Please Stay Away!

Hear My Cries aka Owned

Chapter 5

“Eomma!” a man called out as he and some others entered the house, “I’m home!”  The lady came out of the kitchen and gleamed, “Omo Minseok ah how was the radio… I didn’t get a chance to hear it!”  Minseok smiled, “It was good, I’ve even mentioned you…”

“We all did Mrs. Kim,” another said.  Mrs. Kim smiled, “Aigoo, you guys are too nice, but anyways come and sit… Jongdae and Kyungsoo you know the drill.”  They smiled and hugged Mrs. Kim and then sat down on the comfy couch, then Minseok saw something, “Eomma, who’s bag is this?” he asked holding it up from its place.  Mrs. Kim smiled, “Ah! We have another guest… she helped me cook,” she trotted off to the kitchen.

“A guest?”

“That’s weird, you told us your Eomma never brings guest,” Kyungsoo inquired.  Minseok tilted his head and placed the bag to where it was, “She barely does; she only brings her closest friends.”

“Well, that means that the ahjumma she brought is her close friend, doesn’t it?” Jongdae smiled as he the television.  Kyungsoo nodded and started fighting Jongdae for the remote while Minseok sat there thinking of who could it be and why his Eomma needed help cooking when it would only be four of them.


Luhan arrived at his house contemplating on what happened a few hours ago before school ended; he ruffled his hair, “I hope she’s ok.”  He opened his door and automatically got trampled on by Yu Han and Baekhyun, double the trouble, “Hyung!/Appa! Your home!” both Baekhyun and Yu Han exclaimed.  Luhan sighed and ripped them off of him, “Yea…” he turned and noticed that Sehun was watching television when usually at this time he’s cooking dinner, “Are we eating out today?”

“No, were going to Mrs. Kim’s house for dinner,” he said without taking his eyes off the screen. Luhan blinked and then realized that they must have gone to her store for ingredients, “Oh, when?”

“Right now!” exclaimed Yu Han, really excited to see his hyungs, “Baek samchon said that we have to be there at six and it’s six so we have to go now!”  Luhan laughed at the boy and ruffled his hair, “Arraseo, let appa get ready then…” he was about to walked to his room but Yu Han grabbed his shirt, “You look nice already…”

“But I need to be comfortable, so I’m going to change.  Just play with Baekhyun while I change arra.”  Yu Han pouted but nodded as he ran over to Baekhyun and they started playing games.

Luhan went out and they finally left to go to Mrs. Kim’s house: Yu Han, excited to tell other people about his day and Baekhyun, excited to see his best friends for the first time in years.  Luhan smiled at their giddiness as he drove, finally slightly forgetting of what happened at school.


“I’ll get it Eomma!” Minseok yelled as he went to the door.  When he opened the door his jaw literally drop to the ground before he embraced the small boy, “Oh God! Baekhyun your back!”  The other two heard and ran to the door, “Baekhyun!” they yelled as they tackled the hugging two to the ground, not noticing the three others standing at the door.

The other three just laughed and walked over the piled as Mrs. Kim came out from the kitchen, “Ah, you’re here!” she smiled as Yu Han came and hugged her, “I’m here… I want food!”  Mrs. Kim laughed and looked at the boys on the floor, “Aigoo, is that how you treat a friend?”

“Yea, especially since that friend haven’t been seen in years,” Jongdae replied getting up as well as the others did, Minseok, though, still clinging on the boy.  Mrs. Kim laughed and shook her head, “I’ll get you guys to catch up,” then she went back in the kitchen.

“Your Eomma must really like the kitchen,” Jongdae laughed as they all sat on the couches.  “Not as much as Kyungsoo,” Luhan added and then took Yu Han in the kitchen, the others all laughed and then Baekhyun turned to Sehun, “So can you answer my questions now?”

“Questions?” Kyungsoo tilted his head, Baekhyun nodded, “I want to know about him, I haven’t seen him before and I want to see what happened while I was gone.”

“Ah,” Minseok smiled, “Well we don’t know much either, but he’s a really cool dude, despite his stoic face…” he paused, “Wait why don’t you just ask Luhan?”

“Ask Luhan what?” Luhan said as he returned with Yu Han in his arms, who has a cookie; Baekhyun said, “Well how do you know Sehun, and how old is he and blah blah blah.”  Luhan blinked.  “I’m an eighteen year old orphan and Luhan took me in when he found me nearly dead,” Sehun said astonishing Baekhyun since everyone else already knew.

“Wow, so Luhan is like your super hero… I always knew,” he smiled at his brother who returned the smile.  “That kind of sounds like how Noona saved me… although I wasn’t nearly dead…” Yu Han said aloud and everyone looked at him.

“Noona?” The four inquired, Baekhyun tilted his head, “He’s talking about this girl we saw while picking him up…” he trailed off not exactly sure what’s going on.  His friends just shrug it off and continued to talk about nonsense until they heard a piercing scream.


“She’s all yours,” your appa said as he pushed your deterring body towards a group of man.  Your Eomma stood at the stairs with her head down, hair covering her face hearing the whole trade, not saying a word as she let your husband do all the talking.  “Will she do?”  The man in the middle knelt down and roughly grabbed your chin bringing it up so he can see, “I heard she can’t speak.”

“She’s stupid, so yea she doesn’t, but she’s good at work and when she grows up, her body will be just like her mother there… maybe even ier.”  The man laughed and nodded, “She does she has the traits of a sl** , but I’ll have to see if they will like her.”

“Go ahead, take her.”  The man smiled and stood up motioning the others to grab you, *Save Me* you thought as they pulled you away.  The last thing you saw was your eomma’s back.

You got thrown into the car with big beefy man on either side of you, not daring to look up. 

“Take her to the room and get her ready,” the man said as the car came to a stop; the other men nodded and dragged you out of the car.  They threw you in a room before closing the door; you looked at everything frantically and saw a lady who grabbed your hair and dragged you to the bathroom, washing you and changing you.  The lady then dried your hair and fixed it before she yelled, “She’s ready!”

The men barged in and grabbed you by the arms, making your pale skin bruise at the touch.  They took you to a pair of double doors; they opened it and threw you in before closing it like they did the other time.  You lifted your head up and saw the man from before and then saw beside him three boys.  The man smiled and looked at the boys, “So what do you think?”

“I like her! She’s cute!” the smallest one said as he was about to walk to you but the boy closest to the man grabbed him, “You always like the girls that are brought here,” he then turned to you, “Introduce yourself…”

“She can’t,” the man said, the boys turned to him, “What do you mean?”  The man smirked, “She’s mute meaning she can’t talk, so I’ll do the introduction,” he cleared his throat before continuing, “Her name is Hwang Pi Mi, daughter of our main distributer.  She is 10 years old right now and the rest isn’t important… so what do you think?”

“Can she at least make sounds?” the one in the middle asked.  The man smiled, “We’ll see, but first you have to decide.”  The smaller one smiled and walked up to you, grabbing your arm and pulled you up, “I still like her, so she’s mine,” the smaller then pressed his lips against yours.  “Well, then…”

“I want her too,” the other one said, interrupting the man, he walked up to you pushing the other boy before crashing his lips on yours.  “I’ll take her too, abeoji,” the one closest to the man said before walking to you, ripping the other away and gently did a chaste kiss.  The man ruffled his hair, “So you all want her?”  They nodded, the abeoji sighed and shrugged, “Do you think you can share?”  They took a minute and nodded again; the abeoji smirked, “Ok let’s get her marked.”

The men came back and grabbed you, dragging you again to a different room; people cleared out and the men close the doors, but instead of throwing you in and leaving, they took your top off and held you down.  The boy’s abeoji grabbed an iron that was lying in heat, it was red as he pulled it out and immediately pressed it on your right shoulder…


The piercing scream echo through the room making everybody in the room to their feet, “What the heck is that?!” Baekhyun asked as the scream returned.  Mrs. Kim immediately ran out of the kitchen and went to her bedroom, “Pi Mi! Pi Mi! OMO!” she held your flailing body.  The others followed, but stayed at the door, not knowing what to do.

Your breathing became normal, after minutes of screaming, and opened your eyes, adjusting where you were before ripping yourself from Mrs. Kim, and crawling backwards, Please stay away!


Authors Note:

Here is the 5th chapter YAY!!  Here is part of your past and i hope you like it^^ *I always have a tendancy to put the past in my stories hahaha*  Anyways i hope you like it and Stay Tuned(=^^=)


Who did better?

tumblr_lt23gq0rie1qc7bsx.gif  Me either^^  *Chunji*

tumblr_m6w43mjZEc1r86akk.gif  Hahahaha  *Jonghyun*

100723_900.gif  I see what you did there^^ hahaha  *Taec*

tumblr_mdx90r4OxP1rxy9gi.gif  Hahahaaha i want to do that^^  *House*

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Nadja_000 #2
Chapter 5: Please update soon! Love the story <3
Chapter 4: Amazing story & keep it up - Yuki
nerry55 #4
Chapter 4: I love this story! Please keep updating!! I'm really curious about her life
Chapter 1: I really like your story so far! Please continue to update! xD