
Heaven & Earth
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Sounds of panting, chanting, and punches were heard throughout the whole arena. The trainees were warming up with small fighting sessions between each other. Each pair was placed into a small barrier to minimize the chance that someone not involved with the fight would be hurt. Unfortunately, for Sehun, he was paired up with Yeonji.

Sehun sighs as he looks around. Everyone is busy practicing while Yeonji and he just stare at each other blankly.

"I guess we should start too. Well, let's have a nice fight." Sehun sighed as he puts his left hand over his right knuckles and bows slightly before getting into a small battle stance.

Yeonji bowed slightly as well, but she didn't seem to be as alert as Sehun. In fact, she looked bored. She had her arms by her side and her hair in a plain tight pony tail. Sehun, slightly irritated, initiated the first attack. Sehun charged in and formed a small wind barrier around his right fist and was about to hit Yeonji square in the face, but was stopped when she grabbed his wrist, twisted it behind him, and pushed down on his back using her knee. She sat on top of and pushed his arm harder, applying pressure. Sehun falls down with a grunt and realized Yeonji is on top of him. However, Sehun casted a spell and a strong wind barrier forms around him, causing Yeonji to back off of Sehun. Sehun's wind is especially dangerous because it is harsh and causes deep painful cuts and scratches on the victims. Sehun stood up and dusted his shoulders before dispersing the wind. Yeonji had a small cut on her hand and it was bleeding. She frowned at it but didn't dwell on the pain it caused. Sehun softened as he looked at the cut, a small feeling of guilt rose in his heart. Yeonji turned back at him before she cast a spell. "Spirit of the Swamp. Heed my call," she whispered and a huge green vine appeared below Sehun and separated into branches. Each of the branches moved quickly to trap Sehun's arms and legs. However, Sehun did a backflip and moved away quickly. The branches chased after him and Sehun was cornered against the barrier. Sehun sighed before giving up. The branches grabbed ahold of his arms and legs and the last one took ahold of his neck. Yeonji sighed and asked, "Are we done?"

Sehun growled in displeasure that Yeonji was able to get him in this position so quickly.

A small clap was heard behind Yeonji was heard and Sehun turns his head towards the man. Yeonji as well turns around. The man looked like he was in this thirties  His hair was black with slightly silver highlights gelled up at the tips and his jaw and chin was slightly ashy, indicating that he didn't cleanly shave. "Nice fight there my child." He smiled, revealing his pearly white teeth.

Everyone stopped their fights and the Sergeant yelled for everyone to salute the man. Yeonji releases the spell and Sehun was let down onto his feet as he rubbed his red wrists.

"Oh, Captain Lee. What brings you here? We didn't receive any news of you paying a visit to us." Sergeant Kim asked, humbly.

The Captain laughed and said, "Oh. I wasn't planning it or anything. I just felt like visiting the new recruits this year. They seem to be fine ones. And please rest easy."

The Sergeant nodded and shouted to the trainees to rest easy. All the trainees eased their posture and stood still with their hands behind their backs. Sergeant Kim replied, "Yes. They all seem to be rather talented this year."

The Captain nods, pleased. "You, my dear. What is your name?" The Captain asked, motioning to Yeonji.

Yeonji stared at him with a blank face. "Lee Yeonji." She replied.

"Ah. Lee Hongyoon's daughter I see." Captain Lee laughed.

Yeonji's clenched her teeth and her hands form fists behind her back, turning her knuckles white.

Sehun noticed Yeonji's hands and stared curiously at her. Why is she so tense?

"Yes, Sir." She replied sternly with a distasteful expression.

"Captain. Please allow me to walk you through our training for today." The Sergeant asked.

The Captain nods and agrees, and the Sergeant immediately orders all the trainees to fall in their groups. There was a total of seven instructors responsible for monitoring the assessment. Each instructor was in charge of watching and testing each trainee and the training for today was just ordinary practice on three categories, combat skills, tactical skills, magic skills. The Sergeant's right-hand assistant was Lady Scarlet, known for being extremely analytical and clever, was in charge of recording and taking note of each trainee's condition.  The said woman was in her mid-thirties, though she looked way much younger, and was a rather petite woman. She wore a white blouse and black blazer, matching with her black pencil skirt. Her hair was hazelnut-colored, tied up in a neat bun, and resting on her nose bridge was a pair of red glasses.

"Lady Scarlet!" someone called as the training was undergoing. The petite lady turned around with her clipboard in her left hand and her red pen in her right and replied politely to the man.

"Hey! Thanks so much for yesterday! I would have gotten scolded and beat up by-"The man laughs but is interrupted by a stern look on Lady Scarlet's face, indicating that he should be quiet if he didn't want to get into deep trouble. The man caught on and made an 'O' shape with his mouth before whispering to her, "What's going on?"

"The Captain is here so I suggest you zip it," she advises. The man bit his lip and asked, "Why is he here?"

"For the Privates. The Captain is here to observe the potential.

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alizarin #1
Chapter 1: hey its Shakugan no Shana