After Dinner Surprise

Guys, It's okay to be me!

After all five had finished their meals, the reunited group spent some time goofing around at the restaurant before finally paying and heading out. Looking towards their leader JaeJoong quickly closed the distance between them and linked arms with him. YunHo instantly jumped at the touch and looked around, however it looked like YooChun and Junsu were already hanging all over eachother so it wouldn’t be too bad to allow the affection, right?

Yah…will you guys get a room?” Changmin complained before pulling his phone out of his pocket and putting a hand on Junsu’s shoulder so those two could guide him some while he texted. “Did you want ice cream Max?” JaeJoong asked the youngest in the group. Of course his mood instantly lit up and he smiled those plush lips and looked towards the two oldest in the group.

You’re paying, right JaeJoong?” Max asked, before looking at the others. Of course Yoochun instantly perked up at that and wiggled his eyebrows at Jaejoong. “Yeah Jaejoongie…you’re paying, huh huh huh?” JaeJoong simply rolled his eyes at Yoochun trolling them and moved to act like he was going to kick Yoochun before turning towards the maknae. “Sure…why not. Just don’t buy the whole store, araso?” JaeJoong said with a smile before then turning back to Yunho who had been watching with a smile on that handsome face of his.

So I guess we can all drive in our separate cars?” Jaejoong offered, only for YunHo to shake his head. “You guys go ahead. I’m too full.” Yunho said, his lips and pulling away. Frowning, JaeJoong felt a sinking feeling in his stomach and he nodded. “Ah…okay.” Letting his head hang for a second, JaeJoong cleared his throat before then perking up and forcing a smile. He couldn’t allow himself to be upset. Especially not when the guys were there to see.

Once they got to their cars, JaeJoong watched as YunHo climbed into his car and then the three stooges piled into JaeJoong’s car again. Biting his lower lip, JaeJoong was tempted to just give up on ice cream and send the kids to get it themselves, however he knew he couldn’t. Things would be too weird if he suddenly changed his mind and decided to go back to the dorm with YunHo.

Deciding he couldn’t back out of this, JaeJoong waved towards Yunho as he pulled away and felt his heart sink some when YunHo hadn’t even looked his way. What was wrong with him? Had he really been that scared when they were walked in on? Sighing some, Jaejoong started the car up and headed towards the ice cream store.

Yah JaeJoonggie…are you okay?” Junsu asked from the back seat. Blinking a couple times, JaeJoong turned to look in the rear view mirror briefly to see Junsu leaning forward some and looking at him. Nodding, JaeJoong nodded with a simple ‘mmhm’ and a smile on his lips. “Okay…well…” Junsu then leaned forward even more to steal the mp3 player and push play so they could actually listen to some music. Wow, JaeJoong hadn’t even noticed everything was so quiet.

Do we want to take the ice cream back to the dorm or should we eat it at the store?” JaeJoong asked, watching the traffic as he leaned against his hand that was propped up with his elbow against the door at his side. “It might save us time and money if we just shopped for some at the market.” Yoochun chimed in, seeming to be playing on his phone just like Changmin.

Are you two playing a game with eachother?” JaeJoong asked, moving to grab Changmin’s phone to look at it. “Yah! Give that back!” Changmin complained, quick to grab the phone back. “Ani…I wanted to see. Why wasn’t I invited to this party?!” JaeJoong was only teasing, however Changmin was quick to grab the phone back. “Aigoo hyung, pay attention to the road!” Junsu complained, reaching forward to help Changmin to get his phone back. “Are you two ganging up on your hyung?!” JaeJoong asked, pulling the phone away again and laughing some. He really needed something to cheer him up after YunHo seemed to be so out of it.

Not watching where he was driving, JaeJoong figured there was enough room between him and the person ahead. Little did he know though, the person ahead of him had actually run a red light. Not even seeing the red light ahead of him, JaeJoong let ChangMin take his phone back and was just turning his eyes towards the road when suddenly YooChun yelled out to him to watch where he was going.

Slamming on the breaks, JaeJoong had attempted to stop so he wouldn’t run the light, however he was too late and instead of moving to safety, he stopped in the middle of the highway. Gasping, the last thing JaeJoong remembered was the others yelling and then a crunching of metal as someone coming from the other direction hit into the little sports car.




OKAY SO. I was seriously losing muse for this fic and a lot of my other fics because well....I felt like they didn't have enough angst and drama and stuff in them xD too much fluff. Anywho~ I've revived this story and hope you all enjoy ^^ Please comment because the coments keep me running! Seriously I love subscribers but it's the comments that really make me happy and eager to update for you all!

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samirajoon #1
Chapter 14: ommo. i hope yunho treat jae better than before. he deserves it.
samirajoon #2
Chapter 13: i'm tense up here too. they are in a bad situation. it's not their fault
samirajoon #3
Chapter 12: how bad. i understand him
samirajoon #4
Chapter 11: oh jaejoongi... are you ok? chunie...
samirajoon #5
Chapter 10: wow. what happened next? it finished in exciting part
samirajoon #6
Chapter 9: changminie just can't leave food. he loves food
samirajoon #7
Chapter 8: oh. poor jaejoongie had so much of
samirajoon #8
Chapter 5: wow. this way everything gonna be different.and i hope yunho don't blow up it
samirajoon #9
Chapter 7: then min knew it? it's dangerous that jae went to meet yunho.
samirajoon #10
Chapter 6: oh yeah. they have to come and ruin the mood. just great