
Yoona's feelings~

Lately things are going out of hand for Yoona.She can't help to feel something is itching whenever Changmin is with Seohyun, the worst part is that they match so perfectly he's nice and charming, he's always been like that even after debuting. The thought of her ruining that relantionship was burning her inside. 

"Should I stay calm and let go or stop this?" Im Yoona though as she watches her phone screen a missed call from Seung Gi on her bed. 

Suddenly someone entered to the room and slapped her hard. 

"Ouuuuuuch!" Yoona let out irritated then sat fast and looked at the culprit. "Jessica unnie.." she said pouting cutely. 

"What are you doing?" Jessica asked serious then sat on the edge of the bed. 

Yoona looked at her "What are you talking about?" She asked confused. Jessica frowned "Are you going to let him keep her after all this time you watched over her?" She asked still showing her discontent. 

Yoona scratched her head "Don't know what are you talking about?" She said with her annoying aegyo. 

Jessica took and deep breath "You don't fool me, I've seen you for years Yoona, I know how works that sick head.. and you standing here pretending not to be jealous about Changmin oppa and Seohyun won't make things easier, they'll get to the moment when he'll come every time he'll have free and you won't be able to be with Seohyun like before so You better start giving war before it's too late!" She said scolding the younger one. 

Yoona sighed then looked other way "Since when you care so much about Me and Seohyun? Wait a minute.. now I know... you just want Changmin oppa and Seung Gi oppa away cause they could find out about YOU AND YURI OPPA!!" She shouted the last part pointing at Sica. 

"What? NO! I care about you too!" Jessica let out a little flustered cause Yoona find out about her plan to shoot two ducks at once then just smiled nervously and left the room. 

Yoona was still confused not knowing what to do. 


Suddenly the door opened. 

"Yoona unnie!" Seohyun let out confused leaving her book aside while Yoona walks closer and grab her by her arm to pull her up from bed. 

"Unnie.." The maknae let still confused but red. 

Yoona looked at Seohyun in the eyes after a second she gulped as Seohyun keeps staring at her. "Please.. stop dating Changmin oppa." She asked sad. 

Seohyun looked down and after a few seconds she asked "why?"

Yoona connected their foreheads "because I love you babo!" She let out before kissing her.

Seohyun was shocked first but then replied the kiss passionately,, after a few seconds they were against the wall expressing their love. 

Yoona hands touching everything she wanted to touch since always, her lips tracing from Seohyun' s ear to her cleavage. 

Seohyun hands were also doing their thing under Yoona' s shirt. 

"Yoona! YOONA!" Sooyoung shouted while shaking the face of the group who was sleeping on her bed. 

"Seohyun.." Yoona mumbled then opened her eyes and saw Sooyoung "What? Where Seohyun went?" She asked then hugged her pillow. 

"Don't know what are you talking about and I'll pretend you weren't calling Seohyun' s name while sleeping... 1,2,3 Manager oops called in 50 min a car will be here for your next schedule!" Sooyoung said then left the room.

Yoona face palmed herself the got up to start to get ready,. Once ready she walked to the maknae' s room. 

"Seohyun.. I care about you a lot.." She whispered as she walks "How hard can this be?"She thought nervous,. In front of her door she was about to knock but she heard some whispering. 

Yoona was curious so she tried her best to hear and even opened the door a little. 


"Honestly I think is the best besides *looks down embarrased* I like Changmin oppa!" The maknae let out as she talks to Jessica who was fixing her hair in front of the mirror. 

Jessica pouted "Is that really what you want?" She asked then sat on bed. 

Seohyun faked a smiled "I like Changmin oppa, he's my type!" She said before receiving a hug from Sica. 

Yoona didn't know what to do? Interrupting or just let go, she was pouting and somehow she felt the need of crying, she turned round and walked to the kitchen.  

"Yoona are you okay?" The members noticed the weird vibe on her. 

Yoona opened fridge and drank some orange juice from the bottle. 

"Looks like Yoona wants some drinking tonight!" Sunny said convinced as the others onky look at Yoona. 


"YA. You still don't wanna talk to me?" Taeyeon asked to Tiffany who was more focused on the tv. 

Tiffany ignored Taeyeon and kept switching channels, Taeyeon sighed then sat next to her on the couch. 

Tiffany kept switching channels "C'mon Tipany don't be like this?" She said pouting cutely and trying her best to gain Tiffany' s attention by pocking her and disturbing her. 

"I still don't know why I'm here standing this?"Taeyeon let out tired of trying. 

Tiffany turned off the tv then went to her room and not missing the chance of slamming the door. 

Taeyeon got up and also went to her room. 

"Those two like that vicious sadistic game!" Sooyoung let out. "IT's s not like that.. it's complicated." Yoona finally spoke. 

"It's about losing and hurting the ones you most care about for something you're not even sure of. " Yoona added bitter. 

The other members were just still feeling the strange vibe. 

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Junmilkim #1
Chapter 7: Update pleaseee
Chapter 7: update more please ??
silentheart_PL #3
Chapter 6: Update soon please. I like the way Yoona is jealous! Haha :)
nancypark #4
Chapter 2: Like it >.< Yoona really love Hyunie more than Seungi...
Waiting next chap >.< au fighting ^^
Chapter 7: hahaahaha yoona grabbed another beer XD
u g h
Seohyun. Go get Yoona
And continue your kissing
cmze1992 #7
Noooooo! :D
Chapter 6: Aigoo is this going to be a sad ending?...
yoongie23 #9
Chapter 6: So hyunie dating changmin now..? But I'am here for yoonhyun author-ssi.. ^-^
Chapter 5: ert yoong Kekekeke
Just let her kiss you Hyunnie :P