry.... I'll kill them for you! I won't let them live a peaceful life!!” screamed Rain in his heart.



He kept to his promise till today. He did exactly what he wanted and killed every person who came in between his business. He even killed the guys and the leader of the organization for killing his love. He took his revenge by killing them and now, here he is sitting there thinking about the girl who had the same brave heart as Hyun Ah and who behaved like her. His heart slowly started to shatter again when he thought of her. He slowly shook his head and tried to clear his mind. When he finally calmed down only did he realize that he was crying silently. He wiped away his tears and went to his room to rest. He freshened himself up and went to sleep. He slept a dreamless and restless sleep.




The boys who carried the girls took them straight to the Killing Room and tied them up. JiYoon, Insyi and Sai were unconscious and were breathing hollowly.


“I hope the boss is calmer now.” said Eli


“Yeah, I hope so too. She reminds the boss of Hyun Ah a lot, don't you think so?” asked Cheon Doong


“Indeed. She has. It made him so angry....” said Lee Joon.


“I pity him though... he must have been so surprised when she talked to him like that in a so Hyun Ah way...” said Jin Woon.


“Nah! I know! But I say, we just the girls. They really look so yummy, you know!” said Jo Kwon.


“Man! JiYoon was right when she called you a ert...” said Dong Ho


“Hey! I'm not a ert!!!” exclaimed Jo Kwon.


“Well, how do you explain the part huh?” asked Kevin


“Yeah, how? You are a ert.” said Ki Bum.


“Leave him alone! He's an idiot and a ert just like JiYoon said.” said Alexander.


“Tsk! Tsk! Thanks for confirming that!” spat Jo Kwon.


“Hahaha! Come on, guys! Let's go! We have to guard the place!” said Ki Seop.


“Oh! Yeah! Your right! Let's go!” said Eli.


“Wait! Who's going to take care of the girls if they wake up?” asked Chang Min


“Your right. So I assign Mir, G.O, Soo Hyun and Seung Ho to guard the girls. Take care of the girl. Don't untie them and get yourself kicked at the asses again.” said Ki Seop.


“Tsk! How are we supposed to know that she could fight like a tiger?!!” wailed Mir.


“Yeah! You didn't even get the full information about her! So we didn't expect that from her!” said G.O


“Indeed! You should investigate about a person even more throughly next time! I so don't want to get kicked at shin!” said Soo Hyun


“I second that with Soo Hyun” said Seung Ho


“Fine fine! It's my fault! If she wasn't the one holding the info's then maybe I could have saved your sorry asses!!” said Ki Seop sarcastically


“Okay, guys! No need to fight over that! We don't have that kind of time to do that. The girls parents will give the money by tomorrow and we need to make sure that they didn't go to the police. So we really don't have the time to fight now. So can we go now?” asked Eli trying to be the pacifist there.


“Yeah” “Sure” “Indeed” came the reply.


“Good then! Let's go!” said Eli and they went about to do their duties.


Mir and G.O guarded the door from the outside of the Killing Room while Seung Ho and Soo Hyun went to the room beside the Killing Room to monitor their pulse and reaction. Everyone was doing their own job while looking all relaxed and cool. Little did they know that they were to face a battles in a few hours.





Hope you liked it!

Sorry for insulting the guys again...

It's just for the story!

I don't have any personal grudges towards them.

I love them a lot...

So don't worry..

Am not Anti of theirs...

Hoped you liked it...

Thanks for reading...

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Chapter 51: the ending is so very cool vari XD now, i think its time to think about YOUR real love life, if you know what i mean ;) i wanna sincerely say thanks for letting me be a 'co-star' in this fic~ kekekeke~ hope u'll write a new fic soon! miss ya!
love, insyi <3
Chapter 51: i very l0ve your st0ry very much.!i hope u make new story about teen top n super junior!
pleaseman #3
so cute..
;) Thank u, Syirahimei! hahaha!~ wait for it!~ ^_^ can't wait to see your reaction at the ending.. hehehehe
wow!~ riri! i like your style of writing!~ <3 ;)
YAY! ice-cream!~ LOL! XD
Hahaha!~ Thank u!~ i have just updated some of it!~ ^_^
Urmm, Can I know when will you update a new chapter of this? :) I like your fanfic :))
syirahimei: hahahaha!! what for?? O.o