Sai's Date With L.Joe

Waiting at the Rain

Sai's Date With L.Joe



“Where are we heading, Joe?” I said after I realized that we got separated from the others. I got a little worried when I found out they weren't following us. I was so busy trying to absorb the surrounding that I forgot my friends and their dates for a moment.


“Somewhere special, darling. Don't worry, I won't do anything to you if that's what your afraid off” said Joe with a hint of hurt in his voice. That hurtfulness in his voice made a me a bit guilty for hurting him.


“I'm sorry, Joe.... It's just I got a little worried when the others were not following us. That's all.” I said feeling guilty.


“Hey! Don't be sorry... I know your worried about your friends, I absolutely understand. So just to put that worry away, I'll tell you. The other guys took the two of them to their dream dates. So they headed off to their respective places so don't worry okay?” said Joe


“Oh, I see. How nice of them. Very considerate too. Hahaha! So where are you taking me?” I asked


“Ah! That would be a secret, my dear.” he said and chuckled.


“Hey! No fair! I too wanna know where your taking me.” I said while pouting.


“Hahaha! The other girls too don't know where they're heading so neither are you. It's just a nice and pleasant surprise. So don't worry. Just sit back and relax. Okay, darlz?” said Joe.


“Hmph! Okay! As you say, my knight.” I said but the “my knight” part I just told in a whisper because I don't want him to know that he is my living and breathing imaginary knight.


“Hhmm.... What did you say?” said Joe.


“Huh? Nothing.” I said while blushing furiously.


“Damn! Good thing I'm sitting behind him. If not it's going to be embarrassing!!” I thought to myself.


“Well, okay then. If you say so.” said Joe. We rode for another 15 minutes before Joe stopped his bike and slightly turned around on his bike and faced me.


“We're here. Before we go, I want you to close your eyes. I will slowly guide you towards the place I have set up, okay?” said Joe.


“You set up?” I said in a surprised tone.


“Well, not me alone with a few helping hands.” said Joe.


“I see... Okay. I'll close my eyes.” I said in a calm voice but inside my heart was beating so fast and I was filled with curiosity.


Before I closed my eyes, I looked around to see where we were. It was still day time so I could see the place clearly. We were standing at Shikogen Street which is a few miles away from my house. Near Shikogen Street, there is a park and lake beside the park. It's a very beautiful place. There were a lot of people there. I was wondering where is Joe going to take me before I closed my eyes. Well, one thing is for sure. If he is going to do something bad, there's a lot of eye witness. With that thought, I closed my eyes. Joe took my hands and slowly guided me to somewhere he wants me to see. I went with him quietly because I was afraid if I talked he would notice that I'm nervous and anticipating. While we were heading where ever Joe is taking, I heard children laughing and adults talking. I guessed we were in the park I saw just now. As we were walking away, I heard the noise slowly fade away but still could be heard. We were walking further in some more and suddenly came to a stop.


“Can I open my eyes now?” I asked.


“Wait. Be patient. Just stand here with your eyes closed okay? By the way, no peeking.” said Joe and I nodded. I heard him walking and then stop. A few seconds later, I heard a song. It was my favorite song from Titanic. It was the movies theme song “My Heart Will Go On and On” by Celion Dion.


I gasped and immediately opened my eyes before Joe could ask me to open my eyes. The sight before me and around me was so beautiful, I was dazed for a moment. When I finally absorbed it was my dream date that I always wanted to have, I immediately ran to Joe and hugged him.


“Oh my God! Thank you so much, Joe. This is absolutely perfect!” I said while hugging him tighter.


“Well, we can enjoy them together like this too you know.” said Joe who was looking like a bear awarded with a flower. It was then I realized what he was saying and I immediately pulled away from him. I was blushing so furiously that Joe started to laugh. He slowly reached out and touched my cheeks. The skin contact made me blush even more. He laughed softly at my ear and I was shocked how close he was with me. It made me almost jump away from him.


“Hahaha! Chill down. Don't worry, I won't do anything. You have my word for that. You had enough bad experience in one week. Okay?” said Joe while laughing gaily.


“Urm.... I was not thinking about that...” I whispered while hoping he didn't hear but unfortunately he heard me because he said, “Oh, really? Then what were you thinking about?” while looking at me intently.


“Well, let's not talk about that. Urm, can we talk about something else?” I said while I blushed.


“Oh! Hahaha! Okay, I can see your shy so never mind. I won't pressure you. Well, come on here. Sit down.” said Joe while sitting down.


My dream date was exactly the type I wanted. I was standing in front of a lake with the view of the amusement park and behind me was all forest. The forest looked mysterious and quiet just like I wanted it to be. It was like a picnic date which I wanted sit under a tree where I can gaze up at the sky and look at the stars at night. It was exactly like that and I was still having a difficult time to believe it. Nevertheless, I sat down on the mat Joe was sitting on who was busy unpacking food from a picnic basket. I watched him unpack and I asked him if I could offer a helping hand.


“Nah! It's okay. I can take care of it.” he said while unpacking and in a few minutes the food was all on the mat looking delicious and ready to be eaten.


“Shall we eat? I'm starving and I know you are because your stomach was grumbling even when we were on the bike.” said Joe and to prove him that he was right my stomach grumbled at that moment.


“Oh! Oh! I guess I am.... Hahaha!” I said while blushing again. It was when Joe mentioned about food did I realize I was hungry so we both sat down and ate in silence for a moment.


“So urm.. Tell me... How do you know this is my ideal date type, Joe?” I asked breaking the silence. The silence was not bothering me but I had to know. It was mind wrenchingly flying all over my head. So I just asked him and for a moment he seemed to be stuck with ideas.


“Well, urm.. actually... urm.... ergh! I DON'T know this is your ideal date type.” he said after a long time of stuttering. His response though shocked me.


“Pardon. You don't know?!! Then how did you do this?” I asked


“Well, I suppose we both have the same taste then because I too dreamed of having this type of date the girl I love.” he said looking at me romantically. His looks took my breath away. When he looked at me like that, I suddenly remembered the song “Breath(Soom) by Beast”. I slowly chuckled to myself which made Joe raise his eyebrows.


“Why are you laughing??” asked Joe while pouting cutely at me.


“Hahaha!! Aigo! So cute!” I laughed then I gasped when I realized what I had said and I quickly covered my mouth and I blushed worse than tomato red.


“Oh, I didn't know I was cute to you.... Hahaha! That's what I like about you. Your so straightforward that it makes me feel at ease when I'm around you because you always give your honest opinion and reply.” said Joe while looking at you fondly. The comment he gave me made me blush even more.


“Hahaha.. Thanks...” I whispered back.


“Hey, no mention. Say want to dance with me? The sun is setting already. I always dreamed of dancing in the open wilderness when the sun is setting.” said Joe.


“Wow. Your right, Joe. We do have the same taste when it comes to the ideal date. I love to dance in the open wilderness when is the sun is setting too. Hahaha!” I said


“Indeed. I'm shocked myself. I can't believe we're having the same taste. I suppose we're really meant for each other.” said Joe while looking at me with a look that I couldn't describe.


“I suppose we do...” I said thoughtfully.


“Hahaha! That's the girl I like again. So do you want to dance?” asked Joe.


“Sure.... But before we do, where is the song coming from?” I asked while I looked around for the source of the music. At the moment, one of my other favorite song which is “Falling For You- Colbie Calliat” was going on.


“Hahaha! Well, that's because I brought my radio down. It's functioning on battery so don't worry. No electricity. It's behind the tree. I thought it would be romantic if I put it behind there. Well, I suppose it did the work.” said Joe while he walked behind a tree a few feet from where we were sitting and retrieved his radio. It was a Pensonic radio. It had a really good sound system. He set the radio down and then he went to the picnic basket and started to rummage through it. Then he came back with a cd in his hand.


“What CD is that?” I asked Joe looking curiously at it.


“Oh, this is one of my favorite classical music CD. I listen to it when I'm feeling down to cheer myself up. It's mainly all instrumental.” he said while he put the CD on. After a few minutes later, a song started, I was a huge fan of classical's but I recognized it because when I was young took music lesson. It was “Gavotte”. It was my favorite music and I really loved it. When the music started, Joe bowed down and extended his hand and said, “May I have the pleasure to dance with you, my Lady?”


“Hahaha! Yes, my Man” I said and took his hand and almost immediately we started to dance together keeping up to the rhythm of the music. I laughed heartily while I danced with Joe while Joe did a ballroom dance which is a Waltz and he too was laughing heartily with me.


We danced for a few songs while we watched the sun setting. We danced for the song “Allegro”, “Turkish March”, “The Nutcracker Suite” and “A Lover's Concerto- Minuet in G”. We danced while gazing at each others eyes. I felt so happy. It felt like all my dream came true just dancing there and looking into the eyes of the guy I'm starting to be fond off and watching the sunset. It was so beautiful that I was afraid I would wake up anytime in my room with Insyi and JiYoon sleeping beside me. It really felt like a dream and a dream that I don't want to ever wake up from. It was too beautiful to stop. The last of the sun's ray was fading and we were settling for a song which is “Water Music-Air”. When the song slowly came to an end, we just stood there gazing each other with our arms linked together. Slowly, very slowly, Joe started bend down towards me. I was frozen by the tranquility of Joe's eyes that I didn't realize he was getting closer to me. As his face drew closer to mine, we were a few inches away. Slowly, our lips met and we kissed a slow and seductive kiss. We jumped away with shock when “The Carnival of the Animal- Finale” blasted from the radio. When we realized it was just the radio, we started to laugh. When we made eye contact, we just turned away and gazed at different directions. I blushed very hard when I remembered the part where I kissed Joe. I smiled and blushed on my own.


“So... Urm.... Shall we pack up and head home or do you want to go somewhere special?” Joe asked breaking the uncomfortable silence.


“Well, we can pack the things but can we just sit here for a while and do some star gazing?” I asked


“Hahaha! Star gazing? Now that's a good idea. Sure, I'll pack them up.” said Joe while he bent down to clear all the things we left after eating so I quickly went beside him and started to collect all the rubbish and put them in a plastic which Joe handed it to me. After clearing all the rubbish, he took the rubbish and went to throw them away. I sat down on the mat and waited patiently for Joe to return. He returned in a matter of few minutes and sat beside me. We sat there for an hour just star gazing. I was so into the star gazing that I almost jumped out of my skin when Joe's head fell on my shoulder. When I turned and looked at him, I saw him fast asleep.


“Aww.. He looks so cute when he is asleep. I bet he's tired off preparing all this for the date. That's so nice of him. I wonder why he likes me so much? Whereas, I just came to this school and already he says he likes me because of straightforwardness. I wonder what's the real reason is....... but well, who cares.... As long as he doesn't cheat me, I'm all right with it I suppose.” I thought to myself. Then I returned to my star gazing while I adjusted myself so then I can be comfortable and also put Joe in comfort too. I didn't want to wake him up because I know he's tired so I left him to sleep for a while.


“After what I think it's time to go home, then i'll wake him up....” I though to myself

I just sat there and watched the stars while Joe was asleep.


“Wow. Today was a great day. I really had a lot of fun. I wonder if this will last for a long time... I really like him now. He and I share the same taste. He is as straightforward as I am. He's considerate, nice, sweet and very understanding. What else about him? Hhhmm.. One thing is for sure though, he doesn't pressure me when I don't want to tell him something. That's so nice. I wonder who was the last guy who did that to me? Hhhmm.. Not many.... I suppose....” I was thinking to myself.


After what seems like a good 15 minutes of sitting there, I checked my watch to see the time and was shocked to the core to find it was already 10:30pm. I was about to wake Joe up but when I saw him sleeping peacefully I just didn't have the heart to wake him up.


“But do I have a choice? I can't let him sleep here in the open, he might catch a cold. So I might as well, wake him...” I thought to myself and I mentally braced myself to wake him up.


“Joe... Joe... Joe...” I slowly shook him to wake him up. He woke up after a few shakes I gave him.


“Hhmm.... What time is it?” asked Joe while slowly getting up and rubbed his eyes.


“Well, it's 10:30pm already” I said


“Wh-What!?!! 10:30?!! Man, that's so long!! I'm really sorry for sleeping off like that!! I didn't mean too... I was---” he said and I quickly cut him before he could finish his sentence


“It's okay, Joe. Calm down. Hahahaha!! Your like a kitten who lost it's mother.. Hahaha! Cool down. I'm fine with it. I understand so don't worry. Hahaha!!!” I assured him while laughing at his shocked face.


“Urm... Well, if you say so then.... Well, it's late. We better get going. I don't want the others to worry about it.” he said while getting up and stretching. He then bent down to pull me up. After I got up, he slowly folded the mat then took his radio and picnic basket. He had to balance all of them in his hands to bring. I saw him struggling for a while so I took the picnic basket from his hand.


“I'm here too you know. I can always help out. Don't force yourself okay....” I said to Joe.


“Ah, I didn't want to trouble you so urm... well... you know” he said while blushing


“Hahaha! It's okay. I understand. Next time, let me help you too, okay??” I said


“Okay!” said Joe while smiling his huge boyish smile at me.


“Hahaha!” I laughed at his huge smile.


We walked to his bike where he kept the radio in front with him. While the mat he held in on his hand. He tried to take the picnic basket from me but I held up my hands and shook my head as a sign saying “NO”.


“All right. I'll let to hold for now” He said.


“Hahaha! Okay, then!” I laughed at him.


I got on his bike and we sped off towards my house. We reached my house in 15 minutes time. I was actually impressed at how skilled he at balancing the mat and radio while riding his bike.


“Hhmm... Must have done it before” I thought to myself


“Alright! Here we are. Oh, look the others have just reached too....” said Joe.


“Oh, yes you right. Hey people” I said cheerfully.


“Hey!!!!” everyone chorused.


“Hahaha!” I laughed. I got down from Joe's bike and went to Leeteuk and gave him the picnic basket and told him.


“I know you guys planned it together so I suppose this belongs to you?”


“Oh! How did you figure that out?” asked Leeteuk looking surprised


“I figured one guy cannot bring this many stuff alone so I knew you guys helped. Hahaha! Anyway, your the one who usually fuses about food a lot so I thought you must have brought the basket.” I said


“Hahaha! Joe, you have one smart girlfriend. Good selection, Man!” said Leeteuk while Joe and Leeteuk high fived each other.


I just stood there and blushed at Leeteuk's comment.


“Hey, Niel. Take your mat! Thanks for lending it to me, man! Helped a lot!” said Joe to Niel while winking at Niel.


“Yo! No probs, man! As long as it turned out all perfect” said Niel.


After that, we parted way from them and went inside my house. Insyi and JiYoon looked as flushed as I am. We went upstairs and freshened ourselves up. We packed our stuff for our school tomorrow and went straight to bed. That night, I dreamed of myself being a princess and I'm marrying a prince and that prince was no other that L.Joe himself.






hope you guys liked it!! I had to do a lot of thinking just to make this scene up. It was tiring but worth while!


Hope you guys love it!!! ^_^


Have fun!


Next chapter on the progress!!!

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Chapter 51: the ending is so very cool vari XD now, i think its time to think about YOUR real love life, if you know what i mean ;) i wanna sincerely say thanks for letting me be a 'co-star' in this fic~ kekekeke~ hope u'll write a new fic soon! miss ya!
love, insyi <3
Chapter 51: i very l0ve your st0ry very much.!i hope u make new story about teen top n super junior!
pleaseman #3
so cute..
;) Thank u, Syirahimei! hahaha!~ wait for it!~ ^_^ can't wait to see your reaction at the ending.. hehehehe
wow!~ riri! i like your style of writing!~ <3 ;)
YAY! ice-cream!~ LOL! XD
Hahaha!~ Thank u!~ i have just updated some of it!~ ^_^
Urmm, Can I know when will you update a new chapter of this? :) I like your fanfic :))
syirahimei: hahahaha!! what for?? O.o