Outlining your Plot (sorta?)

Of Shawols and Star1's: How to Write Kpop Fanfictions that Rock.

Here is where your story takes shape. It's good to have a general idea of where you're going, so you don't end up taking it on weird, random twists and turns and you never know where it's going to end.

Start with an opening image- this is your starting point, where they're in their regular life, ect. Start with something interesting that shows off your main character's unique flair.

Set major turns now: this is the moment where your hero or heroine makes a distinct decision that their life is changing and they're not going back to their old ways.

Then comes the midpoint: This is where things get a little more intense.

-There's either an "up" moment (something really awesome happens in your character's favor) or a "down" moment (something really y.... doesn't).

-This is where the stakes are raised.

-This is where the pace of the story increases.

- There is NO TURNING BACK at this point. Although that's an extremely cheesy line, there is no way shape or form that (s)he could ever go back to the way things were.

Then you have the B story. (What does B stand for? No idea :D)

-This is where you take a break from the main story.

-This is usually a love story, and typically it's romance, but it doesn't have to be. For example, in Despicable Me, the "love story" there was when Gru began to like the girls instead of trying to get rid of them, at the amusement park.

-The B story is all fun and games. This gives you a chance to describe your "world" to them a little more, also; gives the reader a sense of where the characters are.

After the B story, then comes the Catalyst.

-This is where your main character goes from "I'm doing what I know" to "what am I doing?"


-Now that this has happened, is the character going to take part or not? (maaaajor internal conflict here)

-However, the hero(ine) should be decide, not be dragged into it by other people. Your protagonist is not a tagalong.

"Bad Guys Close In"

-Whether or not you have a real villain with flesh and blood or not, whatever is out to get the hero(ine) should be on their heels.

False Defeat

-We call this "Dark Night of The Soul" (deep and full of doom, right?); this is where the character has been beat and they know it.

And then, in short.... VICTORY!!!!!!

Something to remember: Don't add in baby pandas.


Meaning, yes, the baby pandas are cute. Yes, it looks good when you look at it alone. But what is the point?? If it doesn't move the story forward, you don't need it. Even though you might think you do.

This may sound like something only for action films, but it's really not! Like I said, "Bad Guys" don't necessarily have to be guys with creepy cackles and guns. Experiment with the possibilities, and you'll be surprised what you can come up with!  

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