







That smile... It could light up your day, the way how her expression would turn childlike, her eyes becoming slightly arched in a matter of seconds. You always smiled back, noticing how your heart would do backflips within your chest, those familiar butterflies behaving wildly in your stomach.





I didn't notice before that I was starting to pay attention to small things or actions. Like how the cashier's fingers danced along the keyboard as she typed the number of the product I was buying, or how the same cashier would have small talks with a co-worker, however, always giving side glances towards my way, as if searching for some kind of unpleasement with her work.





People call me strange, my mom calls me strange, I call myself strange. It's not like I'm someking of serial killer. No. I'm just intense. My emotions are stronger than other people's. I just don't like somebody, I dont get simply irritated with something, I don't get jealous of someone. Instead, it all sums up into one thing, killer instinct. Though most of the time it's under control, I lost it once I saw her touching and leaning into that stupid-looking guy's arms. It ticked me off. 








Soo.. Basically this is going to be a collection of fics that I was going to write, but gave up days later ><''''

And I guess they became one-shots/drabbles? ^^'''

Anyway, there's going to be a lot of different Soshi pairings..

But yeah, here we go..






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Chapter 3: Me encantó, me fascinó, lo ame... leere todas tus historias autor
whitewolf2342 #2
I quite liked this! I love your writing style, I could really feel the emotion in this piece. I liked the way you described the conflicting feelings of being depressed but not wanting to look to depressed. I think you conveyed well the way she was feeling overall. Thank you author! Can't wait to see more, I love your stories!