IILWMTA - Chapter 5

I'm In Love With My Teacher's Assistant

Chapter 5


Ryeowook yawns as he slowly moves around. He rubs his arms as he walks out the kitchen and to his bedroom. He couldn’t believe it was already December. Yesung has been Ryeowook’s neighbor now for about 5 months, Ryeowook’s boyfriend for one. Ryeowook smiles at the thought. Ah, he still couldn’t believe it.

Sighing, Ryeowook grabs his school jacket. The cold came quicker than that expected. But luckily classes will be ending soon for the holiday break. Ryeowook sighs as he picks up his bag before turning off the light and walking out the room. Ryeowook didn’t know what he was going to do for the break.

Sure he’ll spend Christmas with his parents, but as for the other days, they were just way too busy. Especially around holidays. Truth be told, it was actually just Christmas dinner that he spends with them. Turning off the other lights, Ryeowook walks to the front door. Once his coat and shoes were on, Ryeowook walks out the door.

After locking his door, Ryeowook turns to go down the stairs. He stops when he notices a fancy black car waiting in front of the building. “Ah, I guess they noticed how cold it’s been getting.” he says as he begins walking down the stairs. As he descends down the stairs, two men in a black suit step out the car. The one from the passenger side of the car walks around.

“Good Morning, Mr. Kim.” the men greet, bowing as Ryeowook walks over. Ryeowook smiles. “Ah, good morning to you too, Kwang and Doojin.” he greets back. Kwang then opens the back car door. Just as Ryeowook was about to get into the car, a voice calls him. Turning, Ryeowook could see Yesung looking down at him from their floor.

Smiling, Ryeowook waves. “Good Morning Yesung.” he greets. “My ride is here so I’ll see you at school.” he says. Seeing Yesung nod, Ryeowook gets into the car. Kwang closes the door behind him before him and Doojin move to get back into the car. Looking out the tinted window, Ryeowook could see the confused look on Yesung’s face.

As the car pulls off, Ryeowook sighs and sits back in the seat. “I’ll tell him later.” he says. A minute later the car stops. The other back door opens and Kyuhyun along with Samona and Henry pile into the car. “Good morning.” they greet. Ryeowook smiles. “Good morning guys and girl.” he greets back.

“Ryeowook have you thought about what you’re doing for Christmas?” Henry asks as the car pulls off again. Ryeowook shakes his head. “Probably just dinner with my parents like always.” he says. Samona looks at him. “Ah, you know you could always join us.” she says. Ryeowook shakes his head. “No thanks, I’ll wait to join you guys on New Year’s.” he says. The others nod.



Yawning, Ryeowook steps out the car. “Thank you for driving me today.” Ryeowook says to Kwang and Doojin. “See you tomorrow.” he says before closing the door. He then walks to the building and walks up the steps. Unlocking his door, Ryeowook pushes it open. “Ryeowook.” someone calls out making Ryeowook stop. Ryeowook immediately felt himself cheer up at the familiar voice.

Turning, Ryeowook sees Yesung climbing the stairs. “Hey Yesung.” he greets. Smiling, Yesung stops in front of him before leans down and kissing him. Ryeowook smiles back as a slight blush crosses his face. “You’re home already?” he asks. Yesung nods. “Want to come over then?” Ryeowook asks. Yesung smiles. “Of course.” he says.

Yesung follows Ryeowook into the apartment, shutting the door behind him. Removing their shoes and coats, the two walk to the living room. “Okay, wait here; I’ll go make sure something hot to drink.” Ryeowook says. Nodding, Yesung sits down on the couch as Ryeowook walks into the kitchen.

After a minute, Yesung sighs. “So Ryeowook…” he starts. “What’s with the men in black suits coming to pick you up?” he asks. “Did someone put a hit out on you and they’re your bodyguards?” he asks. Ryeowook lets out a laugh as he walks into the living room carrying a small tray with two cups on it.

Sitting the tray down on the table, Ryeowook sits down on the couch, next to Yesung. “My parents spend them to me whenever I need to go somewhere that too far for walking distance. Also when it’s too cold for me to be walking somewhere. They drop me off and pick me up from school. I even have Samona, Henry, and Kyuhyun ride along with me since they also walk to school.” he explains.

“So… you’re rich?” Yesung asks. Ryeowook looks up from the cup he was about to grab. “Eh, I guess you can say that. My parents are rich.” he says. “I guess that’ll make me rich too. You know by logic.” he says. Ryeowook then shrugs. “Yeah, my parents are fashion designers/make-up artists. Their joint line is ‘R+W Kim’s Men and Women’ clothing line. My mom also has a kid’s line too. She says it reminds her of when I was a baby.” he says.

Seeing a weird look go across Yesung’s face, Ryeowook raises a brow. “What was that look for?” he asks. Yesung shakes his head. Pouting, Ryeowook grabs onto Yesung’s arm. “Come on, tell Me.” he says shaking Yesung. A minute later, Yesung sighs. “It just, it seems that the clothes that I wear are from your parents clothing line.” he says.

Blinking, Ryeowook looks over the clothes that Yesung had on. “Wah, I didn’t notice. They look different on you.” he says. Yesung looks at him. “Different?” he asks. Ryeowook nods. “Yeah, different as in better looking.” he says smiling. Smiling back, Yesung leans forward and kisses Ryeowook. “Ah, thank you for the compliment.” he says.

“So Yesung, what are you going to do for Christmas break?” Ryeowook asks. Yesung shrugs. “I’ll be going to my parents’ house and spend it with them and my brother.” he says. “What about you?” he asks. Ryeowook shakes his head. “Just have Christmas dinner with my parents.” he says. Yesung looks at him. “Just that?” he asks and Ryeowook nods.

“So you’re not going to do anything else with you parents?” he asks. Ryeowook shakes his head. “No, they’ll be too busy for us to plan anything else.” he says. “It’s always like this during holidays.” he says. Yesung nods. “And you’re okay with that?” he asks. Ryeowook nods. “Of course I am. It’s always been like this. But as long as I can spend the actual holiday with them, I’m fine.” he says smiling.

“Ah, you’re so sweet.” Yesung says wrapping his arm around Ryeowook. Ryeowook smiles. “So will you be at Samona’s and Henry’s New Year’s party?” he asks. Yesung nods. “Yeah. I’ll be there.” he says.


~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~

A.N.: And that is Chapter 5. :D

In this chapter you’ve learned a little about Ryeowook’s parents. :D

That’s right; his parents are fashion designers and make-up artists. I came up with this because I know Ryeowook loves make-up samples at stores. XD

His parents make an appearance in the next chapter so watch out. Actually they’ll be the main characters for the next chapter along with Ryeowook of course.

So anyways, I hope you liked this chapter. ^_^

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Chapter 12: waaaaaahhhhh..seriously??? Hahaha best ending ever!!
Chapter 10: waaahhhh . I wish this really happen to them..thank you for this.
Chapter 9: oh..Siwon!! Hahaha *i borrowed it* that is so frustrating on Ryeowook's part..hahaha bad Yesung!!
Chapter 6: awww that's so sad and hurting..
Chapter 3: Hahaha Wookie is so cuteeee!!
..waaahh.you're.on.the.right.choice.of.making a YeWook.story,
Chapter 2: I like it... Yet I don't like how you pair yourself up with Henry. And make everyone protective. I like OCs who are happily forever alone and totally love and push the characters together. ^.^
i just finish reads all of your chappie, and its really great job author...
i'll be reads the sequel too
Chapter 13: Oooh I like! Please write a sequel ;u;
Chapter 13: Mind blown! :O you troll xD anyway, great story! Sequel please!